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From Wikisource
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A list of abbreviated redirects to pages at Wikisource:

Policy and guidelines

Pagename Redirects to page
Wikisource:Administrator policy WS:AP
Wikisource:Blocking policy WS:BP
Wikisource:Copyright policy WS:COPY, WS:Copyright
Wikisource:Deletion policy WS:DP
Wikisource:Speedy deletion criteria WS:CSD
Wikisource:Protection policy WS:PP
Wikisource:Style guide WS:STYLE
Wikisource:What Wikisource includes WS:WWI
Wikisource:Bots WS:BOTS
Wikisource:Featured texts WS:FT



Community pages

Pagename Redirects to page
Wikisource:Administrators WS:ADMIN, WS:ADMINS
Wikisource:Administrator's noticeboard WS:AN
Wikisource:Books WS:B
Wikisource:Scriptorium WS:S
Wikisource:Scriptorium/Help WS:S/H, WS:RFA, WS:H
Wikisource:Bot users WS:BU


Pagename Redirects to page
Wikisource:WikiProject WS:WP
Wikisource:WikiProject on infrastructural and guidance development WS:IGD
Wikisource:WikiProject NARA WS:NARA
Wikisource:WikiProject NSRW WS:NSRW
Wikisource:WikiProject NLS WS:NLS
Wikisource:WikiProject Bible dictionaries WS:WPBD
Wikisource:WikiProject Popular Science Monthly WS:PSM

Structure and maintance



Pagename Redirects to page
Category:Categories CAT:CAT
Category:Texts to be split CAT:SPLIT
Category:Deletion requests CAT:DEL
Category:Speedy deletion requests CAT:SDD
Category:Wikisource templates CAT:T

Process pages

Pagename Redirects to page
Wikisource:Featured text candidates WS:FTC
Wikisource:Copyright discussions WS:COPYVIO, WS:CV
Wikisource:Proposed deletions WS:DEL, WS:PD

General information, help, and tutorials

Pagename Redirects to page
Help:Contents WS:HELP
Help:Copyright tags H:CT
Help:Beginner's guide to Wikisource H:BEGIN, H:BASIC
Help:Beginner's guide to Index: files H:INDEX
Help:Digitising texts and images for Wikisource H:SCAN
Help:Namespaces H:NS
Help:Proofread H:SIDE, H:Side, H:PR
Help:Templates H:T
Help:Transclusion H:TRANS
Wikisource:What is Wikisource? WS:WIW
Wikisource:Shortcut WS:SHORT
Wikisource:Shortcuts WS:CUTS, WS:WS
Wikisource:Wikidata WS:WD


Pagename Redirects to page
Wikisource:Index WS:I
Wikisource:Index/Community WS:I/C


Pagename Redirects to page
Portal:Portals P:P, P:TOP
Portal:Index P:I
Portal:General Works P:GEN
Portal:Texts by Country P:TBC
Portal:Social Sciences P:SOC
Portal:Political Science P:POL
Portal:Law P:LAW
Portal:Education P:EDU
Portal:Music P:MUS
Portal:Language and literature P:LIT, P:LANG
Portal:Science P:SCI
Portal:Medicine P:MED
Portal:Agriculture P:AGR