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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/41

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Territory West of the Mississippi River and North of Missouri attached to Michigan. An act to attach the territory of the United States west of the Mississippi river and north of the state of Missouri to the territory of Michigan.June 28, 1834.
Payment of Interest on Part of the Public Debt of the City of Washington. An act for the benefit of the city of Washington. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
French Seamen killed at Toulon. An act to enable the President of the United Stats to make an arrangement with the government of France in relation to certain French seamen killed or wounded at Toulon, and their families.June 28, 1834.
Correction of Erroneous Selections of Land in Indiana. An act to authorize the correction of erroneous selections of land granted to the state of Indiana for the purpose of constructing the Michigan road.June 28, 1834.
Advertisement of Sales of Public Lands. An act limiting the times of advertising the sales of the public lands.June 28, 1834.
Improvement of Harbours and Rivers. An act making additional appropriations for certain harbours and removing obstructions in the months of certain rivers, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Military Academy. An act making appropriations for the military academy, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Indian Treaties, &c. An act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Repeal of the Proviso in the Act to extend the Time for Locating certain Donation Lands in Arkansas. An act further to provide for the location of certain land in the territory of Arkansas.June 28, 1834.
Pre-emption Rights in Louisiana. An act in reference to pre-emption rights in the south-eastern district of Louisiana.June 28, 1834.
Consent of Congress to a Compact of Boundary between New York and New Jersey. An act giving the consent of Congress to an agreement or compact entered into between the state of New York and the state of New Jersey respecting the territorial limits and jurisdiction of said states.June 28, 1834.
Collection Districts. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act to annex a part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York; to remove the office of collector of Niagara to Lewistown; to make Cape St. Vincent, in the district of Sackett’s Harbour, a part of delivery; and out of the districts of Miami and Mississippi, to make two new districts, to be called the districts of Sandusky and Teche, and for other purposes.”June 30, 1834.
Purchase of the Books and Papers of General Washington. An act to enable the Secretary of State to purchase the papers and books of General Washington.June 30, 1834.
Roads in Arkansas. An act authorizing the President of the United States to cause certain roads to be opened in Arkansas.June 30, 1834.
Duties on Imports. An act to suspend the operations of certain provisoes of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)June 30, 1834.
Marine Corps. An act for the better organization of the United States “Marine Corps.”June 30, 1834.
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Army. An act to increase and regulate the pay of the surgeons and assistant surgeons of the army.June 30, 1834.
Naval Pensions. An act concerning naval pensions and the navy pension fund.June 30, 1834.
Ports of Entry and Delivery. An act to establish a port of entry at Natchez, in Mississippi, and creating certain ports of delivery, and for other purposes.June 30, 1834.
Repair of the Mars Hill Military Road. An act for the repair of the Mars Hill military road, in the state of Maine.June 30, 1834.
Wabash and Erie Canal Lands. An act authorizing the selection of certain Wabash and Erie canal lands, in the state of Ohio.June 30, 1834.
Bust of Chief Justice Ellsworth. An act to procure a bust in marble of the late Chief Justice Ellsworth.June 30, 1834.
Duty on Lead. An act concerning duty on lead. (Obsolete.)June 30, 1834.