Of the noble Family of Godolphin. | Page 230 | |
Of Lioneſs, once a Tract of Land joining Scilly and Cornwall. | 234 | |
Britain, once a Peninſula, by Dr. Muſgrave. | 235 | |
Virgil's Account of the Separation of Iſlands from the Main Land. | 239 | |
Claudian's Opinion concerning the ſame. | 240 | |
Of Iſlands in general. | 241 | |
The Opinion of Naturaliſts concerning them. | ib. | |
A ſunk Iſland in the Humber recovered. | 243 | |
An Iſland of Fire ſprung out of the Sea. | 246 | |
Scilly compared with Cornwall. | 247 |
Description of Cornwall. | ||
Name derived. | 248 | |
The Soil, Hills, Stones, Minerals, &c. | 253 | |
Of Tin. | ||
Stream and Load Works. | 254 | |
Tin-Stones, or Shoad. | 255 | |
Of finding Stream-Works. | 256 | |
The Nature of the Ore. | 259 | |
Manner of working. | 263 | |
Of breaking, ſtamping, drying, craſing, waſhing, caſting, &c. | 266 to 269 | |
Tinners Cuſtoms. | 271 | |
Coinage Towns. | 273 | |
Tinners Privileges and Charters. | 274 | |
Stannery-Court of Juſtice. | 277 |
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