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Latin for beginners (1911)/Contents

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lesson page
To the Student — By way of Introduction 1-4
Alphabet, Sounds of the Letters, Syllables, Quantity, Accent, How to Read Latin 5-11
I, II, III, IV,V, VI. First PrinciplesSubject and Predicate, Inflection, Number, Nominative Subject, Possessive Genitive, Agreement of Verb, Direct Object, Indirect Object, etc.Dialogue 12-24
VII-VIII. First or Ā-DeclensionGender, Agreement of Adjectives, Word Order 25-30
IX-X. Second or O-Declension — General Rules for DeclensionPredicate Noun, AppositionDialogue 31-35
XI. Adjectives of the First and Second Declensions 36-37
XII. Nouns in -ius and -ium — Germānia 38-39
XIII. Second Declension (Continued) — Nouns in -er and -irItalia — Dialogue 39-41
XIV. Possessive Adjective Pronouns 42-43
XV. Ablative denoting WithCause, Means, Accompaniment, MannerThe Romans Prepare for War 44-46
XVI. The Nine Irregular Adjectives 46-47
XVII. The Demonstrative is, ea, idDialogue 48-50
XVIII. Conjugation — Present, Imperfect, and Future of sumDialogue 51-53
XIX. Present Active Indicative of amō and moneō 54-56
XX. Imperfect Active Indicative of amō and moneōMeaning of the ImperfectNiobe and her Children. 56-57
XXI. Future Active Indicative of amō and moneōNiobe and her Children (Concluded) 58-59
XXII. Review of VerbsThe Dative with AdjectivesCornelia and her Jewels 59-61
XXIII. Present Active Indicative of regō and audiōCornelia and her Jewels (Concluded) 61-63
XXIV. Imperfect Active Indicative of regō and audiōThe Dative with Special Intransitive Verbs 63-65
XXV. Future Active Indicative of of regō and audiō 65-66
XXVI. Verbs in - — Present, Imperfect, and Future Active Indicative of capiōThe Imperative 66-68
XXVII. Passive Voice — Present, Imperfect, and Future Indicative of amō and moneōPerseus and Andromeda 68-72
XXVIII. Present, Imperfect, and Future Indicative Passive of regō and audiōPerseus and Andromeda (Continued) 72-73
XXIX. Present, Imperfect, and Future Indicative Passive of -iō Verbs — Present Passive Infinitive and Imperative 73-75
XXX. Synopses in the Four Conjugations — The Ablative denoting FromPlace from Which, Separation , Personal Agent 75-78
XXXI. Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect of sumDialogue 79-81
XXXII. Perfect Active Indicative of the Four Regular ConjugationsMeaning of the PerfectPerseus and Andromeda (Continued) 81-83
XXXIII. Pluperfect and Future Perfect Active Indicative — Perfect Active Infinitive 84-85
XXXIV. Review of the Active Voice — Perseus and Andromeda (Concluded) 86-87
XXXV. Passive Perfects of the Indicative — Perfect Passive and Future Active Infinitive 88-90
XXXVI. Review of Principal PartsPrepositions, Yes-or-No Questions 90-93
XXXVII. Conjugation of possumThe Infinitive used as in English — Accusative Subject of an InfinitiveThe Faithless Tarpeia 93-96
XXXVIII. The Relative Pronoun and the Interrogative PronounAgreement of the relativeThe Faithless Tarpeia (Concluded) 97-101
XXXIX-XLI. The Third Declension — Consonant Stems 101-106
XLII. Review Lesson — Terror Cimbricus 107
XLIII. Third DeclensionI-Stems 108-110
XLIV. Irregular Nouns of the Third Declension — Gender in the Third Declension— The First Bridge over the Rhine 111-112
XLV. Adjectives of the Third Declension— The Romans Invade the Enemy's Country 113-115
XLVI. The Fourth or U-Declension 116-117
XLVII. Expressions of PlacePlace to Which, Place from Which, Place at or in Which, the Locative — Declension of domusDædalus and Icarus 117-121
XLVIII. The Fifth or Ē-DeclensionAblative of TimeDædalus and Icarus (Continued) 121-123
XLIX. Pronouns — Personal and Reflexive Pronouns — Dædalus and Icarus (Concluded) 123-126
L. The Intensive Pronoun ipse and the Demonstrative īdemHow Horatius Held the Bridge 126-127
LI. The Demonstratives hic, iste, illeA German Chieftain Addresses his Followers — How Horatius Held the Bridge (Continued) 128-130
LII. The Indefinite Pronouns — How Horatius Held the Bridge (Concluded) 130-132
LIII. Regular Comparison of Adjectives 133-i35
LIV. Irregular Comparison of AdjectivesAblative with Comparatives 135-136
LV. Irregular Comparison of Adjectives (Continued) — Declension of plūs 137-138
LVI. Irregular Comparison of Adjectives (Concluded) — Ablative of the Measure of Difference 138-139
LVII. Formation and Comparison of Adverbs 140-142
LVIII. NumeralsPartitive Genitive 142-144
LIX. Numerals (Continued) — Accusative of ExtentCæsar in Gaul 144-146
LX. Deponent VerbsPrepositions with the Accusative 146-147
LXI. The Subjunctive Mood — Inflection of the Present — Indicative and Subjunctive Compared 148-151
LXII. The Subjunctive of Purpose 151-153
LXIII. Inflection of the Imperfect SubjunctiveSequence of Tenses 153-155
LXIV. Inflection of the Perfect and Pluperfect SubjunctiveSubstantive Clauses of Purpose 156-159
LXV. Subjunctive of possumVerbs of Fearing 160-161
LXVI. The Participles — Tenses and Declension 161-164
LXVII. The Irregular Verbs volō, nōlō, mālōablative Absolute 164-166
LXVIII. The Irregular Verb fiōSubjunctive of Result 167-168
LXIX. Subjunctive of CharacteristicPredicate Accusative 169-171
LXX. Constructions with cumAblative of Specification 171-173
LXXI. Vocabulary ReviewGerund and Gerundive — Predicate Genitive 173-177
LXXII. The Irregular Verb Indirect Statements 177-180
LXXIII. Vocabulary Review — The Irregular Verb ferōDative with Compounds 181-183
LXXIV. Vocabulary ReviewsSubjunctive in Indirect Questions 183-185
LXXV. Vocabulary ReviewDative of Purpose or End for Which 185-186
LXXVI. Vocabulary ReviewGenitive and Ablative of Quality or Description 186-188
LXXVII. Review of AgreementReview of the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative 189-190
LXXVIII. Review of the Ablative 191-192
LXXIX. Review of the Syntax of Verbs 192-193
Introductory Suggestions 194-195
The Labors of Hercules 196-203
P. Cornelius Lentulus: The Story of a Roman Boy 204-225


Appendix I. Tables of Declensions, Conjugations, Numerals, etc 226-260
Appendix II. Rules of Syntax 261-264
Appendix III. Reviews 265-282
Special Vocabularies 283-298
Latin-English Vocabulary 299-331
English-Latin Vocabulary 332-343
INDEX 344-348