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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/41

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Of the noble Family of Godolphin. Page 230
Of Lioneſs, once a Tract of Land joining Scilly and Cornwall. 234
Britain, once a Peninſula, by Dr. Muſgrave. 235
Virgil's Account of the Separation of Iſlands from the Main Land. 239
Claudian's Opinion concerning the ſame. 240
Of Iſlands in general. 241
The Opinion of Naturaliſts concerning them. ib.
A ſunk Iſland in the Humber recovered. 243
An Iſland of Fire ſprung out of the Sea. 246
Scilly compared with Cornwall. 247

Description of Cornwall.
Name derived. 248
The Soil, Hills, Stones, Minerals, &c. 253
Of Tin.
Stream and Load Works. 254
Tin-Stones, or Shoad. 255
Of finding Stream-Works. 256
The Nature of the Ore. 259
Manner of working. 263
Of breaking, ſtamping, drying, craſing, waſhing, caſting, &c. 266 to 269
Tinners Cuſtoms. 271
Coinage Towns. 273
Tinners Privileges and Charters. 274
Stannery-Court of Juſtice. 277
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