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Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 2.djvu/472

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Christ Jesus, called Jacob, Israel, and Son of Man, 224, 257.

— His reign and majesty, 42, 45, 50, 124, 192, 270.

— not a magician, 32.

— compared with Socrates, 79.

— His resurrection, 232235, 351.

— His rejection by the Jews, 39, 48, 234, 271.

— of faith in, 80, 97, 245, 252.

— salvation alone in, 119, 142145.

Christians, apologies for, by Justin Martyr, 784; by Athenagoras, 375421.

— their treatment at the hands of the heathen world, 27, 33, 56, 72, 78, 237, 375378.

— testimonies of Roman emperors as to, 6669.

— accused of atheism, 10, 379385, 387.

— other charges against, 415.

— inquiry into charges against them demanded, 711, 377, 378.

— charges refuted: shown they do not worship idols, 13, 28; nor offer sacrifices, 388.

— worship God, 11, 12, 379394.

— their teaching, 386.

— their moral life, 1417, 30, 31, 75, 81, 237, 416419.

— their worship, 6365, 385, 390, 394.

— their treatment at the hands of the Jews, 38, 108, 135, 136, 220, 243.

— blamed for not observing the law, 98, 109.

— for not submitting to be circumcised, 116, 122, 242.

— have the true righteousness, 123.

— shown to be called like Abraham, 248; promised as a seed to the patriarchs, 250; are the true Israel, 254, 270; are the sons of God, 256.

Church, Jacob's marriages a figure of, 269.

Circumcision, 106, 110, 116, 216, 122, 242.

Continence of Christians, 31.

Corruption, 358.

Creation, purpose of, 437.

Crescens, his prejudices, 74.

Cross, symbols of the, 54, 207212, 221.

Cruelty condemned, 419.

Curse, the, 218222.

Death, 14, 80, 82.

— of Christ predicted, 231.

Deeds, evil, their punishment, 12.

— their detection, 15.

Demons, 17, 75, 82; their imitations of divine things, 54, 55, 60; cause persecution, 56; allure to image worship, 408; artifices of, 410.

Devils, 54, 66, 60, 63, 78, 198, 245.

— distort the truth, 184, 185.

Devil as a roaring lion to Christ, 229.

— why plots against us, 356.

Dialogue of Justin Martyr with Trypho the Jew, 85278.

Divinations, 22.

Dream senders, 22.

Elijah, 149.

Emperors, Roman, testimony to Christians, 6669.

Epicurus, opinions of, 82, 289.

Eucharist, 64.

Euripides, on a future judgment, 333; on false gods, 336338.

Fables, heathen, 184.

Faith in Christ, 80, 97, 245, 252.

Fasting, 105.

Fate, 4345, 78.

Flesh, human, 432.

Forgiveness of sin, 101, 143.

Foreknowledge of God, 45.

Forerunner of Christ, 151153.

Free will in man and angels, 227, 276, 358.

Gentiles, 52; conversion of, 235237, 252, 263, 264.

Giants, 406.

Goats, the two, 358.

God, 1115, 31, 45, 76, 94, 98, 99, 355.

— His care for men, 31.

— how He appeared to Moses, 61.

— how known, 9093.

— not give His glory to another, 177.

— His righteousness, 216218.

— what He decreed concerning Christ, 227.

— His namelessness, 305.

— rejected by Jews, 271.

— His unity and sole government, treatise by Justin on, 329340.
— testimonies to unity from Greek poets: Æschylus, 330; Sophocles,