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Wikisource:Proofread of the Month

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Wikisource:Proofread of the Month

Each month, the Wikisource community chooses a text that needs to be proofread. Anyone can help. The purpose of this project is to increase the number of proofread texts on Wikisource and to help improve the overall quality of the project.

The current Proofread of the Month is

Towards a New Architecture  (1927)
by Le Corbusier.

Last month completed: Precious Stones

The next scheduled collaboration will begin in March.

  1. Index:Dictionary of National Biography volume 01.djvu
  2. Index:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 1.djvu (The Life of Jonathan Swift)
  3. Index:Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.djvu
  4. Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 19.djvu (805pp)

Alternatively, have a page randomly selected that requires validation.

Past Collaborations