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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/35

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Of Places and Rocks between Cornwall and Scilly Page 1
Of Mounts Bay. ibid.
Penſance. ibid.
The Gulf-Rock, &c. 4
The ſetting of Tides in thoſe Seas. 6
Beſt Time for making a Paſſage between Cornwall and Scilly. 7
Directions for ſailing in and out, at the ſeveral Sounds. ibid.
Of the Iſlands. 8
Of St. Mary's Sound. ibid.
Anchoring in the Road. 9
Of Crow Sound. 10
Other Sounds from 11 to 14
Dr. Halley's Remarks on the Steerage of homeward-bound Ships for avoiding the Danger of Scilly. 15
Situation of the Iſlands. 19 and 20
Time of High-Water. 21
Riſe and Fall of Tides. ibid.
Names of the ſeveral Iſlands. 24
A Map of them. ibid