Adultery, 352.
Afflictions, 391.
Alms-giving, 350.
Angels, the two attendant on man, 359.
Animals, cloven-footed, 109.
— ruminant, 119.
— forbidden or allowed as food to Israel, spiritual significance of, 118, 119.
Antioch, church at, 169, 218, 266.
Antiochians, supposed Epistle of Ignatius to them, 461–466; wherein he speaks of his bonds, of the true doctrine concerning Christ against the views of the early heretics, and exhorts them to certain duties.
Apostates, 400.
Apostles, ordinances as to the ministry, 38, 39.
Baptism prefigured in Old Testament, 120.
Barnabas, who he was, 99. — his epistle, 101–135; wherein he warns his readers against Judaism, and seeks to explain some Jewish customs.
Believers, a spiritual temple, 128, 129; what Christ is to them, 55, 56, 159, 313.
Benediction, forms of, 49, 77, 135, 169, 238, 254.
Birds, allowed as food to Israel, 129.
Bishop, subjection to him, 148, 149, 151, 152, 186, 190, 197, 206, 222, 228, 233, 237, 251.
— though youthful, to be obeyed, 173–175.
Bishop to be consulted in all things, 176, 178, 248.
— duties of, 258, 259–262, 274.
Blessings, divine, how obtained, 28, 33, 55.
Brazen serpent, 123.
Burrhus of Ephesus, 147.
Cain, 9.
Chastisement, 47; of children, 326, 329.
Christ, His person, 158, 124, 153, 163, 165, 166, 168, 177–180, 184, 199, 202, 215, 226, 235, 240, 243, 245, 260, 310, 315, 386, 418, 456, 457, 462, 463, 469, 475.
— His sufferings, 23, 107, 114, 122, 184, 190, 199, 203, 226, 235, 236, 240, 243, 246, 312, 386, 456, 475.
— His resurrection, 25, 70, 200, 241, 242.
— His second coming, 24, 70, 184, 243.
— the source of blessings, 33, 55, 235, 312, 313.
Chastity, 352.
Christians, heirs of the covenant, 124.
— manners of, 307; their relation to the world, 308, 375.
— called children, 442.
Church, order in the, 35, 36, 251; order of ministers in, 36; the regard Moses had for order in, 37; the regard the apostles had for order in, 38; this order disturbed by the wicked, 39-41.
— in its progress, compared to a tower which is building, 333–340, 407, 416.495