Advents of Christ, 126, 153, 236–238.
Æschylus on the unity of God, 330.
Analogies, heathen, to Christ's doctrine, 24.
— to Christ's history, 25.
— to the Sonship of Christ, 26.
Analogy of death and sleep, 444.
Anaximander and Anaximenes, 289.
Angels, how they transgressed, 75, 197, 405.
— their office, 406.
— their freedom of will, 227, 276, 358, 406.
Antoninus, emperor, epistle in behalf of the Christians, 67.
Archelaus the Athenian, 289.
Argument, the, of Justin's apology stated, 27.
Aristotle, opinions of, 290–292.
Atheism, 10.
Athenagoras, notice of, 373; his martyrdom of the martyrs, 367–370; his plea for Christians to the emperors, 375–421; his work on the resurrection, 423–456.
Baptism, Christian, 59, 104, 140.
— its imitation by demons, 60.
Birds, the two, in Lev. xiv., 357.
Chariton, examination of, by the prefect Rusticus, 368.
Children, exposed, 30; murdered, 419.
Christ Jesus, 26, 43, 76, 148, 191–196, 247, 266, 357.
— shown to be God, from His appearances to Abraham, 157–163; objection met, that He ate, 164; from visions to Jacob, 165; from His interviews with Moses, 167; from the testimony of Proverbs, 171.
— called the Lord of Hosts, 132, 205, 358.
— distinguished from the Father, 261–263.
— called the Word, 10, 15, 25, 36, 83, 260–262, 385.
— the Son of God, 11, 17, 26, 27, 46, 57, 76, 140, 148, 228, 245, 247, 261, 385.
— His humanity, 26, 27, 36, 47, 48, 83, 140, 148, 173, 178, 204, 358.
— His early history, 195–197, 227.
— crucified, 16, 34, 37, 47, 49, 156, 221–232.
— His work, 47.
— blood of, 35, 101, 156, 173.
— His cross, symbols of, 54, 207–212, 221.
— the curse He endured, 218–222.
— His advent foretold, 34–37, 40.
— His appearances before His coming in the flesh, 259–261.
— His titles in Scripture, 76, 258, 259.
— His first and second coming, 124, 126, 153, 236–238.
— testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Moses, 34, 153, 158, 191; of David, 40, 42, 127–130, 132–135, 174, 175, 190, 203, 205, 222–232; of Isaiah, 35, 49, 101, 192–197, 204; of Micah, 36; of Zephaniah, 38; of Zechariah, 155.
— the Holy Spirit received by Him, 210.
— figures of: Joshua, 240–248, 266; Noah, 273–275; Mosaic laws, 137–140.457