United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/Lists and Tables/17th
Acts of the Seventeenth Congress of the United States.
STATUTE I.-1821, 1822.
Transmission of public Documents free of Postage. An act authorizing the transmission of certain documents free of postage. (Obsolete.)Dec. 19, 1821.
649 |
Time for the Redemption of Lands sold for direct Taxes extended. An act reviving and extending the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes in certain cases. (Expired.)Feb. 4, 1822.
649 |
Pensions. An act to revive and continue an act entitled "An act to provide for persons who were disabled by known wounds received in the revolutionary war." Feb. 4, 1822.
650 |
Appropriations for the Support of the Navy for 1822. An act making partial appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States during the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. Feb. 19, 1822.
650 |
Debt of the United States. An act authorizing the transfer of certain certificates of the funded debt of the United States. (Obsolete.)Feb. 19, 1822.
651 |
Preservation of Timber in Florida for Naval Purposes. An act for the preservation of the timber of the United States in Florida. Feb. 23, 1822.
651 |
Apportionment of Representatives in Congress according to the fourth Census. An act for the apportionment of representatives among the several States according to the fourth census. March 7, 1822.
651 |
Appropriations for the Military Service for 1822, 1823. An act making appropriations for the military service of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and towards the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. (Obsolete.)March 15, 1822.
652 |
Provision for the Execution of the Laws of the United States in the State of Missouri, &c.. An act to provide for the execution of the laws of the United States within the State of Missouri, and for the establishment of a District Court therein. March 16, 1822.
653 |
Establishment of a Territorial Government in Florida. An act for the establishment of a territorial government in Florida. March 30, 1822.
654 |
The State of Illinois authorized to open a Canal to connect the Illinois River with Lake Michigan. An act to authorize the State of Illinois to open a canal through the public lands, to connect the Illinois river and Lake Michigan. March 30, 1822.
659 |
Commerce and Navigation of Florida. An act concerning the commerce and navigation of Florida. March 30, 1822.
660 |
Lots in the City of New Orleans and Town of Mobile. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act authorizing the disposal of certain lots of public ground in the city of New Orleand and the town of Mobile." March 30, 1822.
661 |
Process in the Courts of the United States in the State of Tennessee. An act to amend the laws now in force as to the issuing original writs and final process in the Circuit Courts of the United States within the State of Tennessee.
661 |
District Court in Alabama. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to alter the terms of the District Court in Alabama." April 17, 1822.
662 |
Port of Entry and Delivery in the District of Philadelphia. An act to fix the limits of the port of entry and delivery in the district of Philadelphia. April 17, 1822.
662 |
District of Bristol and Warren. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to establish the district of Bristol and to annex the towns of Kittery and Berwick to the district of Portsmouth," passed February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and one. April 17, 1822.
662 |
Duties on the Sword presented to Captain Macdonough remitted. An act to remit the duties on a sword imported to be presented to Captain Thomas Macdonough, of the United States navy. April 17, 1822.
662 |
District of Blakely established. An act to establish the district of Blakely. April 17, 1822.
663 |
Debt of the United States. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a stock bearing an interest of five per cent., for certain stocks bearing an interested of six and seven per cent. April 20, 1822.
663 |
Assent of Congress to Acts of Maryland and Georgia. An act to revive and continue in force "An act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the States of Maryland and Georgia." April 20, 1822.
665 |
Relief of Purchasers of Public Lands. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act for the relief of the purchasers of the public lands prior to the first day of July, eighteen hundred and twenty." (Expired.)April 21, 1822.
665 |
District Courts in the western District of Virginia. An act to alter the times of holding courts in the western district of Virginia, and for other purposes. April 26, 1822.
666 |
District Court of the District of Mississippi. An act altering the time and place of holding the District Court in the district of Mississippi. April 26, 1822.
667 |
Encouragement of the Cultivation of the Vine and Olive. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive." April 26, 1822.
667 |
Public Lands in Missouri. An act to perfect certain locations and saled of public lands in Missouri. April 26, 1822.
668 |
Appropriations for the Support of Government in 1822.. An act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)April 30, 1822.
668 |
Appropriations for the public buildings. An act making appropriations for the public buildings. (Obsolete.)May 1, 1822.
673 |
Payment to Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama of three per cent. of the Proceeds of Public Lands. An act to provide for payment to the States of Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama three per cent. of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same. May 3, 1822.
674 |
Treasury Notes not to be received in Payment, or paid, or funded, except at the Treasury. An act relating to treasury notes. May 3, 1822.
675 |
Relief of Officers, Volunteers, and others engaged in the Campaign against the Seminole Indians. An act for the relief of the officers, volunteers and other persons engaged in the late campaign against the Seminole Indians. May 4, 1822.
676 |
Appropriations for the Support of the Navy for 1822. An act making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)May 4, 1822.
676 |
Repeal of the Act to encourage Vaccination. An act to repeal the act entitled "An act to encourage vaccination." May 4, 1822.
677 |
District Court in New Jersey. An act to alter the times of holding the District Court in the district of New Jersey. May 4, 1822.
678 |
Appropriations for the Expenses of Missions to the Independend Nations on the American Continent. An act making to defray the expenses of missions to the independent nations on the American continent. May 4, 1822.
678 |
Militia Fines vested in the State of Pennsylvania. An act vesting in the State of Pennsylvania the right of the United States to all fines assessed for the non-performance of militia duty during the late war with Great Britain. May 4, 1822.
678 |
Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes abolished.. An act to abolish the United States tradeing establishment with the Indian tribes. May 6, 1822.
679 |
Public Land Districts in Mississippi and Alabama. An act providing for the diposal of the public lands in the State of Mississippi, and for the better organization of the land districts in the States of Alabama and Mississippi. May 6, 1822.
680 |
Relief of Insolvent Debtors in the District of Columbia. An act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors. May 6, 1822.
681 |
Regulation of Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers," approved thirtieth of March, one thousand eight hundred and two. May 6, 1822.
682 |
Assent of Congress to Acts of the States of South Carolina and Georgia. An act to continue in force "An act declaring the consent of Congress to acts of the State of South Carolina, authorizing the City Council of Charleston to impose and collect a duty on
the tonnage of vessels from foreign ports; and to acts of the State of Georgia, authorizing the port imposition and collection of the tonnage of vessels in the ports of Savannah and St. Mary." May 7, 1822. | 683 |
Collection of Duties on Imports and Tonnage in Florida. An act to provide for the collection of duties on imports and tonnage in Florida, and for other purposes. May 7, 1822.
684 |
Relief of the People of Florida from certain Ordinances. An act to relieve the people of Florida from the operation of certain ordninances. May 7, 1822.
685 |
School Lands in Indiana. An act authorizing the location of certain school lands in the State of Indiana. (Obsolete.)May 7, 1822.
686 |
Military Peace Establishment. An act to repeal the fourteenth section of "An act to reduce and fix the military peace establishment," passed the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. May 7, 1822.
686 |
Appropriations for the Military Establishment in 1822. An act making further appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the year eighteen thousand and twenty-two, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)May 7, 1822.
686 |
Amendment of Acts relative to the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments. An act further to amend the several acts relative to the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments. May 7, 1822.
688 |
Compensation to the Commissioner of public Buildings. An act fixing the compensation of the commissioner of public buildings. May 7, 1822.
689 |
Annuities to certain Indian Tribes, &c.. An act to provide for annuities to the Ottawas, Pattawatimas, Kickapoos, Choctaws, Kaskaskias, to Mushalatubbee, and to carry into effect the treaty of Saginaw. May 7, 1822.
690 |
The Corporation of the City of Washington authorized to drain and dispose of certain Grounds. An act to authorize and empower the corporation of the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, to drain the low grounds on and near the public reservations, and to improve and ornament certain parts of such reservation. May 7, 1822.
691 |
Compensation to Officers of the Customs, &c.. An act further to establish the compensation of officers of the customs and to alter certain collection districts, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)May 7, 1822.
693 |
Sale of certain public Lots in Ohio. An act vesting the commissioners of the counties of Wood and Sandusky, the right to certain lots in the towns of Perrysburg and Crochansville, in the State of Ohio, for county purposes. May 7, 1822.
696 |
Debt of the United States. An act authorizing the payment of certain certificates. May 7, 1822.
696 |
Surveyors-general of the United States. An act requiring surveyors-general to give bond and security for the faithful disbursement of public money, and to limit the term of office. May 7, 1822.
697 |
Light-houses. An act to authorize the building of light-houses therein mentioned, and for other purposes. May 7, 1822.
698 |
Claims of Lots in the Town of Mobile confirmed. An act confirming claims to lots in the town of Mobile, and to land in the former province of West Florida, which claims have been reported favourably on by the commissioners appointed by the United States. May 8, 1822.
699 |
Land-office in Illinois. An act to establish an additional land-office in the State of Illinois. May 8, 1822.
700 |
Land District in Illinois. An act to designate the boundaries of a land district, and for the establishment of a land-office in the State of Indiana. May 8, 1822.
701 |
Post-roads. An act to establish certain post-roads and to discontinue others, and for other purposes. May 8, 1822.
702 |
Land Claims in the District east of the Island of New Orleans. An act supplementary to the several acts for adjusting the claims to land, and establishing land-offices, in the districts east of the Island of New Orleans. May 8, 1822.
707 |
Land Claims and Titles to Land in Florida. An act to ascertain the claims and titles to land within the territory of Florida. May 8, 1822.
709 |
1. Providing for the distribution of the secret journals and foreign correspondence of the old Congress, and of the journal of the convention which formed the Constitution of the United States. Jan. 11, 1822
718 |
2. Providing for the distribution of the marshal's returns of the fourth census. Feb. 4, 1822.
719 |
3. Directing the classification and printing of the accounts of the several manufacturing establishments and their manufactures, collected in obedience to the tenth section of the act to provide for taking a fourth census. March 30, 1822.
719 |
4. Providing for the security in the transmission of letters, &c., in the public mails. April 26, 1822.
719 |
STATUTE II.-1822, 1823.
An additional Naval Force for the Suppression of Piracy. An act authorizing an additional naval force for the suppression of piracy. Dec. 20, 1822.
720 |
Representatives from Alabama. An act conerning the apportionment of representatives in the State of Alabama. (Obsolete.)Jan. 14, 1823.
720 |
Appropriations for the Support of Government in 1823. An act making a partial appropriation for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. (Obsolete.)Jan. 14, 1823.
721 |
Army Supplies. An act to continue the present mode of supplying the army of the United States. Jan. 23, 1823.
721 |
Copies of Papers relating to Public Lands to be obtained from the Departments. An act to enable the proprietors of lands held by titles derived from the United States to obtain copies of papers from the proper deapartment, and to declare the effect of such copies. Jan. 23, 1823.
721 |
Piracy. An act in addition to an act to continue in force "An act to protect the commerce of the United States, and to punish the crime of piracy," and also to make further provision for punishing the crime of piracy. Jan. 30, 1823.
721 |
Michigan Territory. Appointment of an additional judge. An act to provide for the appointment of an additional judge for the Michigan territory, and for other purposes. Jan. 30, 1823.
722 |
Disbursement of public Money. An act concerning the disbursement of public money. Jan. 31, 1823.
723 |
Land Claims in the Territory of Michigan. An act to revive and continue in force certain acts for the adjustment of land claims in the territory of Michigan. (Expired.)Feb. 21, 1823.
724 |
Judicial Districts in South Carolina. An act to divide the State of South Carolina into two judicial districts. Feb. 21, 1823.
726 |
Mechanics' Bank of Alexandria. An act to extend the charter of the Mechanics' Bank of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia. (Expired.)Feb. 21, 1823.
726 |
Land Claims in Louisiana. An act supplementary to the several acts for the adjustment of land claims in the State of Louisiana. Feb. 28, 1823.
727 |
Road from Miami of the Lake to the Connecticut Western Reserve. An act for laying out and making a road, from the lower rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie to the western boundary of the Connecticut Western Reserve, in the State of Ohio, agreeable to the provisions of the treaty of Brownstown. Feb. 28, 1823.
727 |
Cumberland Road. An act appropriating moneys for the purpose of repairing the public road from Cumberland to Wheeling. Feb. 28, 1823.
728 |
Land Claims in Louisiana. An act to revive and continue in force the seventh section of an act entitled "An act supplementary to the several acts for the adjustment of land claims in the State of Louisiana," approved the eleventh May, eighteen hundred and twenty, and for other purposes. (Expired.)Fev. 28, 1823.
729 |
Public Lands in Tennessee. An act to repeal so much of an act, passed the eighteenth April, one thousand eight hundred and six, as limits to the price of certain lands in the State of Tennessee. Feb. 28, 1823.
729 |
Duties on Imports and Tonnage. An act supplementary to, and to amend an act, entitled "An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage," passed second March, one thousand eight seven hundred and ninety-nine, and for other purposes. March 1, 1823.
729 |
Suspension of commercial Intercourse with certain British Ports. An act to regulate the commercial intercourse between the United States and certain British colonial ports. March 1, 1823.
740 |
District Courts in Kentucky. An act to alter the time for holding the District Court of the district of Kentucky. March 1, 1823.
742 |
Jurisdiction and Proceedings before Justices of the Peace in the District of Columbia. An act to extend the jurisdiction of justiced of the peace, in the recovery of debts, in the District of Columbia. March 1, 1823.
743 |
Commercial Convention with France. An act for carrying into effect the convention of navigation and commerce between the United States and France, concluded at Washington on the twenty-fourth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-two. March 3, 1823.
747 |
Appropriations for the Military Service for the Year 1823. An act making appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
748 |
Further Appropriations for the Military service for 1823. An act making further appropriation for the military service of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
749 |
Florida Territory. An act to amend "An act for the establishment of a territorial government in Florida," and for other purposes. March 3, 1823.
750 |
Claims to Lands in Florida, &c.. An act amending, and supplementary to, the "Act for ascertaining claims and titles to land in the territory of Florida," and to provide for the survey and disposal of the public lands in Florida. March 3, 1823.
754 |
Land Titles in Louisiana. An act providing for the examination of th etitles to land in that part of the State of Louisiana situated between the Rio Hondo and the Sabine river. March 3, 1823.
756 |
Appropriations for the Support of Government in 1823. An act making appropriations for the support of government in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
757 |
Appropriations for the Support of the Navy in 1823. An act making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
763 |
Post-roads. An act to discontinue certain post-roads and establish others. March 3, 1823.
764 |
Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. An act to continue in force the act, entitled "An act to provide for reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court," passed the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
768 |
Treaty between the United States and Spain. An act to carry into effect the ninth article of the treaty concluded between the United States and Spain, the twenty-second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. March 3, 1823.
768 |
Territory of Michigan. An act to amend the ordinance and acts of Congress for the government of the territory of Michigan, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
769 |
Public Accounts. An act in addition to the act, entitled "An act for the prompt settlement of public accounts," and for the punishment of the crime of perjury. March 1, 1823.
770 |
Frauds on the Government of the United States. An act for the punishment of frauds committed on the government of the United States. March 3, 1823.
771 |
Virginia Military Land Warrants. An act extending the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and returning survey thereon to the general land-office. March 1, 1823.
772 |
Pre-emption of certain Lands granted to the State of Alabama. An act granting to the State of Alabama the right of pre-emption to certain quarter-sections of land. March 3, 1823.
773 |
Circuit Courts in Maine and New Hampshire. An act altering the time of holding the Circuit Court in the district of Maine and New Hampshire. March 3, 1823.
773 |
Courts of the United States in New York. An act supplementary to "An act for the better organization of the courts of the United States within the State of New York." March 3, 1823.
774 |
Mint. An act further to prolong the continuance of the mint at Philadelphia. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
774 |
District Court in Louisiana. An act for the better organization of the District Court of the United States within the State of Louisiana. March 3, 1823.
774 |
District Court in Vermont. An act to alter the time of holding the District Court in Vermont. March 3, 1823.
776 |
Military Land Warrants. An act extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants to officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
776 |
The Time for the Redemption of Lands sold for direct Taxes extended. An act to extend the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct tax in certain cases. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
776 |
Militia Fines incurred in Virginia relinquished to the State of Virginia. An act vesting in the State of Virginia the right of the United States to all fined assessed for the non-performance of militia duty, during the late war with Great Britain, within the said state. March 3, 1823.
777 |
A monument to be erected over the Tomb of Elbridge Gerry. An act for the erection of a monument over the tomb of Elbridge Gerry, the late Vice-President of the United States. March 3, 1823.
777 |
Currency of the Crowns of France, and Five France Pieecs[sic]. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act regulating the currency within the United States of the gold coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain, and the crowns of France and the five franc pieces," passed on the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, so far as the same related to the crowns of France and five france pieces. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
777 |
Lost in Shawneetown. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to remit the installments due on certain lots in Shawneetown, in the State of Illinois. March 3, 1823.
778 |
Additional Land-offices in Michigan. An act to establish an additional land-office in the territory of Michigan. March 3, 1823.
778 |
Gold Coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain receivable for Public Lands. An act making gold coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain receivable in payment on account of public lands. March 3, 1823.
779 |
Repairing certain Roads for the Transportation of the Mail. An act for clearing, repairing, and improving certain roads for the purpose of facilitating the transportation of the United States mail. March 3, 1823.
779 |
Stamps. An act respecting stamps. (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
779 |
Light-houses and Beacons. An act to authorize the building of light-houses, light-vessels, and beacons, therein mentioned, and for other purposes. March 3, 1823.
780 |
Relief of the Purchasers of Public Lands. An act further to extend the provisions of the act, entitled "An act supplementary fo an act entitled 'An act for the relief of the purchasers fo the public lands prior to the first July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty.'" (Expired.)March 3, 1823.
781 |
Entry of Merchandise from adjacent Territories. An act to amend an act, entitled "An act further to regulate the entry of merchandise imported into the United States from any adjacent territory." March 3, 1823.
781 |
Pensions. An act supplementary to the acts to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war. March 1, 1823.
782 |
Land-offices in Ohio and Indiana. An act supplementary to the act, entitled "An act to designate the boundaries of district, and establish land-offices for the disposal of the public lands, not heretofore offered for sale, in the States of Ohio and Indiana." March 3, 1823.
783 |
Appropriations for Fortifications for the Year 1823. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
783 |
Appropriations for public Buildings. An act making appropriations for the public buildings. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
784 |
Repairs of the Post-office, &c.. An act to authorize the postmaster-general to pay for certain repairs to the general post-office, and keep the engine house, the fire engine, and apparatus in repair. March 3, 1823.
784 |
Accounts for Clerk hire in the Land-offices of Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas. An act to enable the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department to audit and settle the accounts of the surveyor of public lands in the States of Illinois and Missouri, and territory of Arkansas, for extra clerk hire in his office. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1823.
784 |
Circuit Court of Washington, &c.. An act providing for the accomodation of the Circuit Court of the United States for Washington county, in the District of Columbia, and for the preservation of the records of said court. March 3, 1823.
785 |
An additional Land-office in Missouri established. An act to establish an additional land-office in the State of Missouri. March 3, 1823.
785 |
Laws of the United States. An act to authorize the purchase of a number of copies of the sixth volume of the laws of the United States. March 3, 1823.
786 |
Claims to Lots in Peoria confirmed. An act to confirm certain claims to lots in the village of Peoria, in the State of Illinois. March 3, 1823.
786 |
Lands granted to the State of Missouri, for Education, &c.. An act concerning the lands to be granted to the State of Missouri, for the purpose of education, and other public uses. March 3, 1823.
787 |
Ransom of American Captives. An act supplementary to "An act relating to the ransom of American captives of the late war." March 3, 1823.
788 |
National Armory on the western Waters. An act to establish a national armory on the western waters. March 3, 1823.
788 |
Piracy. An act respecting the punishment of piracy. March 3, 1823.
789 |
1. Requiring from the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives an annual statement of the expenditured from the contingent fund of the two Houses. March 1, 1823.
789 |
2. To direct the withholding of the compensation of certain prize agents. March 3, 1823.
789 |