(Redirected from Song (Finch))
[edit]- "Song" (The girl sat under the beetling cliff)
[edit]- "Song" (Lady, let me woo you with song)
[edit]- "Song I" (Come here fond youth, whoe'er thou be)
- "Song II" (If ever thou didst joy to bind)
- "Song III" (Leave me, simple shepherd, leave me)
- "Song IV" (When gentle Celia first I knew)
- "Song V" (As near a weeping spring reclin'd)
- "Song VI" (When first upon your tender cheek)
- "Song" (If words were not so weak)
- "Song" (Geraldine, the moon is shining)
- "Song" (King Julius left the south country)
- "Song" (Lord of Elbe, on Elbe hill)
- "Song" (O between distress and pleasure)
- "Song" (The linnet in the rocky dells)
- "Song" (This shall be thy lullaby)
- "Song" (What rider up Gobeloin's glen)
- "Song" (All suddenly the wind comes soft)
- "Song" ('Oh! Love,' they said, 'is King of Kings)
- "Song" (The way of love was thus)
- "Song" (For her gait, if she be walking)
- "Song" (Nay but you, who do not love her)
- "Song" (Soon as the glaz'd and gleaming snow)
- "Song" (Ae fond kiss, and then we sever)
- "Song" (It was upon a Lammas night)
- "Song" (O whistle, and I'll come to ye, my lad)
- "Song" (Breeze of the night in gentler sighs)
[edit]- "Song"
- "Song" (With thee my thoughts are calm and sweet)
- "Song" (For me the jasmine buds unfold)
- "Song" (Friendship from its moorings strays)
- "Song" (Her cheek is like a tinted rose)
- "Song" (If love were but a little thing)
- "Song" (If love were not, the wilding rose)
- "Song" (Love never is too late) see "Love never is Too Late"
- "Song" (My love is fairer than the tasseled corn)
- "Song" (The new-born leaves unfolding fast)
- "Song" (Sweet is the birth of love, and the awaking)
- "Song" (Tho' veiled in spires of myrtle-wreath)
- "Song" (Here's a health to thee, Mary)
[edit]- "Song"
- "Song" (Go and catch a falling star)
- "Song" (Ne'er did the homage of my heart)
- "Song" (Mary, the summer hours are swiftly flying)
- "Song" (I have watched for thy coming)
- "Song"
- "Song" (My heart to thy heart)
- "Song" (My soul, lost in the music's mist)
- "Song" (Wintah, summah, snow er shine)
- "Song" (At true Luve's bidding, wilt thou gae)
- "Song" (O here's to the year that's awa')
- "Song" (Ye're no sae vera kind, my lad)
[edit]- "Song" (What can it mean?—that glance so tender)
[edit]- "Song" (In April earth is white and rose)
- "Song" (Lark, in the glow of eve)
- "Song" (A little longer still in summer suns)
- "Song" (I awoke in the morning not knowing)
- "Song" (I love her gentle forehead)
- "Song" (If, lest thy heart betray thee)
- "Song" (Love, Love, my love)
- "Song" (Maria Mia)
- "Song" (My love grew)
- "Song" (Not from the whole wide world)
- "Song" (O purer far than ever I!)
- "Song" (O whither has she fled from out the dawning and the day?)
- "Song" (The birds were singing)
- "Song" (Years have flown)
Edmund Gosse and Hans Gadow
[edit]- "Song", an article in 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica
[edit]- "Song" (Why should we with fancied cares), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1808)
- "Song" (Say, does calm Contentment dwell), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1808)
- "Song" (Oh! bear me to the groves of palm), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1812)
- "Song" (Success to the heroes of gallant Castile), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1812)
- "Song", a.k.a. "His Mistress to Him at His Farewell" (You may vow I'll not forget), from Hesperides (1648)
- "Poem V.–Song" (On our cottage roof lies snow)
- "Song X" (Calm have grown now our hearts)
- "Song XX" (You ask how I would like to die?)
- "Song" (O crimson rose, O crimson rose)
- "Song" (How often in my life to find)—as translated by Alice Stone Blackwell
- "Song"
[edit]- Song (Where is thy home in thy promised land)
- Song (When you mournfully rivet your tear-laden eyes)
- Song (The moment must come, when the hands that unite)
- Song (Pass thy hand through my hair, love)
- Song (Never, oh never more! shall I behold)
- Song (I sing the yellow leaf)
- "Song"
- "Song" (O clouds, ye boisterous flock of birds)
[edit]- "Song II, New Monthly 1836" (A mouth that is itself a rose)
- "Song, 8th May 1830" (Memory) (A Voice of gentle singing)
- "Song, 8th May 1830" (The Portrait) (Ah! let me look upon thy face)
- "Song, 29th June 1822" (Ah, look upon those withered flowers)
- "Song, 29th March 1823" (All over the world with thee, my love!)
- "Song IV, New Monthly 1836" (As steals the dew along the flower)
- "Song, 5th January 1822" (Are other eyes beguiling, Love?)
- "Song, 11th October 1823" (Beautiful are the hues that lie)
- "Song, 3rd April 1824" (Do any thing but doubt me, Love!)
- "Song, 3rd April 1824" (Do you recall one autumn night)
- "Song, The Casket, 1829" (Dream, dream, let me dream)
- "Song, 15th October 1825" (Fair morning, why art thou so fair?)
- "Song, 27th March 1824" (False as thou art, yet still farewell!)
- "Song, 25th December 1824" (Farewell! and soon between us both)
- "Song I, New Monthly 1837" (Farewell, and when to-morrow)
- "Eulalia's Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (Farewell, farewell, I'll dream no more)
- "Song, 23rd October 1824" (Farewell to all! I shall not gaze)
- "Song, (The Improvisatrice (1824)" (Farewell!—we shall not meet again!)
- "Song, 29th April 1826" (Float, float, down the stream)
- Song, 29th June 1822, For Music
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (Matrimonial Creed) (He must be rich whom I could love)
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (How vain to cast my love away)
- "Song, 24th April 1824" (I cannot bear to look on thee)
- "Song, 2nd August 1823" (I envy thee, thou careless wind!)
- "Song, 14th May 1825" ( I have a summer gift)
- "Isabelle's second Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (I have belied my woman's heart)
- "Song, 9th April 1825" (I knew I Loved in vain)
- "Amenaïde’s Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (I know my heart is as a grave)
- "Song, 29th March 1823" (I'll meet thee at the midnight hour)
- "Song I, New Monthly 1836" (I loved her! and her azure eyes)
- "Song from The Venetian Bracelet" (I pray thee let me weep to-night)
- "Song III, New Monthly 1836" (I send back thy letters)
- "Song, New Monthly, 1825" (I vow'd a vow of faith to thee)
- "Song, 1st November 1823" (I will swear to thee by that bright star,)
- "Song, 21st January 1826" (I would that I could cease)
- "Song, Friendship’s Offering, 1827" (I wrote my name upon the sand)
- "Song, 4th September 1824" (It is not for your eagle eye)
- "Song, in The Zenana, 1833" (Lady, sweet Lady, song of mine)
- "Song, 11th October 1823" (Last night, a fairy bark, for Hope,)
- "Song, The Court Journal, 22nd August 1835" (Let morning light fall o'er thee)
- "Song, 9th March 1822" (Listen to the tale)
- Song, 29th June 1822, Love's Last Words
- "Song II, New Monthly 1837" (May morning light fall o'er thee)
- "Song, 25th December 1824" (My heart is filled with bitter thoughts)
- "Clemenza's Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (My heart is like the failing hearth)
- "Song, in The Zenana, 1833" (My lonely lute, how can I ask)
- "Song, 9th April 1825" (My heart is wholly changed)
- "Song, 4th June 1825" (My own love, my dear love)
- "Song, New Monthly, 1825" (Oh breathe not of love)
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (Oh! come to my slumber)
- "Song, 27th August 1823" (Oh do not talk to me of love)
- "Song, 27th August 1825" (Oh, it is not for the laurel’s sake)
- "Song, 3rd January 1824" (Oh meet me once, but once again)
- "Song, 23rd August 1823" (Oh leal I'll be to thee, my love)
- "Song from The Venetian Bracelet" (Oh never another dream can be)
- "Song, 2nd August 1823" (Oh never throw thy love away)
- "Song, 4th September 1824" (Oh! no, no, this love is not love for me)
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (Oh! say not love was never made)
- "Song, New Monthly, 1825" (Oh say not that my heart is dead)
- "Song, 10th January 1824" (Oh speak not of love)
- "Song, in The Zenana, 1833" (Oh weep not o’er the quiet grave)
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (Oh! would that love had power to raise)
- "Song From Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage" (Oh! yet one smile, tho' dark may lower)
- "Song, 24th November 1821" (Oh, you cannot prove false to me, my love)
- "Song, Heath's Book of Beauty, 1833" (Our early years—our early years)
- "Song, 29th March 1823" (Pledge not that sparkling bowl)
- "Song, 8th May 1830" (The Departed) (Set thy spur to thy steed, thy sail to the wind)
- "Song, 12th May 1827" (She took a flower, and plucked the leaves)
- "Song, 24th January 1824" (Take back your wreath, your sunny wreath)
- "Song, 12th May 1827" (The desert hath a dreary waste)
- "Song, 29th March 1823" (The dream on the pillow)
- "Song, 1st November 1823" (The ring you gave, the kiss you gave,)
- "Song, 25th December 1824" (The sun was setting o'er the sea)
- "Song, 31st January 1824" (The wreath of green leaves that was bound)
- "Song, 8th May 1830" (The Absent) (There is no music on the strings)
- "Song, 26th January 1822" (There were sweet sounds waked from my harp)
- "Song, 31st December 1825" (There’s a shade upon that fountain)
- "Song, 5th January 1833" (These are the words, the burning words)
- "Song, 3rd April 1824" (They say, that when the oyster shell)
- "Song, 26th June 1824" (This is enough! this broken heart)
- "Song, 1827" (Thou shalt think of me when the stars are weeping)
- "Song, 9th April 1825" (Too well I know my heart)
- "Song, 29th March 1823" (What was our parting?—one wild kiss)
- "Song, 5th January 1833" (When do I think of thee?)
- "Song, 28th June 1823" (When last we parted, we stood beneath)
- "Song, 21st January 1826" (When Love first came to me)
- "Isabelle's first Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (Where do purple bubbles swim)
- "Lolotte's Song from The Golden Violet, 1827" (Where, oh! where's the chain to fling)
- "Song, 8th May 1830" (The Companions) (With thy step in the stirrup, one cup of bright wine)
- "Song, 2nd August 1823" (Yes, it was here, 'neath midnight skies)
- "Song, 27th August 1823" (Yes, still truly thine! Ah, they never Love knew)
- "Song, 3rd April 1824" (Young Beauty once dwelt in a bower)
- "Song" (She's somewhere in the sunlight strong)
- "Song" (There's a smile on thy lips, Mary)
- "Song" (I remember, I remember, though it seems to me a dream)
- "Song" (Come back! cried Cupid; 'tis not too late)
- "Song" (Bring me roses, red roses, to fling o'er my wine)
- "Song" (Ah! Wisdom may speak from his bright open page)
- "Song"
[edit]- "Song" (Oh, come to me, come to me, bringing)
- "Song"
- "Song" (As the inhastening tide doth roll)
- "Song", a.k.a. "The Lover Urges the Better Thrift" (My Fair, no beauty of thine will last)
- "Song" ("O cherry-tree, let slip your petals bright")
- "Song" ("Your kiss, beloved, was to me")
- "Song" ("He courted me in parlour, and he courted me in ha'")
- "Song" ("How I envy the ring that encircles thy finger!")
- "Song" ("If to thy heart I were as near")
- "Song" ("I look on thee once more")
- "Song" ("O licht, licht was maid Ellen's fit")
[edit]- "Song" (Now the Spring is waking)
[edit]- "Song" (She goes all so softly)
[edit]- "Song" ("'Tis true our life is but a long disease,")
- "Song" (I saw thee on thy bridal day)
[edit]- "Song" (Oh roses for the flush of youth)
- "Song" (She sat and sang alway)
- "Song" (Two doves upon the selfsame branch)
- "Song" (When I am dead, my dearest)
- "Song" (Oh what comes over the sea)
[edit]- "Song"
- "Song" (Rarely, rarely, comest thou)
- "Song" (I bring my weariness to thee)
- "Song" (On the Eastern Way at the city of Lo-yang)
- "Song" (My hands embraced the violin)
- "Song" (Light foot and tight foot)
- "Song" (Why so pale and wan, fond lover?)
- "Song" (Thy feelings must reach o'er all thy soul)
[edit]- "Song" (Like some rare queen of old romance), from Sonnets to Duse and other Poems (1907)
- "Song" (You bound strong sandals on my feet), from Helen of Troy and Other Poems (1911)
- "Song" (O woe is me, my heart is sad), from Helen of Troy and Other Poems (1911)
- "Song" (When Love comes singing to his heart), from Helen of Troy and Other Poems (1911)
- "Song" (Love me with your whole heart), from Rivers to the Sea (1915)
- "Song" (Sorrow, like a mighty bird)
- "Song" (The Owl) (When cats run home and light is come)
- "Song" (Second Song) (Thy tuwhits are lulled I wot)
- "Song" (I' the glooming light)
- "Song" (A spirit haunts the year's last hours)
- "Song" (The lintwhite and the throstlecock)
- "Song" (Every day hath its night)
- "Song" (Who can say)
- "Song" (A spirit haunts the year's last hours)
- "Song" (The winds as at their hour of birth)
- "Song" (When I bade thee adieu, thou rememb'rest the time)
- "Song" (Rose! thou art the fairest flower)
- "Song" (Oh, lady! sing that song again)
- "Song" (Oh! tell me, beloved one, dost thou think of me)
- "Song" (By every stream, by every way)
[edit]- "Song" (When fields were green and skies were clear)
- "Song" (She dwelt among th' untrodden ways)