The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Table of Contents
[edit]- Abbott, Hon. Sir Joseph Palmer
- Abbott, Robert Palmer
- a'Beckett, His Honour Thomas
- a'Beckett, Hon. Thomas Turner
- a'Beckett, Sir William
- a'Beckett, Hon. William Arthur Callendar
- Abigail, Francis
- Abraham, Right Reverend Charles John
- Adams, Francis William Leith
- Adams, Philip Francis
- Adams, Robert Dudley
- Adams, Hon. Robert Patten
- Adamson, Travers
- Addis, William E.
- Agg, Alfred John
- Agnew, Hon. James Wilson
- Ahearne, Surgeon-Major Joseph
- Airy, Major Henry Park
- Akhurst, William
- Alexander, Samuel
- Allen, Hon. George
- Allen, Hon. Sir George Wigram
- Allen, Harry Brookes
- Allen, James
- Allen, Captain William
- Allen, Rev. William
- Allport, Morton
- Allwood, Rev. Canon Robert
- Anderson, George
- Anderson, John Gerard
- Anderson, Lieut.-Colonel Joseph
- Anderson, Hon. Robert Stirling Hore
- Anderson, Hon. William
- Anderson, Colonel William Acland Douglas
- Andrew, Professor Henry Martyn
- Andrew, Rev. John Chapman
- Andrews, Henry James
- Andrews, Hon. Richard Bullock
- Andrews, Walter Boyd Tate
- Angas, George Fife
- Angas, George French
- Angas, Hon. John Howard
- Angelo, Lieut.-Col. Edward Fox
- Annett, Thomas Henderson
- Anstey, Hon. Henry Frampton
- Aplin, Hon. William
- Archer, Alexander
- Archer, Archibald
- Archer, Rev. Canon George Frederick
- Archer, Thomas
- Armytage, George
- Arney, Sir George Alfred
- Arnold, Thomas
- Arnold, Hon. William Munnings
- Aspinall, Hon. Butler Cole
- Atkins, Robert Travers
- Atkinson, Major Hon. Sir Harry Albert
- Austin, Thomas
- Ayers, Hon. Sir Henry
[edit]- Backhouse, James
- Badgery, Henry Septimus
- Badham, Rev. Charles
- Bagot, Captain Charles Hervey
- Bagot, John Tuthill
- Bailey, Frederick Manson
- Baillie, Sir George
- Baker, Hon. Ezekiel Alexander
- Baker, Hon. John
- Baker, Hon. Richard Chaffey
- Baker, Rev. Shirley W.
- Balfe, John Donellan
- Balfour, Hon. James
- Ballance, Hon. John
- Bancroft, Joseph
- Barker, Right Rev. Frederic
- Barker, John
- Barkly, Sir Henry
- Barlee, Sir Frederick Palgrave
- Barling, Joseph
- Barlow, Right Rev. Christopher George
- Barrow, John Henry
- Barry, Right Rev. Alfred
- Barry, Hon. Sir Redmond
- Barton, Hon. Edmund
- Barton, George Burnett
- Basedow, Martin Peter Friedrich
- Bates, Hon. William
- Bath, James
- Bathgate, Alexander
- Bathgate, Hon. John
- Bayles, Hon. William
- Bayley, Hon. Lyttleton Holyoake
- Beach, William
- Bealey, Samuel
- Beaney, Hon. James George
- Belcher, Rev. Robert Henry
- Bell, Hon. Sir Francis Dillon
- Bell, Hon. James
- Bell, Hon. Sir Joshua Peter
- Belmore, Right Hon. Somerset Richard Lowry Corry, 4th Earl of
- Belstead, Charles Torrens
- Belstead, Francis
- Benjamin, Hon. Sir Benjamin
- Bennett, David
- Bennett, George
- Bennett, Samuel
- Bennett, William Christopher
- Bent, Hon. Thomas
- Beor, Hon. Henry Rogers
- Berkeley, Hon. Henry Spencer Hardtman
- Bernays, Lewis Adolphus
- Berry, David
- Berry, Hon. Sir Graham
- Berry, Hon. John
- Best, Robert Wallace
- Beveridge, Peter
- Bews, Hon. David
- Bickerton, Alexander William
- Bindon, Hon. Samuel Henry
- Bird, Hon. Bolton Stafford
- Birnie, Richard
- Black, Alexander
- Black, Maurice Hume
- Black, Hon. Neil
- Blackall, Col. Samuel Wensley
- Blackett, Cuthbert Robert
- Blackett, John
- Blackmore, Edwin Gordon
- Blackmore, James Newnham
- Blair, David
- Blair, William Newsham
- Blakeney, William Theophilus
- Bland, Rivett Henry
- Bland, William
- Blyth, Hon. Sir Arthur
- Blyth, Neville
- Bolton, Hon. Henry
- Bonney, Charles
- Bonwick, James
- Bonython, John Langdon
- Boothby, His Honour Benjamin
- Boothby, Josiah
- Boothby, William Robinson
- Bosisto, Joseph
- Boucaut, Hon. James Penn
- Bourke, General Sir Richard
- Bourne, Joseph Orton
- Bowen, Hon. Charles Christopher
- Bowen, Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson
- Bower, David
- Boyes, Edward Taylor
- Bracken, Thomas
- Braddon, Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry
- Bramston, John
- Bray, Hon. Sir John Cox
- Brentnall, Hon. Frederick Thomas
- Brett, Henry
- Bride, Thomas Francis
- Brierly, Sir Oswald Walters
- Bright, Charles Edward
- Bright, Hon. Henry Edward
- Brisbane, General Sir Thos. Makdougall
- Britton, Alexander
- Britton, Henry
- Bromby, Charles Hamilton
- Bromby, Right Rev. Charles Henry
- Bromby, Rev. Henry Bodley
- Bromby, Rev. John Edward
- Brooke, Gustavus Vaughan
- Brooke, Hon. John Henry
- Broome, Sir Frederick Napier
- Broome, Mary Anne, Lady
- Broughton, Vernon Delves
- Brown, Gilbert Wilson
- Brown, Henry Yorke Lyell
- Brown, Professor John McMillan
- Brown, Hon. Nicholas John
- Brown, Sir William
- Browne, Thomas Alexander
- Browne, Sir Thomas Gore
- Brownless, Anthony Colling
- Brownrigg, Major Henry Studholme
- Bruce, Lieut.-Col. John
- Brunker, Hon. James Nixon
- Brunton, William
- Bryce, Hon. John
- Buchanan, Hon. David
- Buckley, William
- Buckland, Rev. John Richard
- Buckley, Hon. Sir Patrick Alphonsus
- Budge, Alexander Campbell
- Bull, John Wrattall
- Buller, Sir Walter Lawry
- Bundey, Hon. William Henry
- Bunny, Brice Frederick
- Burgess, William Henry
- Burgoyne, Thomas
- Burke, Robert O'Hara
- Burnett, Commodore William Farquharson
- Burns, Hon. John Fitzgerald
- Burns, Rev. Thomas
- Burrowes, Hon. Robert
- Burt, Sir Archibald Paull
- Burt, Octavius
- Burt, Hon. Septimus
- Burton, Sir William Westbrooke
- Butler, Hon. Edward
- Butler, Hon. Henry
- Butler, Very Rev. Joseph
- Buvelot, Abraham Louis
- Buzacott, Charles Hardie
- Byrne, Right Rev. Joseph Patrick
- Byrne, Hon. Robert
- Byrnes, Hon. Thomas Joseph
[edit]- Cadell, Francis
- Cadman, Hon. Alfred Jerome
- Caffyn, Stephen Mannington
- Cairns, Rev. Adam
- Cairns, Sir William Wellington
- Calder, James Erskine
- Calvert, Caroline Louisa Waring
- Calvert, Rev. James
- Calvert, John Jackson
- Cameron, General Sir Duncan Alexander
- Camidge, Right Rev. Charles Edward
- Campbell, John Logan
- Campbell, Hon. Sir Thomas Cockburn
- Campbell, Rev. Thomas Hewitt
- Cani, Right Rev. John
- Canterbury, Right Hon. John Henry Thomas Manners Sutton, 3rd Viscount
- Cape, William Timothy
- Carey, Major-General George Jackson
- Cargill, Captain William
- Carleton, Hugh Francis
- Carr, Hon. John
- Carr, His Grace the Most Rev. Thomas J.
- Carrington, Right Hon. Charles Robert, Baron
- Carrington, Francis Thomas Dean
- Carrington, Frederic Alonzo
- Carrow, Richard
- Carruthers, Joseph Hector McNeil
- Casey, Hon. James Joseph
- Castella, Hubert de
- Castella, Paul de
- Catt, Hon. Alfred
- Cavenagh-Mainwaring, Hon. Wentworth
- Chaffey, George and William Benjamin
- Challis, John Henry
- Chalmers, Rev. James
- Chalmers, Right Rev. William
- Chambers, Charles Haddon
- Champ, Colonel Hon. William Thomas Napier
- Chandler, Alfred Thomas
- Chanter, John Moore
- Chapman, Hon. Henry Samuel — Victorian Attorney-General and author
- Chapman, Hon. Thomas Daniel — Premier of Tasmania
- Cheeke, Hon. Alfred
- Chester, Henry Majoribanks
- Chetham-Strode, Alfred Rowland
- Childers, Right Hon. Hugh Culling Eardley
- Chisholm, Caroline
- Christie, Major William Harvey
- Chubb, Hon. Charles Edward
- Chute, General Sir Trevor
- Clark, Hon. Andrew Inglis
- Clark, Rev. Charles
- Clark, John Howard
- Clarke, Lieut.-General Hon. Sir Andrew
- Clarke, Hon. Fielding
- Clarke, Rev. George
- Clarke, James Langton
- Clarke, Joseph
- Clarke, Marcus
- Clarke, William
- Clarke, Rev. William Branwhite
- Clarke, Hon. Sir William John
- Clarke, Hon. William John Turner
- Clayden, Arthur
- Clifford, Sir Charles
- Clifton, Leonard Worsley
- Cockburn, Hon. John Alexander
- Cockle, Sir James
- Coghlan, T. A.
- Cohen, Hon. Edward
- Cohen, Hon. Henry Emanuel
- Cole, Edward William
- Cole, Hon. George Ward
- Colenso, Rev. William
- Coles, Hon. Jenkin
- Colton, Hon. Sir John
- Combes, Hon. Edward
- Conigrave, John Fairfax
- Conolly, His Honour Edward Tennyson
- Cooke, Ebenezer
- Cooper, Sir Daniel
- Cooper, George Sisson
- Cooper, Hon. Pope Alexander
- Cope, His Honour Thomas Spencer
- Copeland, Hon. Henry
- Copley, Hon. William
- Coppin, Hon. George Selth
- Corbett, Right Rev. Dr. James Francis
- Corney, Hon. Bolton Glanvill
- Costley, Edward
- Cottar, Thomas Young
- Couchman, Lieut.-Col. Thomas
- Counsel, Edward Albert
- Courthope, Edward L.
- Couvreur, Jessie Catherine ("Tasma")
- Cowie, Right Rev. William Garden
- Cowley, Hon. Alfred Sandlings
- Cowlishaw, Hon. James
- Cowper, Hon. Sir Charles
- Cowper, Charles
- Cowper, Ven. Archdeacon William
- Cowper, Very Rev. and Ven. William Macquarie
- Cox, Alfred
- Cracknell, Edward Charles
- Crane, Right Rev. Martin
- Crawford, James Coutts
- Croke, The Most Rev. Thomas William
- Cross, Ada
- Crossman, Major-General Sir William
- Crowther, Hon. William Lodewyk
- Cullen, Edward Boyd
- Cuninghame, Archibald
- Curnow, Francis
- Curnow, William
- Curr, Edward Micklethwaite
- Curtis, Oswald
- Cuthbert, Hon. Henry
[edit]- Daintree, Richard
- Daldy, Captain William Crush
- Dalley, Right Hon. William Bede
- Dalrymple, George Augustus Frederick Elphinstone
- Daly, Sir Dominic
- Daly, Dominick Daniel
- Dampier, Alfred
- Dangar, Hon. Henry Cary
- Darley, Hon. Sir Frederick Matthew
- Darling, Sir Charles Henry
- Darling, Hon. John
- Darling, Lieut.-General Sir Ralph
- Darrel, George
- Darvall, Hon. Sir John Bayley
- Davenport, Sir Samuel
- Davidson, Rev. John
- Davidson, William Montgomery Davenport
- Davies, Hon. David Mortimer
- Davies, Hon. John Mark
- Davies, Hon. Sir Matthew Henry
- Davies, Rowland Lyttleton Archer
- Davis, Hon. George
- Davis, James Davidson
- Davy, Edward
- Dawes, Right Rev. Nathaniel
- Dawson, James
- Day, William Henry
- Deakin, Hon. Alfred
- De Boos, Charles
- Deering, Samuel
- Deffell, George Hibbert
- Deighton, Edward
- de Labilliere, Francis Peter
- Deniehy, Daniel Henry
- Denison, Major-General Sir William Thomas
- Denniston, His Honour John Edward
- De Quincey, Lieut.-Col. Paul Frederick
- Derham, Hon. Frederick Thomas
- Derrington, Edwin Henry
- Deshon, Edward
- Des Vœux, Major Charles Hamilton
- Des Vœux, Sir George William
- de Winton, Major George Jean
- Dibbs, Sir George Richard
- Dick, Hon. Thomas
- Dicken, Charles Shortt
- Dickinson, Sir John Nodes
- Dickson, Hon. James Robert
- Disney, Colonel Thomas Robert
- Dobson, Hon. Alfred — Solicitor-General and Attorney-General of Tasmania
- Dobson, Edward — Provincial Engineer for the Canterbury Province, N.Z.
- Dobson, Hon. Frank Stanley — member of the Victorian Legislative Council
- Dobson, Hon. Sir William Lambert — Chief Justice of Tasmania
- Docker, Hon. Joseph
- Dodds, Hon. John Stokell
- Dodery, Hon. William
- Domett, Alfred
- Don, Charles Jardine
- Donaldson, Hon. John
- Donaldson, Sir Stuart Alexander
- Douglas, Hon. Adye
- Douglas, Hon. John
- Dow, Hon. John Lamont
- Dowling, Henry
- Dowling, His Honour James Sheen
- Downer, Henry Edward
- Downer, Hon. Sir John William
- Downes, Major-General Major Francis
- Doyle, Right Rev. Jeremiah Joseph
- Drake, Sir William Henry
- Draper, Rev. Daniel James
- Drew, William Leworthy Goode
- Driver, Richard
- Drury, Albert Victor
- Drury, Lieut.-Colonel Edward Robert
- Dry, Hon. Sir Richard
- Du Cane, Sir Charles
- Duffield, Walter
- Duffy, Hon. Sir Charles Gavan
- Duffy, Hon. John Gavan
- Duncan, William Augustine
- Dunne, Right Rev. John
- Dunne, the Most Rev. Robert
- Dutton, Hon. Charles Boydell
- Dutton, Francis Stacker — (S.A. Premier)
[edit]- Eager, Hon. Geoffrey
- Eaton, Henry Francis
- Ebden, Hon. Charles Hotson
- Edwards, Major-General Sir James Bevan
- Edwards, Worley Basset
- Egan, Hon. Daniel
- Eggers, William
- Elder, Alexander Lang
- Elder, David
- Elder, Sir Thomas
- Elder, William
- Eliott, Gilbert
- Ellery, Robert Lewis John
- Emberson, Hon. Horace G. C.
- Embling, Thomas
- English, Hon. Thomas
- Erskine, Vice-Admiral James Elphinstone
- Evans, Hon. George Samuel
- Evans, Gowen Edward
- Everard, William
- Eyre, Edward John
[edit]- Fairfax, Rear-Admiral Henry
- Fairfax, Hon. John
- Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold
- Farnell, Hon. James Squire
- Farr, Ven. Archdeacon George Henry
- Farrell, Very Rev. James
- Farrell, John
- Faucett, Hon. Peter
- Favenc, Ernest
- Fawkner, Hon. John Pascoe
- Featherston, Isaac Earl
- Fehon, William Meeke
- Fellows, Hon. Thomas Howard
- Fenton, Francis Dart
- Fenton, James
- Fenton, Hon. Michael
- Fenwick, George
- Fergus, Hon. Thomas
- Fergusson, Right Hon. Sir James
- Fergusson, Major John Adam
- Finch-Hatton, Hon. Harold
- Fincham, James
- Finlayson, John Harvey
- Finn, Edmund
- Finniss, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. Boyle Travers
- Firth, Josiah Clifton
- Fisher, George
- Fisher, Sir James Hurtle
- Fitzgerald, Captain Charles
- Fitzgerald, Hon. George Parker
- FitzGerald, James Edward
- Fitzgerald, Hon. John Foster Vesey
- Fitzgerald, Hon. Nicholas
- FitzGibbon, Edmond Gerald
- Fitzherbert, Hon. Sir William
- Fitzpatrick, Michael
- Fitzroy, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Augustus
- Fitzroy, Vice-Admiral Robert
- Flanagan, Roderick
- Fleming, Sir Valentine
- Fletcher, James
- Fletcher, Rev. William Roby
- Folingsby, George Frederick
- Forbes, Frederic Augustus
- Forbes, Henry Ogg
- Forbes, Sir William Stuart
- Forrest, Alexander
- Forrest, Hon. Edward Barrow
- Forrest, Hon. Sir John
- Forrest, Hon. William
- Forster, Anthony
- Forster, Hon. William
- Fosbery, Edmund Walcott
- Foster, Hon. William John
- Fowler, David
- Fowler, George Swan
- Fox, Sir William
- Francis, George W.
- Francis, Hon. James Goodall
- Frankland, Frederick William
- Franklin, Lady
- Franklyn, Henry Mortimer
- Fraser, Hon. Alexander
- Fraser, Sir Malcolm
- Fraser, Hon. Simon
- Freeling, Major-General Sir Arthur Henry
- French, Colonel George Arthur
- Frome, General Edward Charles
- Furner, Luke Lydiard
- Fysh, Hon. Philip Oakley
[edit]- Gahan, Charles Frederick
- Galloway, Frederic William
- Galloway, John James
- Garner, Arthur
- Garran, Hon. Andrew
- Garrard, Jacob
- Garrett, Thomas
- Garrick, Hon. Sir James Francis
- Garvan, Hon. James Patrick
- Gaunson, David
- Gawler, Colonel George
- Gawler, Henry
- Gellibrand, Hon. Walter Angus Bethune
- Geoghegan, Right Rev. Patrick Bonaventure
- Gibbes, Sir Edward Osborne
- Giblin, Hon. William Robert
- Gibney, Right Rev. Matthew
- Gifford, Right Hon. Edric Frederick
- Giles, Ernest
- Giles, William
- Gill, Rev. William Wyatt
- Gillen, Hon. Peter Paul
- Gilles, Lewis W.
- Gilles, Osmond
- Gillies, Hon. Duncan
- Gillies, Hon. Thomas Bannatyne
- Gillon, Edward Thomas
- Gilmore, George
- Gisborne, Hon. William
- Glasgow, His Excellency the Right Hon. David (Boyle), Earl of
- Glass, Hugh
- Glyde, Hon. Lavington
- Godley, John Robert
- Goe, Right Rev. Field Flowers
- Goldsbrough, Richard
- Goldsworthy, Sir Roger Tuckfield
- Goodchap, Hon. Charles Augustus
- Goodenough, Commodore James Graham
- Goold, Most Rev. James Alipius
- Gordon, Adam Lindsay
- Gordon, Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton
- Gordon, Hon. John Hannah
- Gordon, Major James Miller
- Gordon, William Montgomerie
- Gore, Sir Ralph St. George Claude
- Gore, Sir St. George Ralph
- Gore, Hon. St. George Richard
- Gorst, Right Hon. Sir John Eldon
- Gosman, Rev. Alexander
- Gosse, William Christie
- Gould, Albert John
- Gould, John
- Goyder, George Woodroffe
- Grace, Hon. Morgan Stanislaus
- Graham, Hon. George
- Grant, Hon. James Macpherson
- Graves, Hon. James Howlin
- Gray, His Honour Moses Wilson
- Gray, Robert John
- Greeves, Hon. Augustus Frederick Adolphus
- Gregory, Hon. Augustus Charles
- Gregory, Hon. Francis Thomas
- Gregson, Hon. John Compton
- Gregson, Hon. Thomas George
- Gresson, Henry Barnes
- Greville, Hon. Edward
- Greville, John Roger
- Grey, Sir George
- Griffith, Charles James
- Griffith, Hon. Sir Samuel Walker
- Griffiths, George Samuel
- Grimes, Right Rev. John Joseph
- Groom, William Henry
- Gudgeon, Lieutenant Thomas Wayth
- Guenett, Thomas Harbottle
- Guérard, Jean Eugene von
- Guilfoyle, William Robert
- Gullett, Henry
- Gunn, Robert Campbell
- Günst, Johannes Werner
- Gurner, Henry Field
- Gwynne, Edward Castres
[edit]- Haast, Sir John Francis Julius von
- Habens, Rev. William James
- Hack, John Barton
- Hackett, Hon. John Winthrop
- Haddon, Frederick William
- Hadfield, Right Rev. Octavius
- Haines, Hon. William Clarke
- Hale, Right Rev. Matthew Blagden
- Hall, Edward Swarbreck
- Hall, Hon. Sir John
- Halloran, Henry
- Ham, Hon. Cornelius Job
- Hamilton, Edward Angus
- Hamilton, Edward William Terrick
- Hamilton, George
- Hamilton, Sir Robert George Crookshank
- Hamilton, Rev. R.
- Hamley, Major-General Francis Gilbert
- Hampton, John Stephen
- Handyside, Hon. Andrew Dodds
- Hannaford, Samuel
- Hannam, Willoughby
- Hannay, W. M.
- Hanson, Hon. Sir Richard Davies
- Harcus, William
- Harding, Hon. George Rogers
- Hardman, Edward Townley
- Hare, Charles Simeon
- Hargrave, His Honour the Hon. John Fletcher
- Hargraves, Edward Hammond
- Harker, Hon. George
- Harper, Andrew
- Harper, Right Rev. Henry John Chitty
- Harpur, Charles
- Harris, Rev. Richard Deodatus Poulett
- Hart, Hon. Frederic Hamilton
- Hart, Hon. John
- Hartley, John Anderson
- Harvest, Major-General Edward Douglas
- Haselden, Charles John Allen
- Hastings, Rev. Frederick
- Haultain, Hon. Colonel Theodore Minet
- Hawker, Hon. George Charles
- Hay, Hon. Alexander
- Hay, Ebenezer Storry
- Hay, Hon. Sir John
- Hayter, Henry Heylyn
- Heales, Hon. Richard
- Heaphy, Major Charles
- Hearn, Hon. William Edward
- Heath, Alfred
- Heath, Commander George Poynter
- Heaton, John Henniker
- Hector, Sir James
- Heke, Hoani
- Helmich, A.
- Hemmant, William
- Henderson, Rev. Anketell Matthew
- Hensman, His Honour Alfred Peach
- Henty, Edward
- Henty, Francis
- Henty, Hon. James
- Henty, Hon. William
- Herbert, Hon. Sir Robert George Wyndham
- Heron, Mrs. Henry
- Heussler, Hon. Johann Christian
- Heydon, Hon. Louis Francis
- Heyne, E. B.
- Hickson, Robert Rowan Purdon
- Higgins, Right Rev. Joseph
- Higinbotham, His Honour the Hon. George
- Hill, Henry John
- Hindmarsh, Rear-Admiral Sir John
- Hingston, James
- Hislop, John
- Hislop, Hon. Thomas William
- Hitchin, Edward William
- Hixson, Capt. Francis
- Hobbs, William
- Hobhouse, Right Rev. Edmund
- Hocken, Thomas Morland
- Hocking, Henry Hicks
- Hoddle, Robert
- Hodges, His Honour Henry Edward Agincourt
- Hodgkinson, Hon. William Oswald
- Hodgson, Sir Arthur
- Hogan, James Francis
- Holder, Hon. Frederick William
- Holdsworth, Philip Joseph
- Holroyd, His Honour Arthur Todd
- Holroyd, Hon. Edward Dundas
- Holt, James Richard
- Holt, Hon. Thomas
- Homburg, Robert
- Hopetoun, His Excellency the Right Hon. John Adrian Louis (Hope), Earl of
- Horne, Richard Henry
- Horne, Hon. Thomas
- Hoskins, Hon. James
- Hoskins, William
- Hotham, Captain Sir Charles
- Hovell, Captain William Hilton
- Howard, Rev. Charles B.
- Howe, Hon. James Henderson
- Howitt, Alfred William
- Howitt, William
- Hughes, Henry Kent
- Hughes, Sir Walter Watson
- Hull, Hugh Munro
- Hume, Lieut.-Col. Arthur
- Hume, (Alexander) Hamilton
- Hume, Fergus
- Hume, Walter Cunningham
- Humffray, Hon. John Basson
- Hunt, Robert
- Hutchinson, Right Rev. Monsignor John
- Hutton, Captain Frederick Wollaston
- Hyde-Harris, John
[edit]- Inglis, James
- Innes, Hon. Frederick Maitland
- Innes, Hon. Sir Joseph George Long
- Ireland, Hon. Richard Davies
- Irving, Martin Howy
- Ives, Joshua
[edit]- Jack, Robert Logan
- Jackson, John Alexander
- Jackson, Hon. John Alexander
- Jacob, Hon. Archibald Hamilton
- Jacobs, Very Rev. Henry
- James, John Charles Horsey
- Jardine, Alexander William
- Jarvis, Arthur Harwood
- Jefferis, Rev. James
- Jenkins, John Greeley
- Jenks, Professor Edward
- Jenner, Hon. Caleb Joshua
- Jennings, Hon. Sir Patrick Alfred
- Jenyns, Essie
- Jersey, His Excellency the Right Hon. Victor Albert George Child Villiers
- Jervois, Lieut.-General Sir William Francis Drummond
- Jessop, John Shillito
- Johnson, Edwin
- Johnson, Joseph Colin Francis
- Johnston, Andrew
- Johnston, Alexander James
- Johnston, Hon. James Stewart
- Johnston, Hon. John
- Johnston, Robert Mackenzie
- Johnston, Hon. Walter Woods
- Jollie, Francis
- Jones, Charles Edwin
- Jones, John
- Jones, Richard
- Jordan, Henry
- Josephson, His Honour Joshua Frey
- Julius, Right Rev. Churchill
[edit]- Katene, Wiremu
- Kavel, Rev. August
- Kawepo, Renata
- Keene, William
- Keepa, Major
- Keilly, Henry
- Kemble, Myra
- Kendall, Henry Clarence
- Kennaway, Walter
- Kennedy, Sir Arthur Edward
- Kennerley, Hon. Alfred
- Kennion, Right Rev. George Wyndham
- Kerferd, Hon. George Biscoe
- Kermode, Hon. Robert Quayle
- Kernot, William Charles
- King, Hon. George
- King, Henry Edward
- King, John
- King, Hon. John Charles
- King, Hon. Philip Gidley
- King, Rear-Admiral Phillip Parker
- King, Thomas
- King, Thomas Mulhall
- Kingsley, Henry
- Kingston, Hon. Charles Cameron
- Kingston, Hon. Sir George Strickland
- Kintore, Right Hon. Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith-Falconer
- Knight, Godfrey
- Knight, John George
- Knight, Maggie
- Knight, Thomas John
- Krichauff, Hon. Friedrich Edouard Heinrich Wulf
- Kyte, Ambrose
[edit]- Lackey, Hon. John
- Lalor, Hon. Peter
- Lamb, Edward William
- Landsborough, William
- Lang, Rev. John Dunmore
- Langridge, Hon. George David
- Langton, Hon. Edward
- Langtree, Charles William
- Lanigan, Right Rev. William
- Larnach, Hon. William James Mudie
- Latrobe, Charles Joseph
- Laurie, Henry
- Lavater, George Theodore Adams
- Layard, Edgar Leopold
- Leake, George
- Leake, Hon. George Walpole
- Leake, Hon. Sir Luke Samuel
- Learmonth, Somerville Livingstone
- Learmonth, Thomas Livingstone
- Leary, Joseph
- Le Cren, Charles
- Lee Steere, Hon. Sir James George
- Leeper, Alexander
- Le Fleming, Sir Andrew Fleming Hudleston
- Lefroy, Anthony O'Grady
- Lefroy, Lieut.-General Sir John Henry
- Legge, Colonel William Vincent
- Lette, Hon. Henry Elms
- Levey, George Collins
- Levien, Hon. Jonas Felix
- Leys, Thomson Wilson
- Ligar, Charles Whybrow
- Lilley, Hon. Sir Charles
- Lindauer, Gottfried
- Linton, Right Rev. Sydney
- Lipson, Captain Thomas
- Lisgar (1st Lord)
- Lissner, Isodor
- Liversidge, Professor Archibald
- Lloyd, Hon. George Alfred
- Loch, His Excellency Sir Henry Brougham
- Long, Hon. William Alexander
- Longmore, Hon. Francis
- Lonsdale, Captain William
- Lord, Hon. George William
- Lorimer, Hon. Sir James
- Loton, William Thorley
- Lovett, Major Henry Wilton
- Lovett, William
- Lowe, Right Hon. Robert
- Lowrie, William
- Loyau, George E.
- Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare
- Lucas, Hon. John
- Lucas, Richard James
- Lukin, Gresley
- Lutwyche, His Honour Alfred James Peter
- Lyne, Hon. William John
- Lyttelton, Right Hon. George William, Lord
[edit]- Macalister, Hon. Arthur
- Macandrew, James
- McArthur, Alexander
- Macarthur, David Charteris
- Macarthur, Lieut.-General Sir Edward
- Macarthur, Hannibal Hawkins
- Macarthur, James
- Macarthur, Hon. Sir William
- McArthur, William Alexander
- Macartney, Very Rev. Hussey Burgh
- Macartney, Sir John, Bart.
- MacBain, Hon. Sir James
- McCoy, Prof. Sir Frederick
- M‘Crae, George Gordon
- M‘Culloch, Hon. Sir James
- M‘Culloch, Hon. William
- MacDermott, Marshall
- MacDermott, Hon. Townsend
- Macdonald, James William
- Macdonald-Paterson, Hon. Thomas
- McDonnell, Lieut-Colonel John
- McDonnell, Hon. Morgan Augustus
- MacDonnell, Sir Richard Graves
- McDonnell, Lieut-Col. Thomas
- McDougall, Hon. John Frederick
- McEncroe, Ven. Archdeacon John
- McFarland, His Honour Alfred
- MacFarland, John Henry
- M‘Gowan, Samuel Walker
- MacGregor, Duncan
- MacGregor, Sir William
- McIlwraith, Hon. Sir Thomas
- Mackay, Hon. Angus
- M‘Kean, Hon. James
- MacKellar, Hon. Charles Kinnaird
- Mackelvie, James Tannock
- Mackenzie, Lieut-Col. Henry Douglas
- McKenzie, Hon. John
- Mackenzie, Sir Robert Ramsay
- McKerrow, James
- McKinlay, John
- Mackinnon, Lauchlan
- MacLaurin, Hon. Henry Norman
- M‘Lean, Hon. Allan
- M‘Lean, Sir Donald
- M‘Lean, Hon. George
- Maclean, Hon. John Donald
- McLean, Peter
- Macleay, Sir George
- Macleay, Hon. Sir William John
- Macleay, William Sharp
- McLellan, Hon. William
- MacMahon, Captain Hon. Sir Charles
- MacMahon, Philip
- McMillan, Angus
- McMillan, William
- Macnab, Henry Black
- McNeill, Major-General Sir John Carstairs
- Macpherson, Hon. John Alexander
- Macrossan, Hon. John Murtagh
- Madden, Hon. John
- Madden, Richard Robert
- Madden, Hon. Walter
- Mair, Major William Gilbert
- Mais, Henry Coathupe
- Maniapoto, Rewi
- Maning, Frederick Edward
- Mann, Charles
- Mann, Hon. Charles
- Mann, John
- Manning, Hon. Charles James
- Manning, Frederic Norton
- Manning, Hon. Sir William Montagu
- Mansfield, Rev. Ralph
- Mantell, Hon. Walter Baldock Durant
- Marmion, Hon. William Edward
- Marsden, Right Rev. Samuel Edward
- Martin, Arthur Patchett
- Martin, His Honour the Hon. Sir James
- Martin, Sir William
- Mason, Clayton Turner
- Matheson, John
- Mathieson, John
- Matveieff, Alexey Froloff
- Maunsell, Ven. Robert
- Maxwell, J. P.
- Meaden, John William
- Meares, George
- Mein, Hon. Charles Stuart
- Melba, Madame (Helen Porter Armstrong)
- Melville, Ninian
- Menpes, Mortimer
- Mercer, Rev. Peter
- Meredith, Hon. Charles
- Meredith, Louisa Anne
- Merewether, Francis Lewis Shaw
- Meyer, Oscar
- Michael, James Lionel
- Michie, Hon. Sir Archibald
- Middleton, Lieut.-General Sir Frederick Dobson
- Midwinter, William
- Miles, Hon. William
- Milford, Samuel Frederick
- Miller, Granville George
- Miller, Hon. Henry
- Miller, Hon. Henry John
- Miller, Hon. Maxwell
- Miller, Hon. Robert Byron
- Mills, James
- Milne, Hon. Sir William
- Mitchell, Sir Thomas Livingstone
- Mitchell, Hon. Sir William Henry Fancourt
- Mitchelson, Hon. Edwin
- Mitford, Eustace Reveley
- Moffatt, Hon. Thomas de Lacy
- Molesworth, His Honour Hickman
- Molesworth, Hon. Sir Robert
- Moncrieff, Alexander Bain
- Monro, Sir David
- Montgomery, The Right Rev. Henry Hutchinson
- Montgomery, William
- Montrose, Charles
- Moore, Hon. David
- Moore, Right Rev. James
- Moore, Maggie
- Moore, Hon. William
- Moorhouse, Right Rev. James
- Moorhouse, William Sefton
- Moran, Right Rev. Patrick
- Moran, His Eminence Patrick Francis, Cardinal
- Morehead, Hon. Boyd Dunlop
- Moreton, Hon. Berkeley Basil
- Morgan, Frederick Augustus
- Morgan, Hon. Sir William
- Morgan, William Pritchard
- Morphett, Sir John
- Morrah, Arthur
- Morris, Edward Ellis
- Morris, Henry Thomas
- Mort, Thomas Sutcliffe
- Moss, Frederick Joseph
- Moulden, Beaumont Arnold
- Mueller, Baron Sir Ferdinand von
- Mundy, Alfred Miller
- Munro, Hon. James
- Murdoch, William Lloyd
- Murphy, The Most Rev. Daniel
- Murphy, Sir Francis
- Murphy, Right Rev. Francis
- Murphy, William Emmet
- Murray, Hon. David
- Murray, George Gilbert Aimé
- Murray, Right Rev. James
- Murray, Reginald Augustus Frederick
- Murray, Hon. Sir Terence Aubrey
- Murray-Prior, Hon. Thomas Lodge
- Musgrave, Sir Anthony
- Musgrove, Alexander William
- Mylne, Thomas
[edit]- Nairn, Hon. William Edward
- Neales, Hon. John Bentham
- Neild, James Edward
- Neill, Andrew Sinclair
- Nelson, Hon. Hugh Muir
- Nevill, Right Rev. Samuel Tarratt
- Newbery, James Cosmo
- Newland, Simpson
- Newton, Hon. Hibbert
- Nichols, George Robert
- Nicholson, Sir Charles
- Nicholson, Hon. William
- Nickle, Major-General Sir Robert
- Nimmo, Hon. John
- Nisbet, Hume
- Nisbet, William David
- Nixon, Right Rev. Francis Russell
- Noel, Arthur Baptist
- Noel, Wriothesley Baptist
- Norman, General Sir Henry Wylie
- Normanby, The Most Noble George Augustus Constantine Phipps
- Norton, Hon. Albert
- Norton, Hon. James
- Nowell, Edwin Cradock
[edit]- O'Connell, Hon. Sir Maurice Charles
- O'Connor, C. Y.
- O'Connor, Hon. Daniel
- O'Connor, Hon. Richard Edward
- O'Doherty, Kevin Izod
- O'Donovan, Dennis
- Officer, Charles Myles
- Officer, Sir Robert
- O'Grady, Hon. Michael
- O'Halloran, Joseph Sylvester
- O'Halloran, Major Thomas Shuldham
- O'Halloran, Captain William Littlejohn
- Okeden, William Edward Parry
- Oliver, Charles N. J.
- Oliver, Hon. Richard
- O'Loghlen, Hon. Sir Bryan
- O'Malley, Michael
- Onslow, Alexander Campbell
- Onslow, Captain Arthur Alexander Walton
- Onslow, Right Hon. William Hillier, Earl of
- Ord, Major-General Sir Harry St. George
- O'Reilly, Hon. Christopher
- Ormond, Hon. Francis
- Ormond, Hon. John Davies
- O'Rorke, Sir George Maurice
- O'Shanassy, Hon. Sir John
- Osman, John James
- Outtrim, Hon. Alfred Richard
- Owen, Major-General John Fletcher
- Owen, Hon. Robert
- Owen, His Honour William
[edit]- Packer, Frederick Augustus
- Packer, John Edward
- Palmer, Colonel the Hon. Sir Arthur Hunter
- Palmer, Hon. Sir James Frederick
- Parata, Wiremu
- Parker, Gilbert
- Parker, Sir Henry Watson — (N.S.W. Premier)
- Parker, Stephen Henry
- Parkes, Edmund Samuel
- Parkes, Hon. Sir Henry
- Parnell, Samuel Duncan
- Parry, Right Rev. Edward — (Bishop Suffragan of Dover)
- Parry, Right Rev. Henry Hutton — (Bishop of Perth)
- Parsons, Hon. John Langdon
- Pasley, Major-General Hon. Charles
- Pater, Thomas Kennedy
- Paterson, Alexander Stewart
- Paterson, Hon. William — (correct spelling is Pattison)
- Patterson, Hon. James Brown
- Patteson, Right Rev. John Coleridge
- Paul, George William
- Peacock, Hon. Alexander James
- Pearson, Hon. Charles Henry — Minister of Public Instruction in the Gillies-Deakin Ministry
- Pearson, Right Rev. Josiah Brown — Bishop of Newcastle
- Pearson, Hon. William — M.L.A. North Gippsland and M.L.C. for Eastern Province; racehorse owner
- Pedder, Sir John Lewis
- Pell, Professor Morris Birkbeck
- Pennefather, Frederick William
- Penn, Lieutenant-Colonel Fitzroy Somerset Lanyon
- Perceval, Westby Brook
- Perkins, Hon. Patrick
- Perrin, George Samuel
- Perry, Right Rev. Charles
- Peterswald, William John
- Petherick, Edward Augustus
- Phillimore, Major William George
- Phillips, Major George B.
- Philp, Robert
- Piddington, Hon. William Richman
- Pilkington, Captain Henry Lionel
- Pillinger, Hon. Alfred Thomas
- Pirani, Frederick Joy
- Pitt, Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas Charles Dean
- Playford, Hon. Thomas
- Plunkett, Hon. John Hubert
- Pohlman, His Honour Robert Williams
- Polding, Most Rev. John Bede
- Pollen, Hon. Daniel
- Pompallier, Right Rev. John Baptist Francis
- Potatau
- Powers, Hon. Charles
- Praed, Mrs. Campbell
- Pratt, Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Simson
- Prendergast, Hon. Sir James
- Price, Rev. Charles
- Price, Edward William
- Price, John
- Pring, His Honour the Hon. Ratcliffe
- Prout, John Skinner
- Pugh, Theophilus Parsons
- Pullen, Admiral William John
- Pulsford, Edward
- Purves, James Liddell
- Pyke, Hon. Vincent
[edit]- Radford, Henry Wyat
- Rae, John
- Raff, George
- Ramsay, Hon. John James Garden
- Ramsay, Hon. Robert
- Randell, William Richard
- Rawson, Charles Collinson
- Real, His Honour Patrick
- Redwood, Most Rev. Francis
- Rees, William Lee
- Reeves, Hon. William
- Reeves, Hon. William Pember
- Reibey, Hon. Thomas
- Reid, Donald
- Reid, George Houston
- Reid, Hon. Robert Dyce
- Rennie, Edward Alexander
- Rentoul, Rev. J. Laurence
- Renwick, Hon. Arthur
- Revans, Samuel
- Reville, Right Rev. Stephen
- Reynolds, Most Rev. Christopher Augustine
- Reynolds, Hon. Thomas
- Reynolds, Hon. William Hunter
- Richardson, Hon. Edward — N.Z. politician, Minister for Public Works
- Richardson, Hon. Sir John Larkins Cheese — N.Z. politician, Postmaster-General
- Richardson, Major-General John Soame — Commander of the Forces, N.S.W.
- Richardson, Hon. Richard — Vic. politician, Minister of Lands and Agriculture
- Richmond, Hon. Christopher William N.Z. M.P., Minister of Native Affairs and Colonial Treasurer
- Richmond, Hon. James Crowe — N.Z. M.P. for Omata and 'Grey and Bell', M.L.C.
- Richmond, Major Hon. Matthew — N.Z. M.P. and Chairman of Committees
- Ridley, Rev. William
- Rignold, George
- Rintel, Rev. Moses
- Robe, Major-General Frederick Holt
- Roberts, Col. Charles Fyshe — (N.S.W. Under-Secretary Defence
- Roberts, Charles James — N.S.W. politician and Postmaster-General
- Roberts, Hon. Daniel Foley — Chairman of the Legislative Council, Queensland
- Roberts, John — Mayor of Dunedin, N.Z.
- Robertson, Hon. Sir John — N.S.W. Premier
- Robinson, Right Hon. Sir Hercules George Robert — Governor of New Zealand
- Robinson, His Excellency Sir William Cleaver Francis — Governor of Western Australia
- Roe, Captain John Septimus
- Rogers, John Warrington — Solicitor-General Tas.; judge in Vic.
- Rogers, John William Foster — Author and Inspector of Schools at Sydney, N.S.W.
- Rogers, G. H. — Comedian
- Rolfe, Hon. George
- Rolleston, Christopher
- Rolleston, Hon. William
- Rooke, Hon. Henry Isidore Joachim Raphael
- Rose, W. Kinnaird
- Rosewarne, David Davey
- Ross, Hon. Sir Robert Dalrymple
- Rounsevell, Hon. William Benjamin
- Rous, Admiral Hon. Henry John
- Rowan, Marian Ellis
- Rusden, George William
- Russell, Very Rev. Alexander
- Russell, Lieut.-Col. Andrew Hamilton
- Russell, Henry Chamberlain
- Russell, James George
- Russell, Thomas
- Russell, Captain William Russell
- Rutledge, Hon. Arthur
[edit]- St. Hill, Lieut.-Colonel Windle Hill
- St. Julian, Charles James Herbert
- Salomons, Hon. Sir Julian Emanuel
- Salvado, Right Rev. Rosendo
- Samuel, Hon. Sir Saul
- Sanderson, Frederic James
- Sandford, Rt. Rev. Daniel Fox
- Santo, Philip
- Sargood, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Sir Frederick Thomas
- Saunders, Alfred
- Sawyer, Right Rev. William Collinson
- Schomburgk, Richard Von
- Scott, Hon. James Reid
- Scratchley, Major-General Sir Peter Henry
- Seafield, Earl of
- Searle, Henry Ernest
- Seddon, Hon. Richard John
- See, Hon. John
- Selby, Prideaux
- Selfe, Henry Selfe
- Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil
- Selwyn, Right Rev. George Augustus
- Selwyn, Right Rev. John Richardson
- Senior, William
- Service, Hon. James
- Sewell, Hon. Henry
- Seymour, David Thompson
- Shaw, Bernard
- Sheehan, Hon. John
- Sheil, Right Rev. Lawrence Bonaventure
- Shelton, Edward M.
- Shenton, Hon. George
- Sheppard, Hon. Edmund
- Sheppard, Herbert Norman
- Sheppard, William Fleetwood
- Sheridan, Lieut.-Col. Richard Bingham
- Sherwin, Amy
- Shiels, Hon. William
- Shillinglaw, John Joseph
- Sholl, Lionel Henry
- Sholl, Captain Richard Adolphus
- Short, Right Rev. Augustus
- Shortland, Lieutenant Willoughby
- Sillitoe, Right Rev. Acton Windeyer
- Simpson, Hon. George Bowen
- Sinclair, Andrew
- Singleton, Francis Corbet
- Sinnett, Frederick
- Sitwell, Hon. Robt. Sacheverell Wilmot
- Skene, Alexander John
- Sladen, Hon. Sir Charles
- Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton
- Slattery, Hon. Thomas Michael
- Smart, Hon. Thomas Christie
- Smith, Hon. (Arthur) Bruce
- Smith, Sir Edwin Thomas
- Smith, Hon. Sir Francis Villeneuve
- Smith, Hon. George Paton
- Smith, James (Tas)
- Smith, James (Vic)
- Smith, Hon. James Thornloe
- Smith, Professor the Hon. John
- Smith, Hon. John Thomas
- Smith, Joseph Henry
- Smith, Hon. Louis Lawrence
- Smith, Captain M. S.
- Smith, Hon. Robert Burdett
- Smith, Robert Murray
- Smith, Hon. Sydney
- Smith, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. William Collard
- Smith, William Jardine
- Smith, Right Rev. William Saumarez
- Smyth, Robert Brough
- Smythe, Robert Sparrow
- Solly, Benjamin Travers
- Spain, William
- Spalding, Colonel Warner Wright
- Speight, Richard
- Spence, Charlotte H.
- Spence, John Brodie
- Spencer, Professor Walter Baldwin
- Spensley, Hon. Howard
- Spofforth, Frederick Robert
- Sprent, Charles Percy
- Sprent, James
- Spring, Gerald
- Stafford, Hon. Sir Edward William
- Stanbury, James
- Standish, Captain Charles Frederick
- Stanley, Major Henry Charles
- Stanton, Right Rev. George Henry
- Stawell, Hon. Sir William Foster
- Steel, Rev. Robert
- Stenhouse, Nicol Drysdale
- Stephen, Hon. Sir Alfred
- Stephen, Sir George
- Stephen, George Milner
- Stephen, Hon. James Wilberforce
- Stephen, His Honour Matthew Henry
- Stephens, James Brunton
- Stephens, Samuel
- Stephens, Thomas
- Stephens, Hon. Thomas Blackett
- Stephens, William John
- Stevens, Hon. Edward Cephas John
- Stevenson, George
- Steward, Major Hon. William Jukes
- Stewart, Miss Nellie
- Stewart, Robert Muter
- Stirling, Admiral Sir James
- Stock, Hon. William Frederick
- Stone, His Honour Edward Albert
- Stops, Frederick
- Stout, Hon. Sir Robert
- Stow, Augustine
- Stow, Jefferson Pickman
- Stow, His Honour Randolph Isham
- Stow, Rev. Thomas Quentin
- Strachan, Hon. James Ford
- Strahan, Major Sir George Cumine
- Strangways, Hon. Henry Bull Templer
- Strangways, Thomas Bewes
- Strickland, Sir Edward
- Strong, Rev. Charles
- Strong, Herbert Augustus
- Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de
- Stuart, Hon. Sir Alexander
- Stuart, Rev. Donald McNaughton
- Stuart, Right Hon. Edward Craig
- Stuart, Hon. Frank
- Stuart, James Martin
- Stuart, John M'Douall
- Sturt, Capt. Charles
- Sullivan, Barry
- Summers, Charles — sculptor
- Summers, Joseph — Musical Examiner
- Supple, Gerald Henry
- Suter, Right Rev. Andrew Burn
- Sutherland, Alexander — author
- Sutherland, Hon. John — N.S.W. politician, Minister of Public Works
- Suttor, Hon. Francis Bathurst — N.S.W. politician, Postmaster-General
- Suttor, Hon. William Henry — N.S.W. politician, Vice-President of the Executive Council
- Swainson, Hon. William — N.Z. Attorney-General
- Swainson, William — botanist
- Swan, Nathaniel Walter
- Sword, Thomas Stevenson
- Syme, David
- Syme, Ebenezer
- Syme, George Alexander
- Symon, Josiah Henry
- Symonds, Edward C. — Vic. public servant, Comptroller
- Symonds, Edward Stace — Under-Treasurer of Victoria
[edit]- Tancred, Clement William
- Tancred, Hon. Henry John — N.Z. M.L.C.
- Tawhiao
- Taylor, Francis Pringle
- Tebbutt, John
- Teece, Richard
- Te Kooti, Rikirangi
- Te Whiti
- Therry, Very Rev. John Joseph
- Therry, Sir Roger
- Thierry, Charles, Baron de
- Thomas, Hon. James Henry
- Thomas, Julian
- Thomas, Margaret
- Thomas, Right Rev. Mesac
- Thomas, Robert
- Thomas, Robert Kyffin
- Thomas, William Kyffin
- Thompson, Hon. John Malbon
- Thomson, Hon. Sir Edward Deas
- Thomson, James
- Thomson, James William
- Thorn, Hon. George
- Thornton, Hon. George
- Thornton, Right Rev. Samuel
- Thurston, His Excellency Sir John Bates
- Thynne, Hon. Andrew Joseph
- Todd, Charles
- Tolmer, Alexander
- Topp, Arthur Manning
- Topp, Charles Alfred
- Topp, Samuel St. John
- Torrance, Rev. George Williams
- Torreggiani, Right Rev. Elzear
- Torrens, Hon. Sir Robert Richard
- Townley, Captain William
- Towns, Hon. Robert
- Townsend, William
- Tozer, Hon. Horace
- Travers, William Thomas Locke
- Trench, Hon. Robert Le Poer
- Trenwith, William Arthur
- Trevor, Lieut.-General Wm. Cosmo
- Trickett, Hon. William Joseph
- Tryon, Vice-Admiral Sir George
- Tucker, Hon. Albert Lee
- Tucker, Thomas George
- Tufnell, Right Rev. Edward Wyndham
- Tulloch, Major-General Alexander Bruce
- Tully, William Alcock
- Turner, Hon. George
- Turner, Lieut.-Colonel George Napier
- Turner, Henry Gyles
- Turner, Right Rev. James Francis
- Twopenny, Richard Ernest Nowell
- Tyas, John Walter
- Tyrrell, Right Rev. William
- Tyson, James
[edit]- Ullathorne, The Most Rev. William Bernard
- Umphelby, Captain Charles Edward
- Umphelby, Capt. Charles Washington
- Unmack, Hon. Theodore
[edit]- Vaughan, Most Reverend Roger William Bede
- Vaughn, Robert Matheson
- Venables, Henry Pares
- Venn, Hon. Harry Whittall
- Verdon, Edward Theophilus de
- Verdon, Hon. Sir George Frederick
- Viard, Right Rev. Dr.
- Vincent, J. E. Matthew
- Vogan, Arthur James
- Vogel, Hon. Sir Julius
- Von Tempsky, Major Gustavus F.
[edit]- Wahanui, Tamati Ngapora
- Waharoa, Wiremu Tamihana Te
- Wahawaha, Major Hon. Ropata
- Waka, Nene Tamati
- Wakefield, Edward
- Wakefield, Edward Gibbon
- Wakefield, Edward Jerningham
- Wakefield, Felix
- Walch, Garnet
- Walcot, Captain John Cotterel Phillips
- Walker, George Washington
- Walker, James Backhouse
- Walker, Hon. John
- Walker, Richard Cornelius Critchett
- Walker, Hon. William Froggatt
- Wallace, William Vincent
- Wallen, Robert Elias
- Walsh, Hon. Robert
- Walsh, Hon. William Henry
- Walstab, George Arthur
- Want, John Henry
- Warburton, Major Peter Egerton
- Ward, Crosbie
- Ward, Hon. Ebenezer
- Ward, Edward Grant
- Ward, Major-General Sir Edward Wolstenholme
- Ward, Frederick William
- Ward, Mrs. Humphry
- Ward, Hon. Joseph George
- Ward, His Honour Robert
- Warton, Charles Nicholas
- Waterhouse, George Marsden
- Waterhouse, George Wilson
- Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott
- Watson, Rev. Henry Crocker Marriott
- Watson, Hon. James
- Watt, John Brown
- Watterston, David
- Way, Arthur S.
- Way, His Honour the Hon. Samuel James
- Waylen, Alfred Robert
- Wearing, Hon. William
- Webb, His Honour George Henry Frederick
- Webb, Thomas Prout
- Webber, Right Rev. William Thomas Thornhill
- Wedge, Hon. John Helder
- Weekes, Hon. Elias Carpenter
- Weld, Sir Frederick Aloysius
- Wentworth, William Charles
- Were, Jonathan Binns
- West, Rev. John
- West-Erskine, William Alexander Erskine
- Westgarth, William
- Weston, Hon. William Pritchard
- Wheeler, Hon. James Henry
- Whitaker, Hon. Sir Frederick
- White, Hon. James
- White, John
- Whitington, Rev. Canon Frederick Taylor
- Whitmore, Major-General the Hon. Sir George Stoddart
- Whittell, Horatio Thomas
- Whitton, John
- Whitworth, Robert Percy
- Whyte, Hon. James
- Wigley, Henry Rudolph
- Wilkinson, Charles Smith
- Wilkinson, William Hattam
- Williams, Sir Edward Eyre
- Williams, His Honour Hartley
- Williams, Ven. Henry
- Williams, Major Horatio Lloyd
- Williams, John
- Williams, Right Rev. William
- Williamson, James Cassius
- Williamson, John
- Willis, John Walpole
- Willoughby, Howard
- Wills, William John
- Willson, Right Rev. Robert William
- Wilson, Rev. Ambrose John
- Wilson, Hon. Andrew Heron
- Wilson, Edward
- Wilson, Hon. Sir James Milne
- Wilson, Hon. John Bowie
- Wilson, Sir John Cracroft
- Wilson, Hon. John Nathaniel
- Wilson, Sir Samuel
- Wilson, Hon. Walter Horatio
- Wilson, Hon. William
- Wilson, William Chisholm
- Windeyer, His Honour Sir William Charles
- Windsor, Arthur Lloyd
- Winter-Irving, Hon. William Irving
- Wisdom, Hon. Sir Robert
- Wise, Bernhard Ringrose
- Wise, His Honour Edward
- Withers, William Bramwell
- Wood, Harrie
- Wood, Hon. John Dennistoun
- Wood, Hon. Reader Gilson
- Woods, Hon. John
- Woods, Rev. Julian E. Tenison
- Woolley, Rev. John
- Woolls, Rev. William
- Wragge, Clement Lindley
- Wrensfordsley, Sir Henry Thomas
- Wright, Francis Augustus — N.S.W. M.L.A.
- Wright, George Speller — S.A. Secretary to the Commissioner of Crown Lands
- Wright, Hon. John Arthur — W.A. M.L.C.
- Wrixon, Hon. Sir Henry John
- Wynyard, General Edward Buckley
- Wynyard, Lieut.-General Robert Henry — acting Governor of New Zealand
- Wyselaskie, John Dickson
[edit]- Youl, Sir James Arndell
- Young, Adolphus William
- Young, Sir Henry Edward Fox
- Young, James Henry
- Younghusband, William
- Yuille, William Cross
[edit]- Begg, Ferdinand Faithfull
- Berncastle, Julius
- Boyce, Rev. William Binnington
- Brennan, Louis
- Byrnes, Hon. James
- Campbell, Hon. Robert
- Dobson, Hon. Henry
- Fitzgerald, Thomas Henry
- Flood, Hon. Edward
- Forsaith, Rev. Thomas Spencer
- Gorrie, Sir John
- Grant, Hon. Charles Henry
- Graves, John Woodcock
- Hartnoll, Hon. William
- Henry, Hon. John
- Hervey, Hon. Matthew
- Howitt, Richard
- Knox, William
- Larnach, Donald
- Lewis, Hon. Neil Elliott
- Loftus, Augustus Pelham Brooke
- Loftus, The Right Hon. Lord Augustus William Frederick Spencer
- Lyster, William Saurin
- MᶜCombie, Hon. Thomas
- Macgregor, Hon. John
- Mewburn, William Richmond
- O'Connor, Right Rev. Michael
- Paton, Rev. John Gibson
- Robertson, William
- Romilly, Hugh Hastings
- Ryan, Charles Snodgrass
- Scott, Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Thomas Douglas Montagu
- Sherbrooke, Viscount
- Thakombau
- Whitehead, Charles
- Williams, His Honour Joshua Strange