1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Classified List of Articles
WARNING: The lists that follow are highly incomplete. This is work in progress.
Anthropology and Ethnology
[edit](For ancient anthropology see Archaeology; for religious customs see Religion § Comparative.)
General Subjects and Terms
[edit]- Anthropometry
- Atavism
- Avenger of Blood
- Boomerang
- Brachycephalic
- Cannibalism
- Caste
- Cephalic Index
- Circumcision
- Clan
- Couvade
- Craniometry
- Creole
- Dago
- Dolichocephalic
- Dwarf
- Endogamy
- Eurasian
- Exogamy
- Family
- Fire
- Genna
- Hair
- Head-hunting
- Hetaerism
- Indonesian
- Kraal
- Levirate
- Matriarchate
- Mesocephalic
- Mestizo
- Miscegeneration
- Monogenists
- Mulatto
- Mutilation
- Name
- Nomad
- Octoroon
- Polyandry
- Polygamy
- Polygenists
- Prognathism
- Purrah
- Quadroon
- Quipus
- Steatopygia
- Taboo
- Tattooing
- Totemism
- Tribe
- Wampum
Races and Tribes, &c.
[edit]- Abābda
- Abipones
- Abnaki
- Aborigines
- Acholi
- Afars (Danahil)
- Agaiambo or Agaiumbu
- Ahom or Aham
- Aht
- Ahtena
- Aimak or Eimak
- Ainu
- Akka
- Alfuros
- Algonquin
- Alur
- Amarar
- Anti or Campa
- Apache
- Apalachee
- Arabs
- Arapaho
- Araucanians
- Arawak
- Areoi
- Arikara or Aricara
- Artega
- Ashraf (Shurefa)
- Assiniboin
- Athapascan
- Attacapa
- Awadia and Fadnia
- Aymara
- Aztecs
- Babu
- Badagas
- Baggara
- Bakalai
- Bakhtiári
- Ba-Kwiri
- Ba-Luba
- Bambute
- Banate
- Bangash
- Barabra
- Bari
- Bashkirs
- Basques
- Battakhin
- Battanni
- Battas
- Batwa
- Bazigars
- Bechuana
- Bedouins
- Beja or Bija
- Bellabella
- Bellacoola or Bilquia
- Beni-Amer
- Beni-Israel
- Beothuk
- Berbers
- Bertat
- Bhattiana
- Buils or Bheels
- Bimana
- Bisharin
- Blackfoot
- Boer
- Bogos (Bileus)
- Bois Brûlés
- Bongo
- Botocudos
- Bozdar
- Brahui
- Bugis
- Bugti
- Buriats
- Bushmen
- Caddo
- Cagots
- Cahita
- Cahokia
- Cakchiquel
- Calchaqui
- Caribs
- Cashibo or Carapache
- Catauxi
- Catawbas
- Celt
- Chamkanni
- Changos
- Charrua
- Chechenzes
- Chellian
- Cheremisses
- Cherokee
- Cheyenne
- Chickasaws
- Chimesyan
- Chinook
- Chiquitos
- Choctaws
- Cholones
- Chude
- Chukchi
- Chuncho
- Chuvashes
- Circassia
- Cocoma or Cucamas
- Coeur d'Alene/
- Comanches
- Conestoga
- Conibos
- Copts
- Cree
- Creek Indians
- Crow Indians
- Cunas
- Curetes
- Czech
- Dawari or Dauri
- Delaware Indians
- Dinka
- Dogra
- Dravidian
- Dualla
- Duk-Duk
- Durani
- Dyaks or Dayaks
- Engis
- Eskimo
- Eẃe
- Falashas
- Fang
- Fanti
- Fellah
- Fiji
- Fingo or Fengu
- Finno-Ugrian
- Flatheads
- Fox Indians
- Fula
- Funj
- Furfooz
- Galchas
- Gallas
- Gararish
- Ghilzai
- Gilyaks
- Gipsies
- Golds
- Gonaguas
- Gros Ventres
- Guanches
- Guaranis
- Guatos
- Guatusos
- Guaycurus
- Gumus
- Hababs
- Hadendoa
- Haida
- Hakkas
- Hamitic Races
- Harratin
- Hassanīa
- Hausa
- Hawawir
- Hazara
- Herero or Ovaherero
- Hindki
- Hipurnias
- Hiung-nu
- Hopi
- Hottentots
- Hòva
- Huambisas
- Huastecs
- Huichol
- Huron
- Indians, North American
- Iquitos/
- Iroquois
- Irulas
- Itza
- Jā'alin
- Jakuns
- Jute
- Jeveros
- Jibitos
- Jicarilla
- Juangs
- Jur (Diur)/
- Juris
- Kabbabish
- Kabyles
- Kaffirs
- Kakar
- Kalapuya
- Kalispel
- Kalkas
- Kanaka
- Kanuri (Beriberi)/
- Kara-Kalpaks
- Karen
- Kashubes
- Kavirondo
- Kaw (Kansa)/
- Kayasth
- Khamtis
- Khattak
- Khazars
- Khevsurs
- Khonds
- Kickapoo
- Kiowas
- Kirghiz
- Klamath
- Koch
- Kolis
- Kols
- Korkus
- Koryaks
- Kotas
- Krumen
- Kubus
- Kumyks
- Kunbis
- Kurumbas
- Kusan
- Kutenai
- Kwakiutl
- Laos/
- Lascar
- Latuka
- Legas
- Lepcha
- Lipan
- Lolos
- Madi
- Mahar
- Mahrattas
- Makalaka
- Makaraka
- Malays
- Mandan
- Mandingo
- Maneteneris
- Mangbettu
- Manitou
- Manyema
- Maori
- Marianas/
- Mariposan
- Maroons
- Marri
- Masai
- Mashona
- Matabele
- Maya
- Mayoruna
- Menangkabos
- Mensa and Marea
- Meshcheryaks
- Meyrifab
- Miami/
- Miaotsze
- Micmac
- Mikirs
- Mishmi (tribe)
- Modoc
- Mohave
- Mohawk
- Mohican/
- Mohmand
- Monassir
- Montagnais
- Moors
- Moplah
- Mordvinians
- Moxos
- Mpongwe (Pongos)
- Mundas
- Mundrucus
- Muras
- Musa Kel
- Muskhogean Stock
- Mzabites or Beni-Mzab
- Nahualtlan Stock
- Namasudra
- Nandi
- Navaho or Navajo
- Nayar or Nair
- Negritos
- Negro
- Nez Perces
- Niam-Niam
- Nuer
- Oerlams
- Ojibway
- Omaguas
- Omahas
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Opata
- Orakzal
- Oraons
- Ostiaks
- Ottawa
- Papuans
- Pariah (caste)
- Parsees
- Pathan (people)
- Pawnee
- Penobscot
- Pequot
- Petchenegs
- Pima
- Polabs
- Ponca
- Pondo
- Potawatami
- Povindah
- Prabhu (caste)
- Pueblo Indians
- Puelche
- Pygmy
- Quiche or Kiches
- Quichua
- Rajput
- Riffans
- Ruthenians
- Sahos
- Sakai
- Salishan
- Samoyedes
- Santals
- Semang
- Seminole
- Seneca
- Serers
- Shagia
- Shangalla
- Shans
- Shawnee
- Sherani or Shirant
- Shilluh
- Shilluk
- Shinwari
- Shukria
- Sienetjo
- Sikh
- Sioux
- Slavs
- Slovaks
- Slovenes
- Songhoi
- Sorbs
- Spy (commune)
- Swahili
- Syryenians
- Tajik
- Talaing
- Tamils
- Tarkani
- Tutars
- Tehuelche, Chulche or Huilliche
- Tembu
- Tibbu or Tebu
- Todas
- Toltecs
- Troglodytes
- Tshi, Tehwi, Chi or Oti
- Tuareg or Tawarek
- Tukulor (Tuculers)
- Tunguses
- Tupis
- Turi
- Turki
- Turkoman
- Turks
- Tuscarora
- Uighur
- Unyamwezi
- Ustarana
- Ute (Utah)
- Utman Khel
- Vaalpens
- Veddahs
- Voodoo or Vaudoux
- Wa
- Wichita
- Wochua
- Wolof (Woloff, Jolof)
- Wyandot (Huron)
- Yaos
- Yusafzai
- Zalmukht
- Zaparos
- Zenaga
- Zenata
[edit](See also Zoology)
- Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron
- Bandelier, Adolph F. A.
- Bastian, Adolf
- Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne
- Brinton, Daniel Garrison
- Broca, Paul
- Catlin, George
- Christy, Henry
- Dawkins, William Boyd
- Deniker, Joseph
- Fletcher, Alice C.
- Hale, Horatio
- Hodgson, Brian Houghton
- Lartet, Edouard
- M‘Lennan, John Ferguson
- Mantegazza, Paolo
- Morgan, Lewis Henry
- Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de
- Prichard, James Cowles
- Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
- Tylor, Edward B.
- Waitz, Theodor
Archaeology and Antiquities
[edit](For sites see the section Geography. See also under Art, Philology, Religion § Comparative.)
[edit]- Aegean Civilization
- Antiquary
- Barrow
- Bronze Age
- Cairn
- Calaveras Skull
- Catacomb
- Chariot
- Celt (tool)
- Cippus
- Cist
- Clepsydra
- Cliff Dwellings
- Colossus
- Columbarium
- Crannog
- Cromagnon Race
- Dene Holes
- Epigraphy
- Flint Implements
- Graffito
- Hallstatt
- Hittites
- Inscriptions
- Iovilae
- Iron Age
- Kent's Cavern
- Konarak
- Labyrinth
- Lake Dwellings
- Lansing Man
- La Tene
- Madelenian
- Marnian Epoch
- Moulin Quignon
- Mound Builders
- Mousterian
- Neanderthal
- Neolithic
- Palaeography
- Palaeolithic
- Round Towers
- Sarcophagus
- Scarab
- Shell Heaps
- Solutrian Epoch
- Sphinx
- Stone Age
- Stone Monuments
- Terramara
- Villanova
- Vitrified Forts
[edit]- Agarde, Arthur
- Agostini, Leonardo
- Akerman, John Yonge
- Ashmole, Elias
- Baker, Thomas
- Barthélemy, Anatole Jean-Baptiste Antoine de
- Becker, Wilhelm Adolf
- Belzoni, Giovanni Battista
- Bent, James Theodore
- Beulé, Charles Ernest
- Birch, Samuel
- Boissard, Jean Jacques
- Bond, Sir Edward Augustus
- Borghesi, Bartolommeo
- Borlase, William
- Böttiger, Karl August
- Brand, John
- Brayley, Edward Wedlake
- Britton, John
- Bröndsted, Peter Oluf
- Brugsch, Heinrich Karl
- Bursian, Conrad
- Canina, Luigi
- Cesnola, Luigi Palma di
- Champollion, Jean François
- ...
[edit]- Abacus
- Abated
- Abbey
- Abutment
- Acroterium
- Aedicula
- Aisle
- Aiwan
- Alcove
- Alley
- Almery
- Almonry
- Almshouse
- Alure
- Ambo
- Ambulatory
- Amphiprostyle
- Amphitheatre
- Andron
- Angel-lights
- Antae
- Ante-chapel
- Ante-choir
- Ante-fixae
- Anthemion
- Apophyge
- Apse
- Apteral
- Aqueduct
- Araeostyle
- Araeosystyle
- Arcade
- Arch
- Architrave
- Archivolt
- Arcosolium
- Arena
- Arris
- Ashlar
- Astragal
- Astylar
- Atrium
- Attic
- Attic Base
- Back-Choir
- Bailey
- Balcony
- Ball-flower
- Baluster
- Balustrade
- Banker-Marks
- Baptistery
- Barbican
- Bargeboard
- Bartizan
- Base
- Basement
- Basilica
- Batement Lights
- Baths
- Batter
- Battlement
- Bay
- Bed-Mould
- Belfry
- Bell-Cot
- Belvedere
- Bema
- Bench Table
- Bevel
- Bezantée
- Bowtell
- Bracket
- Brattishing
- Broach
- Bungalow
- Cable Moulding
- Camber
- Campanile
- Canalis
- Cancelli
- Candelabrum
- Canephorae
- Canopy
- Capital
- Cartouche
- Caryatides
- Casement
- Castle
- Cathedral
- Cathetus
- Cauliculus
- Cavaedium
- Cavea
- Cavetto
- Ceiling
- Cella
- Chalcidicum
- Chamfer
- ...
[edit]- Adam, Robert
- Alberti, Leone Battista
- Alessi, Galeazzo
- Apollodorus of Damascus
- Baccio d'Agnolo
- Baltard, Louis Pierre
- Barocchio, Giacomo (da Vignola)
- Barry, Sir Charles
- Blomfield, Sir Arthur William
- Bodley, George Frederick
- Bonomi, Giuseppi
- Borromini, Francesco
- Bramante
- Bray, Sir Reginald
- Brunelleschi, Filippo
- Bulfinch, Charles
- Butterfield, William
- Cagnola, Luigi, Marchese
- Camus de Mézières, Nicolas le
- Chambers, Sir William
- ...
[edit]Painting and Engraving
[edit]Minor Arts
[edit]Stage and Dancing
[edit]- Aberration
- Ablatitious
- Albedo
- Alidade
- Almacantar
- Altitude
- Amplitude
- Anomaly
- Aphelion
- Apse and Apsides
- Armilla
- Astrolabe
- Astrophysics
- Azimuth
- Binary System
- Biquintile
- Black Drop
- Chromosphere
- Colure
- Comet
- Comet-seeker
- Compression
- Conjunction
- Corona
- Coronium
- Cosmic
- Culmination
- Cycle
- Declination
- Deferent
- Dial and Dialling
- Direct motion
- Diurnal motion
- Earth
- Eccentric
- Eclipse
- Ecliptic
- Egress
- Ellipticity
- Elongation
- Ephemeris
- Epicycle
- Epoch
- Equation of the centre
- Equation of time
- Equator
- Equinox
- Eros
- Establishment of a port
- Evection
- Facula
- Firmament
- Gegenschein
- Geocentric
- Heliacal
- Heliocentric
- Heliometer
- Horizon
- Hour angle
- Immersion
- Ingress
- Invariable Plane
- Jupiter
- Latitude
- Libration
- Longitude
- Lunation
- Mars
- Mercury
- Meridian
- Meteor
- Metonic cycle
- Micrometer
- Moon
- Nadir
- Nebula
- Nebular theory
- Neptune
- Node
- Nutation
- Observatory
- Occultation
- Orbit
- Parallax
- Penumbra
- Perigree
- Perihelion
- Phoebe
- Photography, Celestial
- Photometry, Celestial
- Planet
- Planets, Minor
- Precession of the equinoxes
- Prime vertical
- Quadrature
- Retrograde
- Right Ascension
- Satellite
- Saturn
- Sextant
- Solar system
- Solstice
- Spectroheliograph
- Stationary
- Sun
- Synodic Period
- Syzygy
- Telescope
- Terminator
- Three bodies, Problem of
- Time, Measurement of
- Time, Standard
- Transit circle, or Meridian circle
- Trepidation
- Umbra
- Uranus
- Venus
- Vertical
- Zenith
- Zodiac
- Zodiacal Light
Constellations and Stars
[edit]- Algol
- Andromeda
- Ansa
- Aquarius
- Aquila
- Arcturus
- Aries
- Auriga
- Boötes
- Cancer
- Canes Venatici
- Canis Major
- Capricornus
- Cassiopeia
- Centaurus
- Cepheus
- Cetus
- Coma Berenices
- Cygnus
- Cynosure
- Delphinus
- Draco
- Eridanus
- Gemini
- Hercules
- Hydra
- Leo
- Libra
- Lyra
- Μagellanic Clouds
- Orion
- Perseus/
- Pisces
- Pleiades
- Sagitta
- Sagittarius
- Serpentarius or Ophiuchus
- Taurus
- Ursa Major
- Ursa Minor
- Virgo
- Vulpecula et Anser
[edit]- Adams, John Couch
- Airy, Sir George Biddell
- Albategnius
- Albumazar (Abu-Maaschar)
- Amici, Giovanni Battista
- Andronicus of Cyrrhus
- Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August
- Aristarchus of Samos
- Bailly, Jean Sylvain
- Baily, Francis
- Bainbridge, John
- Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Bianchini, Francesco
- Bode, Johann Elert
- Bradley, James
- Brahe, Tycho
- Brisbane, Sir Thomas Makdougall
- Brünnow, Franz Friedrich Ernst
- Calvisius, Sethus
- Campani-Alimenis, Matteo
- Carrington, Richard Christopher
- Cassini (family)
- Celsius, Anders
- Clerke, Agnes Mary
- Conon
- Copernicus, Nicolaus
- Cunitz, Maria
- Dee, John
- Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph
- De la Rue, Warren
- Delisle, Joseph Nicolas
- Dick, Thomas
- Donati, Giovanni Battista
- Dupuis, Charles François
- Encke, Johann Franz
- Eratosthenes of Alexandria
- Flamsteed, John
- Galileo Galilei
- Gould, Benjamin Apthorp
- Grant, Robert
- Halley, Edmund
- Hansen, Peter Andreas
- Hansteen, Christopher
- Herschel, Caroline Lucretia
- Herschel, Sir Frederick William
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
- Hevelius, Johann
- Hipparchus
- Horrocks, Jeremiah
- Huggins, Sir William
- Ideler, Christian Ludwig
- Inghirami, Giovanni
- Janssen, Pierre Jules César
- Kepler, Johann
- Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de
- Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de
- Lamont, Johann von
- Lemonnier, Pierre Charles
- Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
- Lilly, William
- Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman
- Longomontanus, Christian Severin or Longberg, C. S.
- Maskelyne, Nevil
- Mayer, Johann Tobias
- Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight
- Mitchell, Maria
- Möbius, August Ferdinand
- Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel)
- Mouchez, Amédée Ernest Barthélémy
- Newcomb, Simon
- Nostradamus
- Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias
- Piazzi, Giuseppe
- Pickering, Edward Charles
- Pond, John
- Pons, Jean Louis
- Pritchard, Charles
- Proctor, Richard Anthony
- Ptolemy (Claudius)
- Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques
- Ramsden, Jesse
- Regiomontanus
- Reichenbach, Georg von
- Repsold, Johann Georg
- Rheticus or Rhaeticus
- Rittenhouse, David
- Robinson, John Thomas Romney
- Roemer, Ole
- Rosse, William Parsons, 3rd earl of
- Rümker, Carl Ludwig Christian
- Sabine, Sir Edward
- Sacro Bosco, Johannes de (John Holywood)
- Santini, Giovanni
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio
- Schönfeld, Eduard
- Schröter, Johann Hieronymus
- Schumacher, Heinrich Christian
- Schwabe, Samuel Heinrich
- Secchi, Angelo
- Smyth, Charles Piazzi
- Somerville, Mary
- Sosigenes
- Stone, Edward James
- Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm
- Tisserand, François Félix
- Troughton, Edward
- Ulugh Beg
- Walker, Sears Cook
- Walther, Bernhard
- Zach, Franz Xaver, Baron von
- Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich
[edit]- Abiogenesis
- Acclimatization
- Acephalous
- Acuminate
- Adaptation
- Aestivation
- Albino
- Alveolate
- Anabolism
- Anastomosis
- Aporose
- Auricle
- Autogeny
- Bathybius
- Biogenesis
- Bipartite
- Catabolism
- Chemotaxis
- Cilia
- Cytology
- Embryology
- Enzyme
- Evolution
- Fermentation
- Habitat
- Heredity
- Hybridism
- Life
- Longevity
- Mendelism
- Metabolism
- Microtomy
- Monotypic
- Morphology
- Oecology or Ecology
- Osteology
- Parasitism
- Protoplasm
- Reproduction
- Rhacis or Rachis
- Specis
- Telegony
- Variation and Selection
[edit]Natural History
[edit](for Anatomy and Physiology see under Medical Science)
[edit]Natural History
[edit](for Farm Animals see under Industries § Agriculture)
[edit]Other Invertebra
[edit]- Affinity, Chemical
- Alembic
- Allotropy
- Amorphism
- Analysis
- Assaying
- Atmolysis
- Atom
- Blowpipe
- Catalysis
- Chemical Action
- Combustion
- Condenser
- Crystallization
- Decolourizing
- Desiccation
- Dialysis
- Dissociation
- Distillation
- Electrochemistry
- Electrolysis
- Element
- Elixir
- Equivalent
- Explosives
- Flame
- Formula
- Gas
- Hydrolysis
- Iatrochemistry
- Indicator
- Isomerism
- Matrass
- Molecule
- Photochemistry
- Pigments
- Pyrophorus
- Radioactivity
- Solution
- Stereochemistry
- Stereo-isometrism
- Stoichiometry
- Thermochemistry
- Valency
[edit]- Acid
- Algaroth, Powder of
- Alkali
- Alkali Manufacture
- Alkaline Earths
- Alum
- Aluminium
- Amalgam
- Ammonia
- Antimony
- Argon
- Arsenic
- Azoimide or Hydrazoic Acid
- Azoth
- Barium
- Base
- Beryllium or Glucinum
- Bichromates and Chromates
- Bismuth
- Bittern
- Borax
- Boric Acid or Boracic Acid
- Boron
- Brimstone
- Bromine
- Cadmium
- Caesium
- Calcium
- Calomel
- Carbide
- Carbon
- Carbonates
- Carbon Bisulphide
- Carbonic Acid
- Carborundum
- Caustic
- Cerium
- Charcoal
- Chlorates
- Chlorine
- Chromium
- Cobalt
- Colcothar
- Columbium or Niobium
- Copper
- Copperas
- Corrosive Sublimate
[edit]- Abel, Sir Frederick A.
- Achard, F. C.
- Andrews, Thomas
- Baeyer, Adolf von
- Balard, Antoine J.
- Baumé, Antoine
- Becher, J. J.
- Bell, Jacob
- Bergman, Torbern Olof
- Berthelot, M. P. E.
- Berthollet, C. L.
- Berzelius, J. J.
- Black, Joseph
- Boussingault, J. B. J. D.
- Brande, William Thomas
- Brown, S. M.
- Bunsen, R. W. v.
- Calvert, F. Crace
- Cannizzaro, Stanislao
- Cavendish, Henry
- Chevreul, M. E.
- Clark, Thomas
- Crookes, Sir William
- Dalton, John
- Daniell, John F.
- Davy, Sir Humphry
- Dewar, Sir James
- Döbereiner, J. W.
- Dulong, Pierre Louis
- Dumas, Jean Baptiste A.
- Erdmann, Otto Linné
- Fehling, Hermann von
- Fischer, Emil
- Fittig, Rudolf
- Flamel, Nicolas
- Fourcroy, A. F., comte de
- Frankland, Sir Edward
- Frémy, Edmond
- Fresenius, Karl R.
- Friedel, Charles
- Fuchs, Johann N. von
- Gannal, J. N.
- Gay-Lussac, J. L.
- Geber
- Geoffroy, E. F.
- Gerhardt, Charles F.
- Gibbs, Oliver Wolcott
- Gilbert, Sir Joseph H.
- Gladstone, John Hall
- Glaser, Christopher
- Glauber, Johann R.
- Gmelin (family)
- Graham, Thomas
- Guimet, Jean B.
- Guyton de Morveau, baron
- Harcourt, W. Vernon
- Helmont, Jean B. van
- Henry, William
- Hofmann, A. W. von
- Homberg, Wilhelm
- Kekulé, F. August
- Klaproth, M. H.
- Kolbe, A. W. Hermann
- Kopp, Hermann F. M.
- Kunkel or Kunckel von Lowenstjern, J.
- Lavoisier, A. L.
- Le Blanc, Nicolas
- Lemery, Nicolas
- Liebig, J. von, baron
- Lunge, Georg
- Magnus, H. G.
- Marggraf, Andreas S.
- Marignac, Jean C. G. de
- Mayow, John
- Mendeléeff, Dmitri I.
- Meyer, J. Lothar
- Meyer, Victor
- Mitscherlich, E.
- Mohr, K. Friedrich
- Moissan, Henri
- Mond, Ludwig
- Murray, John
- Muspratt, J. and J. S.
- Newlands, John A. R.
- Nobel, Alfred B.
- Pasteur, Louis
- Pelouze, T. Jules
- Perkin, Sir W. H.
- Pettenkofer, Max J. von
- Plattner, K. F.
- Priestley, Joseph
- Proust, Joseph Louis
- Prout, William
- Ramsay, Sir William
- Raoult, François M.
- Regnault, H. V.
- Richter, J. B.
- Roebuck, John
- Roscoe, Sir H. E.
- Rose (family)
- Rouelle, G. F.
- Sainte-Claire Deville, E. H.
- Scheele, K. W.
- Schönbein, C. F.
- Schützenberger, P.
- Silliman, Benjamin
- Stahl, G. E.
- Stas, J. S.
- Tennant, Charles
- Tennant, Smithson
- Thénard, L. J.
- Thomsen, Julius
- Thomson, Thomas
- Van 't Hoff, J. H.
- Vauquelin, L. N.
- Weldon, Walter
- Wenzel, K. F.
- Williamson, A. W.
- Wislicenus, J.
- Wöhler, Friedrich
- Wollaston, W. H.
- Wurtz, C. A.
- Young, James
Economics and Social Science
[edit](See also the articles on countries for statistics of trade, etc.; also Medical Science)
[edit]- Absenteeism
- Actuary
- Ad valorem
- Advertisement
- Advice
- Agent-General
- Aids
- Allotments and Small Holdings
- Almack's
- Alnage or Aulnage
- Anarchism
- Apprenticeship
- Arbitration and Conciliation
- Artel
- Baby-farming
- Bachelor
- Badger
- Balance of Trade
- Bedlam, or Bethlehem Hospital
- Beefsteak Club
- Beggar
- B'nal B'rith (or Sons of the Covenant), Independent Order of/
- Boarding-out System/
- Bondager
- Bonus
- Book-keeping
- Bounty
- Bourse
- Breaking Bulk
- Brook Farm
- Brooks's
- Building Societies
- Burial Societies
- Butlerage and Prisage
- Camorra
- Census
- Cess
- Charity and Charities
- Club
- Collectivism
- Combination
- Commerce
- Commercial Treaties
- Commissionaire
- Communism
- Concubinage
- Consumption
- Coolie
- Cooperage, or Coperage
- Co-operation
- Cooper Union
- Corn Laws
- Corvée
- Crèche
- Crofter
- Demography
- Distribution
- Dock Warrant
- Drawback
- Druids, Order of
- Duel
- Emigration
- Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation
- Engrossing
- Eugenics
- Excambion
- Exhibition
- Factory Acts
- Fair
- Famine
- Farm
- Fiars Prices
- Fief
- Fire and Fire Extinction
- Folkland
- Forestalling
- Foundling Hospitals
- Franking
- Fraternities, College
- Freemasonry
- Free Ports
- Free Trade
- Friendly Societies
- George Junior Republic
- Gilds
- Grain Trade
- Hooligan
- Housing
- Illegitimacy
- Immigration
- International, The
- Kit-Cat Club
- Labour Exchange
- Labour Legislation
- Livery Companies
- Mafia
- Mendicancy
- Mercantile Agencies
- Mercantile System
- Mëtayage System
- Migration
- Monopoly
- National Workshops
- Oddfellows, Order of
- Old-Age Pensions
- Oneida Community
- Owling
- Pauperism
- Pwanbroking
- Peonage
- Physiocratic School
- Poor Law
- Population
- Primage
- Production
- Profit-sharing
- Proletariat, or Proletariate
- Prostitution
- Protection
- Rebate
- Reciprocity
- Regrating
- Roundsman System
- Salvage Corps
- Sample
- Anctuary
- Serfdom
- Slavery
- Smuggling
- Social Contract
- Socialism
- Social Settlements
- Stannaries
- Staple
- Statistics
- Statute Merchant and Statue Stample
- Steelyard, Merchants of the
- Strikes and Lock-Outs
- Subsidy
- Suicide
- Sumptuary Laws
- Sweating System
- Talukdar
- Tare and Tret
- Tariff
- Teetotalism
- Title Guarantee Companies
- Trade Organization
- Trade Unions
- Tramp
- Trusts
- Unemployment
- Usury
- Vagrancy
- Value
- Vill
- Village Communities
- Villenage
- Wages
- Wealth
- Women
Finance and Currency
[edit](See also the educational sections in the articles on particular countries; also articles on towns)
[edit]- Academies
- Adolescence
- Bachelor
- Barring Out
- Battel
- Bejan
- Blindness
- Bryn Mawr College
- Bursar
- California, University of
- Chicago, University of
- Child
- Christ's Hospital
- Classics
- Co-education
- College
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- Dartmouth College
- Deaf and Dumb
- Doctor
- Encaenia
- Examinations
- Fagging
- Fellow
- Gaudy
- Graduate
- Gymnastics and Gymnasium
- Harvard University
- Horn Book
- Hostel
- Industrial School
- Infant Schools
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kindergarten
- Leland Standford Jr. University
- Lowell Institute
- Lyceum
- Master
- Michigan, University of
- Mount Holyoke College
- Munshi, or Moonshi
- Museums of Science
- Pegagogue
- Pennsylvania, University of
- Polytechnic
- Preceptor
- Princeton University
- Proctor
- Professor
- Reformatory School
- Research
- Schools
- Seminary
- Sizar
- Smith College
- Smithsonian Institution
- Sophomore
- Sorbonne
- Technical Education
- Testamur
- Tutor
- Universities
- Vassar College, N.Y.
- Virginia, University of
- Wisconsin, University of
- Yale University
[edit](For electrical engineering see under Physics)
[edit]- Abrasion
- Adjutage
- Adze
- Air-engine
- Anvil
- Aqueduct
- Archimedes, Screw of
- Artesian Wells
- Auger
- Autoclave
- Awl
- Axe
- Axle
- Barker's mill
- Bearings
- Bellows and Blowing Machines
- Boiler
- Bradawl
- Breakwater
- Bridges
- Bush
- Caisson
- Caledonian Canal
- Canal
- Cantilever
- Cash Register
- Causeway
- Chain
- Chisel
- Chronograph
- Clock
- Cofferdam
- Conveyors
- Copying Machines
- Cranes
- Crank
- Destructors
- Divers and Diving Apparatus
- Dock
- Dredge and Dredging
- Dynamometer
- Elevators, Lifts or Hoists
- Embankment
- Engine
- Felloe
- File
- Filter
- Friction
- Fuel
- Gas Engine
- Gauge or Gage
- Gimlet
- Gouge
- Hammer
- Harbour
- Harpoon
- Hatchet
- Horse Power
- Hose-pipe
- Hydraulics
- Injector
- Irrigation
- Jetty
- Joints
- Knife
- Ladder
- Lamp
- Lathe
- Lock
- Lubricants
- Lubrication
- Manchester Ship Canal
- Mill
- Oil-Engine
- Panama Canal
- Parallel Motion
- Pedometer
- Pier
- Piston
- Pulley
- Pump
- Reclamation of Land
- Refrigerating and Ice-making
- River Engineering
- Rivet
- Roads and Streets
- Saw
- Scissors
- Screw
- Sewerage
- Sewing Machines
- Shadoof
- Shears
- Shovel
- Shuttle
- Sieve
- Signal
- Siphon or Syphon
- Sleeper
- Smoke
- Spade
- Steam-Engine
- Strength of Materials
- Suez Canal
- Syringe
- Tongs
- Tool
- Tube
- Tunnel
- Tweezers
- Typewriter
- Valve
- Voting Machines
- Wainscot
- Watch
- Water Motors
- Water Supply
- Weir
- Well
- Windmill
[edit]- Adobe
- Brick
- Brickwork
- Carpentry
- Cement
- Concrete
- Crystal Palace
- Dry Rot
- Firebrick
- Foundations
- Glazing
- Heating
- Joinery
- Joist
- Lath
- Masonry
- Mortar
- Mortise or Mortice
- Painter-work
- Plaster-work
- Rafter
- Random
- Roofs
- Safes, Strong-rooms and Vaults
- Scaffold, Scaffolding
- Scantling
- Shoring
- Steel Construction
- Stone
- Stove
- Stucco
- Timber
- Ventilation
[edit]- Aeronautics
- Atmospheric Railway
- Balloon
- Barouche
- Bath-chair/
- Berlin (carriage)
- Bicycle
- Bogie
- Brake
- Britzska
- Brougham
- Buggy
- Cab
- Car
- Caravan
- Caravanserai
- Caravel or Carvel
- Carriage
- Cart
- Chaise
- Char-à-banc
- Coach
- Coupé
- Curricle
- Droshky
- Flight and Flying
- Jaunting Car
- Litter
- Motors, Electric
- Motor Vehicles
- Palanquin
- Parachute
- Pneumatic Despatch
- Railways
- Sedan-chair
- Sleigh, Sled or Sledge
- Tire
- Traction
- Tramway
- Tricycle
- Wagon or Waggon
[edit]- Anchor
- Ballast
- Barge
- Belay
- Berth
- Bilge
- Binnacle
- Boat
- Bowline
- Bumboat
- Buoy
- Burgee
- Cable
- Cabotage
- Caïque
- Canoe
- Capstan
- Catamaran
- Cleat
- Cobic
- Coracle (Corwgl)/
- Dahabeah
- Dhow
- Dinghy, dingey/
- Felucca
- Gimbal
- Hawser
- Holystone
- Junk
- Kayak or Cayak
- Keel
- Lateen
- Life-boat and life-saving service
- Lighthouse
- Log
- Mast
- Navigation
- Oar
- Pilot
- Pinnace
- Pirogue or Piragua
- Polacca
- Poop
- Pram
- Proa
- Punt
- Quarterdeck
- Quay
- Random
- Rigging
- Rowlock
- Rudder
- Sail
- Sailcloth
- Sampan
- Schooner
- Seamanship
- Semaphore
- Ship
- Shipbuilding
- Sloop
- Smack
- Starboard
- Steamship Lines
- Tonnage
- Trinity House, Corporation of
- Turbine
- Wharf
- Yawl
Mining and Metallurgy
[edit]- Alloys
- Annealing, Hardening and Tempering
- Anthracite
- Banket
- Biddery
- Blasting
- Bloom
- Boring
- Brass
- Brazing and Soldering
- Bronze
- Bronzing
- Coal
- Damascening or Damaskcening
- Damask Steel or Damascus Steel
- Electrum
- Flume
- Flux
- Forging
- Fossick
- Founding
- Fuel
- Furnace
- Fusible Metal
- Galvanized Iron
- German Siver or Nickel Silver
- Ingot
- Invar
- Iron and Steel
- Kiln
- Lutten
- Metal
- Metallography
- Ore-dressing
- Pewter
- Quarrying
- Rolling Mill
- Safety-lamp
- Shaft-sinking
- Solder
- Tin-plate and Terne-plate
- Welding
[edit]- Arkwright, Sir Richard
- Armstrong, 1st Baron/
- Baird, James
- Baker, Sir Benjamin
- Bazalgette, Sir Joseph William
- Bell, Henry
- Berthon, Edward Lyon
- Berthoud, Ferdinand
- Bessemer, Sir Henry
- Bidder, George Parker
- Boulton, Matthew
- Bramah, Joseph
- Brassey, Thomas
- Bridgewater, 3rd Duke of
- Bright, Sir Charles
- Brindley, James
- Brown, Sir John
- Brunel, I. K.
- Brunel, Sir Marc
- Burns, Sir George, bart.
- Camus, F. J. des
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Cartwright, Edmund
- Cautley, Sir Proby Thomas
- Chappe, Claude
- Chubb, Charles
- Clark, Josiah Latimer
- Cockerill W. (and J.)
- Congreve, Sir William, bart.
- Coode, Sir John
- Corning, Erastus
- Coxwell, Henry Tracey
- Cramp, Charles Henry
- Crompton, Samuel
- Cubitt, Thomas
- Cubitt, Sir William
- Cunard, Sir Samuel
- Currie, Sir Donald
- Drummond, Thomas
- Dupuy de Lomo, S. C. H. L.
- Eads, James Buchanan
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Ericsson, John
- Evans, Oliver
- Fairbairn, Sir William
- Ferguson, James
- Finlay, Sir George
- Firth, Mark
- Fitch, John
- Fowler, Sir John
- Fowler, John
- Fulton, Robert
- Gatling, Richard Jordan
- Girard, Philippe Henri de
- Gooch, Sir Daniel, bart.
- Goodyear, Charles
- Greathead, James Henry
- Grimthorp, 1st Baron
- Harrison, John
- Hartley, Sir Charles Augustus
- Hawkshaw, Sir John
- Hawksley, Thomas
- Heathcoat, John
- Hodgkinson, Eaton
- Holden, Sir Isaac, bart.
- Ismay, Thomas Henry
- Jacquard, Joseph Marie
- Jenkin, H. C. F.
- Kingsford, W.
- Krupp, Alfred
- Lindley, William
- McAdam, John Loudon
- McCormick, Cyrus Hall
- Marquand, Henry G.
- Masham, Baron
- Maxim, Sir Hirem
- Murdock, William
- Myddelton, Sir Hugh
- Nasmyth, James
- Newcomen, Thomas
- Nixon, John
- Noble, Sir Andrew
- Palmer, Sir Charles Mark
- Perkins, Jacob
- Pole, William
- Prony, G. C. F. M. R. de
- Rankine, W. J. M.
- Rawlinson, Sir Robert
- Reid, Sir Robert G.
- Rennie, John
- Roebling, J. A.
- Schichau, Ferdinand
- Seppings, Sir Robert
- Siemans, Sir William (Karl Wilhelm)
- Smeaton, John
- Starley, James
- Stephenson, George
- Stephenson, Robert
- Stevenson, Robert
- Strutt, Jedediah
- Tangye, Sir Richard
- Telford, Thomas
- Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist
- Tregold, Thomas
- Trevithick, Richard
- Watt, James
- White, Sir William H.
- Whitney, Eli
- Whitworth, Sir Joseph, bart.
- Wilkinson, John
[edit]General Subjects and Cartography
[edit]Physical Features and Oceanography
[edit]Europe (Continental)
[edit]Physical features
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Divisions, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc. (modern names)
[edit]Towns, etc. (ancient names)
[edit]Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of
[edit]Mediterranean Islands, etc.
[edit]Russia in Europe
[edit](Including Transcaucasia)
Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Turkey in Europe
[edit]Ancient geography
[edit](Excluding towns in Greece and Italy, q.v.)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
[edit]Physical features
[edit]Mountains and Hills
[edit]Divisions and Towns
[edit]England and Wales
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Ancient Names
[edit]Physical Features
[edit]Chinese Empire
[edit]Towns. etc.
[edit]India (with lesser Frontier States)
[edit]Territorial Divisions, etc.
[edit](See also Asia: Mountains, above). Where a district and town have the same name the article will be found under the list of towns.)
Towns, etc.
[edit]Indo-China, French
[edit]Malay Archipelago
[edit]Malay Peninsula
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Russia in Asia
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Turkey in Asia
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit](see also Asia: Ancient, below)
Ancient Names
[edit]Physical features
[edit]East Africa
[edit](Eritrea to Portuguese E. Africa)
[edit]South Africa (British)
[edit]- Aliwal North
- Barberton
- Barkly East
- Barkly West
- Barotse
- Basutoland
- Beaconsfield
- Beaufort West
- Bechuanaland
- Blantyre
- Bloemfontein
- Boksburg
- Bulawayo
- Caledon
- Cape Colony
- Cape Town
- Colenso
- Constantia
- Cradock
- Cullinan
- Durban
- East London
- Ermelo
- Ficksburg
- Germiston
- Glen Grey
- Graaff Reinet
- Graham's Town
- Griqualand East
- Griqualand West
- Harrismith
- Heidelberg
- Jagersfontein
- Johannesburg
- Kaffraria
- Kimberley
- King William's Town
- Klerksdorp
- Kokstad
- Kroonstad
- Krugersdorp
- Kuruman
- Ladybrand
- Ladysmith
- Laing's Nek
- Lovedale
- Lydenburg
- Mafeking
- Maseru
- Middelburg
- Mossel Bay
- Natal
- Nylstroom
- Orange Free State
- Paarl
- Pietermaritzburg
- Pietersburg
- Port Elizabeth
- Potchefstroom
- Pretoria
- Queenstown
- Rhodesia
- Robben Island
- Rustenburg
- Shoshong
- Simon's Town
- Standerton
- Stellenbosch
- Swaziland
- Swellendam
- Tati
- Transkei
- Transvaal
- Uitenhage
- Ulundi
- Utrecht
- Volksrust
- Vryheid
- Wakkerstroom
- Walfish Bay
- Wepener
- Winburg
- Worcester
- Zeerust
- Zimbabwe
- Zoutpansberg
- Zululand
[edit]Tripoli and Tunisia
[edit]West Africa
[edit](French West Africa to German South-West Africa)
Ancient Names
[edit]Physical features
[edit]Canada and Newfoundland
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]United States
[edit]States, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]British Honduras
[edit]Costa Rica
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]West Indies
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]Physical Features
[edit]Towns, etc.
[edit]New Zealand
[edit]Oceans, Seas and Oceanic Islands
[edit]Oceans, Seas, etc.
[edit]Atlantic Ocean
[edit]Islands, etc.
[edit]Indian Ocean
[edit]Islands, etc.
[edit]Pacific Ocean
[edit]Islands, etc.
[edit]Polar regions
[edit]Islands, etc.
[edit]Mineralogy and Crystallography
[edit](For historians see the literature of the various countries)
[edit]- Abdication
- Agrarian Laws
- Alliance
- Annals
- Arbitration, International
- Archive
- Aristocracy
- Balance of Power
- British Empire
- Cabinet
- Capitulations
- Chronicle
- City
- Civilization
- Colony
- Concordat
- Confederation
- Conference
- Convention
- Corsair
- Democracy
- Despot
- Diplomacy
- Diplomatic
- Dynasty
- Empire
- Feudalism
- Government
- Governor
- Hellenism
- Homage
- Mercantile System
- Monarchy
- Oligarchy
- Parliament
- Peace
- Piracy
- Privateer
- Record
- Republic
- Serfdom
- Slavery
- Sovereignty
- State
- State Rights
- Sultan
- Suzerainty
- Treaties
- Village Communities
- War
Heraldry, Titles, and Offices
[edit](See further under the separate countries)
[edit](See further under Holy Roman Empire)
[edit]Balkan Peninsula
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit](See Netherlands)
[edit](See further under Franks)
[edit](See further under France and Germany)
Subjects and Biographies (to A.D. 843)
[edit](See also Franks and Holy Roman Empire)
[edit]Biographies (ancient)
[edit]Biographies (modern)
[edit](See Netherlands)
Holy Roman Empire
[edit](See also Papacy, Rome and Roman Empire, Later)
[edit](See under Greece, Asia and Turkey)
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Rome (to A.D. 476)
[edit]Roman Empire, Later
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]United Kingdom
[edit]Asia minor
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Babylonia and Assyria
[edit]Caliphate (Eastern)
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]India (with Afghanistan)
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit](See further under Literature, § Hebrew, and Religion, §§ Bible and Judaism)
Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Macedonian Empire
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Africa, Ancient
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]Subjects and Biographies
[edit]South Africa
[edit]United States
[edit]Wars and Battles
[edit]- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, Samuel
- Alden, John
- Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth
- Alger, Russell A.
- Allen, Ethan
- Allison, William Boyd
- Ames, Fisher
- ...
- Ashby, Turner
- Austin, Stephen Fuller
- Bainbridge, William
- Banks, Nathaniel P.
- Bayard, Thomas Franc
- Beauregard, Pierre G. T.
- Belknap, William W.
- Bell, John
- Bolmont. August
- ...
- Chaffee, Adna R.
- Couch, Darius
- Cox, Jacob D.
- Guanine, Caleb
- Cushing, William B.
- ...
- Dahlgren, John A.
- Dale, Sir Thomas
- Dallas, Alexander J.
- Dallas, George Mifflin
- Davis, Cushman K.
- ...
- Haviu, Henry W.
- Hampton, Wade
- Hawley, Joseph R.
- Hayes, Rutherford B.
- Hendricks, Thou
- Hood, John Bell
- O'Neiil Jackson,
- Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall)
- Jay, John
- Johnston, Joseph E.
- Jones, John Paul
- Kalb, Johann (" baron de Kalb ";
- ...
- Kearny, Philip
- KiilK, Rutus
- Knickerbocker, H, J.
- Knox, Henry
- Lamar, L. Q. C.
- Lane, James Henry
- Langdon, John
- Lee, Fitzhugh
- Lee, Henry (Light Horse Harry)
- ...
- United States : Biographies (cont.)
- Lundy, Ben
- Lyon, Nath
- McClellan, G. B.
- Polk, James Knox
- Polk, Leonidas
- Pontiac
- Pope, John
- Tracy, Benjamin F.
- Treseot, Williar
- Trumbull, Jona
- Meagher
- Merrltt,
- Miantom
- Middleto
- Morgan, E. D.
- Morgan, John E
- Morrill, Justin S
- Otis, H. G.
- Otis, Jamos
- Paine, Robert Treat
- Palmer, John McAuley
- Pendleton, Edmund
- Pendleton, George H.
- Pepperrell, Sir William
- Perry, Matthew C.
- Perry, Oliver H.
- Philip, king
- Phillips, Wendell
- Phips, Sir William
- Pickens, Andrew
- Pickens, F. W.
- Pickering, Timothy
- Pierce, Franklin
- Pinckney, Charles
- ...
- Stark, John
- Stephens, A. H.
- ...
- Wade, Benjamin F.
- Walker, Robert James
- Wallace, Lewis (Lew)
- Warner, Seth
- Warren, Gouverneur K.
- Warren, Joseph
- Washburn, C. C.
- Washington, George
- Wayne, Anthony
- Wheeler, Joseph
- White, Hugh Lawson
- Whitney, William C.
- ...
- Wilson, James (1742–1798)
- Wilson, James (b. 1835)
- Wilson, James H.
- Wingfield, EdWard M.
- Winslow, Edward
- Winthrop, John (1588–1649)
- Winthrop, John (1606–1676)
- Winthrop, Robert Charles
- Wise, Henry A.
- Wolcott, Roger
- Woodbury, Levi
- Wright, Silas
- Yancey, William L.
- Yates, Richard
[edit]- Atkinson, Sir H. A.
- Ballance, John
- Barry, Sir Redmond
- Dickson, Sir J. R.
- Fox, Sir William
- Higinbotham, G.
- Kelly, Edward
- Latrobe, C. J.
- M‘Culloch, Sir James
- McKenzie, Sir John
- Maning, F. E.
- O’Shanassy, Sir J.
- Parkes, Sir Henry
- Ramsay, Robert
- Seddon, R. J.
- Stawell, Sir W. F.
- Torrens. Sir R. R.
- Vogel, Sir Julius
- Wakefield, E. G.
- Wentworth, William
Industries, Manufactures and Occupations
[edit]- Air-gun
- Ambergris
- Asphalt or Asphaltum
- Attar or Otto of Roses
- Baking
- Barbed Wire
- Basket
- Bead
- Bergamot, Oil of
- Bodkin
- Bottle
- Briquette
- Brush
- Button
- Candle
- Carmine
- Catechu or Cutch
- Catgut
- Chafing-dish
- Cigar
- Coke
- Colza Oil
- Comb
- Cooperage
- Copra
- Coral
- Cutlery
- Dyeing
- Eau de Cologne
- Elemi
- Extract
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Fat
- Feather
- Fireworks
- Fisheries
- Flour and Flour Manufacture
- Flowers, Artificial
- Foil
- Folio
- Foolscap
- Fur
- Gas
- Gem, Artificial
- Glair
- Glass
- Glue
- Gluten
- Goldbeating
- Grain Trade
- Granaries
- Hodden
- Horn
- Horse-shoes
- Ink
- Isinglass
- Ivory
- Japanning
- Lanolin
- Lapidary
- Laundry
- Leather
- Leather, Artificial
- Linseed
- Liquorice
- Lithography
- Logwood
- Mastic
- Match
- Maulstick
- Mirror
- Mucilage
- Musk
- Nail
- Natural Gas
- Needle
- Oakum
- Octavo
- Oils
- Oven
- Paper
- Papier Mâché
- Paraffin
- Parchment
- Pearl
- Peat
- Pen
- Pencil
- Perfumery
- Petroleum
- Pickle
- Pigments
- Pin
- Pipe
- Pisciculture
- Plated Ware
- Plumbing
- Process
- Putty
- Quaich or Quaigh
- Quarto
- Quire
- Rape Oil
- Ream
- Resin
- Rice Paper
- Rope and Rope-making
- Saddlery and Harness
- Seal-fisheries
- Sealing-wax
- Seine
- Sepia
- Shagreen
- Sheffield Plate
- Shoe
- Soap
- Spermaceti
- Starch
- Stationery
- Stirrup
- Straw and Straw Manufactures
- Tailor
- Tallow
- Thimble
- Thread
- Tortoiseshell
- Trade
- Trawling, Seining and Netting of Fish/
- Turpentine
- Typography
- Umbrella
- Vacuum Cleaner/
- Varnish
- Vaseline
- Veneer
- Vinegar
- Wafer
- Wax
- Whalebone
- Whale Oil/
- Whale-fishery or Whaling/
- Wire
[edit](For Cereals, Trees and Fruits see Botany.)
Foods and Beverages
[edit]Language and Writing
[edit]- A
- Abbreviation
- Ablative
- Accent
- Accidence
- Accusative
- Adjective
- Alphabet
- Ampersand
- Ampliative
- Aorist
- Apostrophe
- Article
- Augment
- B
- C
- Colon
- Comma
- Cryptography
- Cuneiform
- Cyrillic
- D
- Dative
- Dialect
- Dictionary
- E
- Etymology
- F
- G
- Glagolitic
- Grammar
- H
- Hieratic
- Hieroglyphics
- Homonym
- I
- Ideograph
- Idiom
- Infinite
- Inscriptions
- Italic
- J
- Jargon
- K
- L
- Lexicon
- M
- N
- O
- Onomatopoeia
- P
- Palaeography
- Parenthesis
- Patois
- Phonetics
- Pidgin English
- Pronunciation
- Punctuation
- Q
- R
- Runes, Runic Language and Inscriptions
- S
- Shorthand
- Significs
- Slang
- Stenography
- T
- U
- Universal Languages
- V
- W
- Writing
- X
- Y
- Z
[edit](For information under Ethnographical and Geographical headings see vol. xxi. pp. 437–438.)
[edit](See also under Literature, § Classics.)
Law and Political Science
[edit](See also the legal sections of articles on Countries.)
[edit]Crime and Punishment
[edit](For Literature not included in the following list, see the articles Bulgaria, Canada, China, Japan, Sanskrit, Servia, etc.)
(For Breton, Cornish, Gaelic, Irish, Manx and Welsh, see the article Celt)
General Subjects
[edit](See also Classics)
[edit]Belgium and Flanders
[edit]British Empire
[edit][Authors beginning with A with no Wikisource Author: page and once originated can be given an EB1911 link: George Robert Aberigh-Mackay, Robert Ainsworth, William Alabaster, James Albery, John Almon, Alredus, of Beverly, Joseph Ames, James Anderson, Robert Anderson, James Pettit Andrews, Asser, Samuel Ayscough.
Churchill Babington, Charles Badham (classicist), Philip James Bailey, Lady Grizel Baillie, Joanna Baillie, Edward Baines, Balderic, John Bale, George Linnaeus Banks, George Bannatyne, Alexander Barclay, John Barclay]
[edit]Legendary figures
[edit](See further Religion § Comparative.)
[edit](See further Language; Literature, General Subjects.)
[edit]Hebrew, Armenian and Syriac Literature
[edit](See also under Language, Philosophy, Religion.)
[edit]United States
[edit]- Abscissa
- Algebra
- Algebraic Forms
- Aliquot
- Amicable Numbers
- Angle
- Argument
- Arithmetic
- Axis
- Bessel Function
- Binomial
- Biquadratic
- Bisectrix
- Cardioid
- Catenary
- Circle
- Cissoid
- Combinatorial Analysis
- Conchoid
- Cone
- Conic Section
- Conoid
- Continued Fractions
- Cube
- Curve
- Cycloid
- Cylinder
- Determinant
- Diagonal
- Diameter
- Differences, Calculus of
- Differential Equation
- Dimension
- Dodecahedron
- Ellipse
- Ellipsoid
- Epicycloid
- Equation
- Figurate Numbers
- Focus
- Folium
- Fourier's Series
- Frustum
- Function
- Geometrical Continuity
- Geometry
- Gnomon
- Graphical Methods
- Groups, Theory of
- Harmonic
- Harmonic Analysis
- Hyperbola
- Icosahedron
- Infinite
- Infinitesimal Calculus
- Interpolation
- Inversion
- Involution
- Lemniscate
- Limaçon
- Line
- Locus
- Logarithm
- Logocyclic Curve, Strophoid or Foliate
- Magic Square
- Maxima and Minima
- Mensuration
- Number
- Numbers, Partition of
- Numeral
- Octahedron
- Ordinate
- Oval
- Parabola
- Perspective
- Polygon
- Polygonal Numbers
- Polyhedral Numbers
- Polyhedron
- Porism
- Prism
- Probability
- Projection
- Quadratrix
- Quaternions
- Roulette
- Series
- Serpentine
- Sphere
- Spherical Harmonics
- Spheroid
- Spiral
- Surface
- Table, Mathematical
- Tetrahedron
- Triangle
- Trigonometry
- Trisectrix
- Variations, Calculus of
- Vector Analysis
- Witch of Agnesi
- Zero
[edit]- Abel, Niels Henrik
- Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
- Aguillon (Aguilonius), François D'
- Allen or Alleyn, Thomas
- Anderson, Alexander
- Anthemius
- Apollonius of Perga
- Archimedes
- Autolycus of Pitane
- Babbage, Charles
- Baldi, Bernardino
- Barlow, Peter
- Barrow, Isaac
- Bernoulli (family)
- Boole, George
- Borda, Jean Charles
- Boscovich, Roger Joseph
- Bouguer, Pierre
- Bowditch, Nathaniel
- Briggs, Henry
- Buxton, Jedediah
- Camus, Charles Étienne Louis
- Cardan, Girolamo
- Castel, Louis Bertrand
- Cauchy, Augustin Louis
- Cayley, Arthur
- Charles, Jacques Alexandre César
- Chebichev, Pafnutiy Lvovich
- Clairault, or Clairaut, Alexis Claude
- Clifford, William Kingdon
- Cocker, Edward
- Colburn, Zerah
- Cotes, Roger
- Cremona, Luigi
- Demoivre, Abraham
- De Morgan, Augustus
- Diophantus of Alexandria
- Ditton, Humphry
- Emerson, William
- Euclid
- Euler, Leonhard
- Fermat, Pierre de
- Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
- Frisi, Paolo
- Galloway, Thomas
- Galois, Évariste
- Gauss, Karl Friedrich
- Greaves, John
- Gregory (family)
- Gregory, Olinthus Gilbert
- Gunter, Edmund
- Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre
- Hamilton, Sir William Rowan
- Harriot or Harriot, Thomas
- Hero of Alexandria
- Hutton, Charles
- Huygens, Christiaan
- Inaudi, Jacques
- Ivory, Sir James
- Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob
- Kircher, Athanasius
- Kovalevsky, Sophie
- Lagrange, Joseph Louis
- Landen, John
- Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de
- Lardner, Dionysius
- Legendre, Adrien Marie
- Leonardo of Pisa
- Leslie, Sir John
- Lie, Marius Sophus
- Lobachevskiy, Nicolas Ivanovich
- MacCullagh, James
- Maclaurin, Colin
- Mascheroni, Lorenzo
- Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de
- Mersenne, Marin
- Monge, Gaspard
- Montucla, Jean Étienne
- Murphy, Robert
- Napier, John
- Newton, Sir Isaac
- Nichomachus (of Gerass)
- Oughtred, William
- Pappus of Alexandria
- Peacock, George
- Peirce, Benjamin
- Pell, John
- Pfaff, Johann Friedrich
- Playfair, John
- Plücker, Julius
- Poinsot, Louis
- Poisson, Siméon Denis
- Poncelet, Jean Victor
- Price, Bartholomew
- Recorde, Robert
- Riccati, Jacopo Francesco, Count
- Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
- Roberval, Gilles Personne de
- Robins, Benjamin
- Routh, Edward John
- Russell, John Scott
- Salmon, George
- Saunderson, or Sanderson, Nicholas
- Serenus of Antissa
- Simpson, Thomas
- Simson, Robert
- Smith, Henry John Stephen
- Smith, Robert
- Snell, Willebrord
- Spottiswoode, William
- Steiner, Jakob
- Stevinus, Simon
- Stirling, James
- Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
- Sturm, Jacques Charles François
- Sylvester, James Joseph
- Tartaglia, Niccolò
- Taylor, Brook
- Theodosius of Tripolis
- Thompson, Thomas Peronnet
- Todhunter, Isaac
- Vernier, Pierre
- Vieta (or Viète), François
- Wallace, William
- Wallis, John
Medical Science
[edit]Anatomy and Physiology
[edit]- Abdomen
- Adam's Apple
- Ala
- Alimentary Canal
- Animal Heat
- Ankle
- Apnoea
- Aponeurosis
- Apophysis
- Arm
- Arteries
- Articulation
- Arytenoid
- Bladder
- Blood
- Bone
- Brain
- Breast
- Cartilage
- Caul
- Climacteric
- Coelom and Serous Membranes
- Colo
- Connective Tissues
- Diaphragm
- Digestive Organs
- Ductless Glands
- Ear
- Elbow
- Epithelial, Endothelial and Glandular Tissues
- Equilibrium
- Excretion
- Eye
- Face
- Fauces
- Fibrin
- Finger
- Foot
- Gall
- Hand
- Head
- Heart
- Heel
- Hip
- Hunger and Thirst
- Intestine
- Jaw
- Knee
- Leg
- Ligament
- Lip
- Liver
- Lobe
- Lung
- Lymph and Lymph Formation
- Lymphatic System
- Mannary Gland
- Matrix
- Mouth and Salivary Glands
- Muscle and Nerve
- Muscular System
- Navel
- Nerve
- Nervous System
- Nose
- Olfactory System
- Palate
- Pancreas
- Pelvis
- Perspiration
- Pharynx
- Phrenology
- Placenta
- Puberty
- Pulse
- Reproductive System
- Respiratory System
- Scalp
- Shoulder
- Sinew
- Skeleton
- Skin and Exoskeleton
- Skull
- Sleep
- Spinal Cord
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Sweetbread
- Sympathetic System
- Teeth
- Thorax
- Throat
- Tongue
- Urinary System
- Varicose Veins
- Vascular System
- Veins
- Voice
- Windpipe
- Wrist
Pathology, Therapeutics and Surgery
[edit]- Abortion
- Abscess
- Abscission
- Acne
- Acromegaly
- Actinomycosis (Streptotrichosis)
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Addison's Disease
- Adenoids
- Aerotherapeutics
- Ague
- Albuminuria
- Alienist
- Amaurosis
- Amuck, Running
- Anaemia
- Anaesthesia and Anaesthetics
- Aneurysm, or Aneurism
- Angina Pectoris
- Ankylosis, or Anchylosis
- Ankylostomiasis or Anchylostomiasis
- Anodyne
- Antiseptics
- Aphasia
- Aphemia
- Apoplexy
- Appendicitis
- Apyrexia
- Arthritis
- Ascites
- Asphyxia
- Asthma
- Athetosis
- Atrophy
- Auscultation
- Autopsy
- Bacteriology
- Baldness
- Balneotherapeutics
- Bedsore
- Beri-beri
- Bilharziosis
- Blackwater Fever
- Bladder and Prostate Diseases
- Blindness
- Blister
- Blood-letting/
- Boil
- Bow-leg
- Bright's Disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchotomy
- Bunion
- Burns and Scalds
- Caesarean Section
- Caisson Disease
- Cancer or Carcinoma
- Carbuncle
- Catalepsy
- Catarrh
- Chicken-pox
- Chilblains
- Chirurgeon
- Cholera
- Cleft Palate and Hare-Lip/
- Clinic
- Club-foot
- Colic
- Coma
- Constipation
- Convulsions
- Corn
- Corpulence or Obesity
- Cramp
- Cretinism
- Croup
- Cupping
- Delirium
- Dengue
- Dentistry
- Diabetes
- Diaphoretics
- Diarrhoea
- Dietetics
- Dilatation
- Diphtheria
- Dipsomania
- Diuretics
- Dropsy
- Drunkenness
- Dysentery
- Dyspepsia
- Eczema
- Electrotherapeutics
- Elephantiasis
- Emetics
- Emphysema
- Empyema
- Enteritis
- Epilepsy
- Epistaxis
- Erysipelas
- Favus
- Fever
- Filariasis
- Fistula
- Food
- Frostbite
- Gangrene
- Gastric Ulcer
- Gastritis
- Goitre
- Gout
- Guinea-worm
- Gynaecology
- Haematocele
- Haemophilia
- Haemorrhage
- Haemorrhoids
- Hammer-toe
- Hay Fever or Summer Catarrh
- Hernia
- Herpes
- Homoeopathy
- Hydrocele
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydropathy
- Dydrophobia or Rabies
- Hypertrophy
- Hypnotism
- Hypochondriasis
- Hysteria
- Icthyosis or Xeroderma
- Imbecile
- Infancy
- Influenza
- Insanity
- Insomnia
- Intestinal Obstruction
- Intoxication
- Jaundice
- Joints
- Kala-Azar
- Kidney Diseases
- Laryngitis
- Lead Poisoning
- Leontiasis Ossea
- Leprosy
- Lethargy
- Lichen
- Locomotor Ataxia
- Lumbago
- Lupus
- Malaria
- Malta (or Mediterranean) Fever
- Massago
- Measles
- Meniere Disease
- Meningitis
- Metabolic Diseases
- Mineral Waters
- Mortification
- Mumps
- Myelitis
- Myxoedema
- Naevus
- Narcotics
- Necrosis
- Nettlerash or Urticaria
- Neuralgia
- Neurasthenia
- Neuritis
- Neuropathology
- Nosology
- Nostalgia
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Obstetrics
- Ophthalmology
- Ovariotomy
- Pain
- Paralysis or Palsy
- Paranoia
- Parasitic Diseases
- Pediculosis or Phthiriasis
- Pellagra
- Pemphigus
- Peritonitis
- Phagocytosis
- Pharyngitis
- Phlebitis
- Phthisis
- Pinto
- Pityriasis Versicolor
- Plague
- Pleurisy or Pleuritis
- Pneumonia
- Poison
- Polypus
- Poultice
- Prognosis
- Pruritus
- Psoriasis
- Psorospemiasis
- Ptomaine Poisoning
- Puerperal Fever
- Purpura
- Quinsy
- Raynaud's Disease
- Relapsing Fever
- Rheumatism
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rickets
- Ringworm
- St Vitus' Dance or Chorea
- Scabies or Itch
- Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina
- Sciatica
- Scrofula or Scorbutus
- Sea-Sickness
- Seborrhoea
- Sepsis
- Shock or Collapse
- Skin Diseases
- Sleeping-sickness
- Smallpox
- Sneezing
- Somnambulism
- Sprue
- Stammering or Stutteting
- Starvation
- Stethoscope
- Sunstroke
- Surgical Instruments and Appliance
- Sweating-sickness
- Syncope
- Tetanus
- Tonsillitis
- Toxicology
- Tracheotomy
- Trachoma
- Trichinosis or Trichiniasis
- Tuberculosis
- Tumour
- Typhoid Fever
- Typhus Fever
- Ulcer
- Vegetarianism
- Venereal Diseases
- Vivisection
- Wart
- Whitlow
- Whooping-Cough
- Wound
- Wry-neck
- X Ray Treatment
- Yaws
- Yellow Fever
- Zymotic Diseases
[edit](See also under Chemistry.)
Public Health
[edit]Veterinary Science
[edit]Military and Naval
[edit](For Campaigns, Battles and Biographies of Commanders see History.)
[edit]Military Writers and Engineers
[edit]Philosophy and Psychology
[edit]- Absolute
- Absolutism
- Abstraction
- Academy, Greek
- Acatalepsy
- Accident
- Accidentalism
- Affection
- Aetiology
- A Fortiori
- Agglutination
- Agnoiology
- Agnosticism
- Alethiology
- Alexandrists
- Altruism
- Amphibology
- Analogy
- Analysis
- Antinomy
- Apodictic
- Apperception
- Apprehension
- A Priori
- Arabian Philosophy
- Association of Ideas
- Attention
- Automorphism
- Axiom
- Cambridge Platonists
- Cardinal Virtues
- Cartesianism
- Casuistry
- Category
- Causation
- Chaos
- Circulus in Probando
- Classification
- Cognition
- Conation
- Concept
- Conceptualism
- Concrete
- Condition
- Connotation
- Conscience
- Contradiction, Principle of
- Conversion
- Cosmogony
- Cynics
- Cyrenaics
- Deduction
- Definition
- Denotation
- Determinism
- Dialectic
- Dichotomy
- Dilemma
- Division
- Dream
- Dualism
- Duty
- Dysteleology
- Eclecticism
- Ecstasy
- Egoism
- Eleatic School
- Elis, Philosophical School of
- Emanation
- Empiricism
- Enthymeme
- Epistemology
- Eretrian School of Philosophy
- Esoteric
- Eudaemonism
- Extension
- Fallacy (logic)
- Fancy
- Fatalism
- Form
- Golden Rule
- Gymnosophists
- Hearing
- Hedonism
- Heteronomy
- Humanism
- Hylozoism
- Hypothesis
- Hysteron-proteron
- Idea
- Idealism
- Idiosyncrasy
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Immanence
- Immortality
- Individualism
- Induction
- Infinite
- Intellect
- Introspection
- Intuition
- Ionian School of Philosophy
- Instinct
- Laughter
- Libertarianism
- Logos
- Materialism
- Megarian School of Philosophy
- Meliorism
- Metempsychosis
- Microcosm
- Mnemonics
- Monad
- Monism
- Motive
- Mysticism
- Naturalism
- Necessity
- Neoplatonism
- Neo-Pythagoreanism
- Noümenon
- Object and Subject
- Objectivism
- Occasionalism
- Ontology
- Opinion
- Organon
- Oversoul
- Palingenesis
- Panentheism
- Panpsychism
- Parallelism, Psychophysical
- Parsimony, Law of
- Perception
- Peripatetics
- Personality
- Pessimism
- Petitio Principii
- Phenomenon
- Physiognomy
- Platonic Love
- Pleasure
- Pluralism
- Positivism
- Pragmatism
- Predicables
- Predication
- Pre-existence, Doctrine of
- Presentationism
- Probabilism
- Psychophysics
- Punishment
- Quintessence
- Rationalism
- Realism
- Reason
- Recept
- Relativity of Knowledge
- Reminiscence
- Retro-cognition
- Rigorism
- Royal Society, The
- Scepticism
- Scholasticism
- Secularism
- Self
- Sensationalism
- Smell
- Societies, Learned
- Solipsism
- Sophists
- Space and Time
- Spheres, Music of the
- Stoics
- Subjectivism
- Sublime
- Summum Bonum
- Syllogism
- Syncretism
- Synderesis
- Synechism
- Synthesis
- Taoism
- Taste
- Teleology
- Touch
- Transcendentalism
- Trilemma
- Trivium
- Utilitarianism
- Vision
- Weber's Law
- Will
[edit]- Abauzit, Firmin
- Abelard, Peter
- Abraham Ibn Daud
- Achillini, Alessandro
- Adamson, Robert
- Adelard (or Æthelard)
- Aedesius
- Aenesidemus
- Aeschines
- Agricola, Rodolphus
- Agrippa
- Albertus Magnus
- Alcinous
- Alembert, Jean le Rond d'
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Alexander of Hales
- Algarotti, Francesco, Count
- Ammonius Hermiae
- Ammonius Saccas
- Anacharsis
- Anatoli, Jacob
- Anaxagoras
- Anaxarchus
Psychical Research and Occultism
[edit]- Apparitions
- Automatic Writing
- Automatism
- Bibliomancy
- Chiromancy
- Clairvoyance
- Cock Lane Ghost
- Crystal-gazing
- Death-warning
- Fire-walking
- Hallucination
- Hauntings
- Medium
- Odylic Force
- Palmistry
- Poltergeist
- Premonition
- Rosicrucianism
- Second Sight
- Spiritualism
- Subliminal Self
- Suggestion
- Table-turning
- Telepathy
- Trance
[edit]- Aberration
- Absorption of Light
- Achromatism
- Actinometer
- Aperture
- Binocular Instrument
- Calorescence
- Camera Lucida
- Camera Obscura
- Caustic
- Cinematograph
- Colour
- Diffraction of Light
- Dispersion
- Fluorescence
- Heliostat
- Illumination
- Interference of Light
- Kaleidoscope
- Lantern
- Lens
- Magneto-Optics
- Microscope
- Mirror
- Objective or Object Glass
- Phosphorescence
- Photography
- Photometry
- Polarization of Light
- Reflection of Light
- Refraction
- Shadow
- Sky
- Spectacles
- Spectroscopy
- Speculum
- Stereoscope
- Sun Copying or Photo Copying
- Vision
[edit]- Accumulator
- Amperemeter or Ammeter
- Armature
- Battery
- Conduction, Electric
- Dielectric
- Dynamo
- Earth Currents
- Electrical or Electrostatic Machine
- Electricity Supply
- Electric Waves
- Electrochemistry
- Electrokinetics
- Electrolysis
- Electromagnetism
- Electrometallurgy
- Electrometer
- Electron
- Electrophorus
- Electroplating
- Electroscope
- Electrostatics
- Electrotyping
- Fuze or Fuse
- Galvanometer
- Induction Coil
- Leyden Jar, or Condenser
- Lighting
- Lightning
- Lightning Conductors
- Meter, Electric
- Motors, Electric
- Ohmmeter
- Oscillograph
- Potentiometer
- Power Transmission
- Röntgen Rays
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Thermoelectricity
- Transformers
- Vacuum Tube
- Voltmeter
- Wattmeter
- Wheatstone's Bridge
Weights and Measures
[edit]- Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodor
- Aldini, Giovanni
- Alhazen
- Amontons, Guillaume
- Ampère, André Marie
- Anderson, John
- Angström, Anders Jonas
- Arago, Dominique François Jean
- Arnaldus de Villa Nova
- Arrhenius, Svante August
- Atwood, George
- Avogadro, Amedeo, Conte di Quaregna
- Ayrton, William Edward
- Bache, Alexander Dallas
- Baker, Henry
- Beccaria, Giovanni Battista
- Becquerel (family)
- Bell, Alexander Graham
- Biot, Jean Baptiste
- Boyle, Robert
- Brewster, Sir David
- Cagniard de la Tour, Charles
- Canton, John
- Carnot, Sadi Nicolas Léonhard
- Cavallo, Tiberius
- Claudet, Antoine François Jean
- Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel
- Cornu, Marie Alfred
- Coulomb, Charles Augustin
- Curie, Pierre
- Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé
- Dallmeyer, John Henry
- De la Rive, Auguste Arthur
- Della Porta, Giovanni Battista
- Dollond, John
- Duhamel, Jean Baptiste
- Erman, Paul
- Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel
- Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis
- Forbes, James David
- Forman, Simon
- Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon
- Fraunhofer, Joseph von
- Fresnel, Augustin Jean
- Geissler, Heinrich
- Gibbs, Josiah Willard
- Gilbert, William
- Glaisher, James
- Gray, Elisha
- Grove, Sir William Robert
- Guericke, Otto von
- Harris, Sir William Snow
- Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
- Henry, Joseph
- Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf
- Hooke, Robert
- Hughes, David Edward
- Jablochkov, Paul
- Joule, James Prescott
- Kater, Henry
- Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron
- Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
- König, Karl Rudolph
- Kundt, August Adolph Eduard Eberhard
- Lambert, Johann Heinrich
- Langley, Samuel Pierpont
- Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
- Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph
- Malus, Étienne Louis
- Mariotte, Edme
- Marum, Martin van
- Matteucci, Carlo
- Maxwell, James Clerk
- Mayer, Julius Robert
- Melloni, Macedonio
- Michell, John
- Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
- Musschenbroek, Pieter van
- Neckam, Alexander
- Nicholson, William
- Nicol, William
- Niepce, Joseph Nicéphore
- Nobili, Leopoldo
- Nollet, Jean Antoine
- Ohm, Georg Simon
- Olmsted, Denison
- Papin, Denis
- Peltier, Jean Charles Athanase
- Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand
- Poggendorff, Johann Christian
- Prévost, Pierre
- Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron
- Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad
- Rowland, Henry Augustus
- Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count
- Saussure, Horace Bénédict de
- Siemens, Ernst Werner von
- Stewart, Balfour
- Swan, Sir Joseph Wilson
- Tait, Peter Guthrie
- Talbot, William Henry Fox
- Thomson, James
- Torricelli, Evangelista
- Tyndall, John
- Volta, Alessandro
- Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
- Wheatstone, Sir Charles
- Wiedemann, Gustav Heinrich
- Young, Thomas
Religion and Theology
[edit]Doctrines and Terms
[edit]- Absolution
- Amen
- Anathema
- Antichrist
- Antitype
- Apostasy
- Atonement
- Attrition
- Autocephalous
- Baptism
- Benediction
- Catechism
- Catechumen
- Catholic
- Celibacy
- Chapel
- Chiliasm
- Church
- Churching of Women
- Commendation
- Confession
- Confirmation
- Confirmation of Bishops
- Congregation
- Convent
- Conversion
- Creatianism and Traducianism
- Creeds
- Diocese
- Enthusiasm
- Establishment
- Eucharist
- Excommunication
- Extreme Unction
- Fasting
- Glory
- Grace
- Hermeneutics
- Hermit
- Holy
- Homiletics
- Homily
- Hospice
- Interim
- Myrtyr
- Millenium
- Mortuary
- Necrology
- Order, Holy
- Pastoral Letter
- Patron
- Prayers for the Dead
- Preaching
- Predestination
- Procession
- Recusant
- Regular
- Relics
- Reverend
- Sacerdotalism
- Sacrament
- Sect
- Secular
- See
- Sin
- Sponsor
- Syncellus
- Synod
- Theocrary
- Tonsure
- Venerable
- Worship
History of Christianity
[edit]Church History to the Council of Trent
[edit](See also Reformation)
[edit](For Apostles see § Bible)
Christian Documents
[edit]Religious Orders
[edit]Roman Catholic Church
[edit]Eastern Churches
[edit]Church of England
[edit](Including the Episcopal Church of Scotland)
[edit]Modern Continental Churches (Reformed)
[edit]Free Churches
[edit](British Empire and United States, including the Established Church of Scotland)
[edit]Ecclesiastical Offices
[edit](Liturgy, Ritual and Vestments)
(See also Art § Architecture)
Ecclesiastical Seasons
[edit]Bible and Biblical Criticism
[edit](See also Geography § Palestine)
[edit](See also History, § Jews, Bible and Biblical Criticism, and Literature, § Hebrew)
[edit]Mahommedan Religion
[edit]Comparative Religion and Folklore
[edit](See also Anthropology and Ethnology, and the sections on religion in the articles China, Egypt, India, Japan, etc.)
[edit]Greek and Roman
[edit]- Abaris
- Abundantia
- Acheron
- Actaeon
- Adytum
- Aeacus
- Aegis
- Artemis
- Arval Brothers
- Atlas
- Augeas
- Bacchanalia
- Cabeiri
- Callisto
- Camillus and Camilla
- Carnea
- Castor and Pollux
- Ceres
- Charon
- Chimaera
- Chiron
- Cocytus
- Concordia
- Consus
- Corybantes
- Cupid
- Cybele
- Cyclopes
- Danae
- Danaus
- Daphnephoria
- Delia
- Delphinia
- Demeter
- Demetria
- Deucalion
- Diana
- Dione
- Dionysia
- Dionysus
- Dirce
- Dryades
- Echo
- Egeria
- Elysium
- Epimenides
- Epona
- Erebus
- Erechtheus
- Erigone
- Erinyes
- Eris
- Eros
- Eumenides
- Eumolpus
- Europa
- Eurydice
- Fama
- Fate
- Fauna
- Faunus
- Flora
- Fortuna
- Furies
- Ganymede
- Genius
- Geryon
- Glaucus
- Gorgon
- Graces, The
- Harmonia
- Harpies
- Harpocrates
- Haruspices
- Hebe
- Hecate
- Hecatomb
- Hephaestus
- Hera
- Hercules
- Hermae
- Hermaphroditus
- Hermes
- Hesperides
- Hesperus
- Hestia
- Hippocrene
- Horae
- Hyacinthus
- Hydra
- Hygieia
- Hylas
- Hymen
- Hyperion
- Iapetus
- Idas
- Io
- Iris
- Ixion
- Janus
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Juturna
- Juventas
- Lamia
- Lapithae
- Lares
- Latona
- Laverna
- Lectisternium
- Lethe
- Liber and Libera
- Libitina
- Linus
- Lucina
- Lupercalia
- Lycaon
- Maenads
- Maia
- Manes
- Mars
- Marsyas
- Mater Matuta
- Medea
- Melampus
- Melicertes
- Memnon
- Mercury
- Minerva
- Minos
- Minotaur
- Mopsus
- Morpheus
- Muses, The
- Mystery
- Narcissus
- Necessitas
- Nectar
- Nemensis
- Nemorensis Lacus
- Neptune
- Nikë
- Nymphs
- Oceanus
- Olen
- Onomacritus
- Orion
- Orpheus
- Oscilla
- Pacan
- Pales
- Palladium
- Pan
- Panathenaca
- Pandora
- Pegasus
- Penates
- Phaëthon
- Pherecydes of Leros
- Phorcys
- Picus
- Pietas
- Pleiades
- Pluto
- Plutus
- Pomona
- Pontifex
- Portunus
- Poseidon
- Priapus
- Prometheus
- Proserpine
- Proteus
- Psyche
- Pyanepsia
- Python
- Quirinus
- Rhadamanthus
- Rhea
- Sabazius
- Salii
- Salmoneus
- Salus
- Saturn
- Satyrs
- Scylla and Charybdis
- Secular Games
- Selēnē
- Semele
- Sēmbō Sancus
- Sibyls
- Silenus
- Silvanus
- Sirens
- Sisyphus
- Somnes
- Spes
- Styx
- Summānus
- Tages
- Tantalus
- Tartarus
- Terminus
- Thargelia
- Themis
- Theseus
- Thesmorphoria
- Thetis
- Thyrsus
- Titans
- Tithonus
- Triptolemus
- Triton
- Typhon
- Uranus
- Venus
- Vertumnus
- Vesta
- Virbius
- Vulcan
- Zephyrus
- Zeus
Asia, Asia Minor and Egypt
[edit]- Abhidhamma
- Adad
- Adonis
- Agni
- Ahriman
- Ammon
- Ananda
- Anu
- Anubis
- Apis
- Apsaras
- Arjuna
- Arya Samaj
- Asmodeus
- Assur
- Astarte
- Asvins
- Atargatis
- Atharva Veda
- Attis
- Avadana
- Avatar
- Baal
- Babylonian and Assyrian Religion
- Baetylus
- Barlaam and Josaphat
- Bel
- Bes or Bēsas
- Bhima
- Bonze
- Bo-tree
- Brahman
- Brāhmana
- Brahmanism
- Brahma Samaj
- Brihaspati
- Bubastis
- Buddha
- Buddhaghosa
- Buddhism
- Buto
- Confucius
- Criobolium
- Curetes
- Dagon
- Deva
- Devadatta
- Dhammapāla
- Draupadi
- Druses
- Durga or Devi
- Dusserah
- Ea
- Eabani
- Egbo
- Ereshkigal
- Fakir
- Fum
- Gahanbar
- Gandharva
- Ganesa
- Genna
- Gilgamesh, Epic of
- Granth
- Great Mother of the Gods
- Gula
- Hadad
- Hanuman
- Harischandra
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hinduism
- Horus
- Indra
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Jains
- Jātaka
- Jinn
- Joss
- Jugernaut
- Juju
- Jumala
- Kabir
- Kali
- Kama or Kamadeva
- Karma
- Kartikeya
- Keshub Chunder Sen
- Kilin or Ch‘-i-lin
- Krishna
- Kshattriya
- Kubera
- Lakshmi
- Lamaism
- Lao-Tsze
- Lilith
- Lingayat
- Lumbini
- Lung (dragon)
- Mahayana
- Maitreya
- Manetho
- Manu
- Marduk
- Maruts
- Medhankara
- Mencius
- Mithras
- Nagarjuna
- Nebo
- Nergal
- Nikāya
- Ninib
- Nirvana
- Nusku
- Oannes
- Ormazd
- Osiris
- Parsees
- Peepul
- Phoenix
- Praying-Wheel
- Rawendis
- Re
- Rudra
- Sadhu
- Sankara Acharya
- Sarasuarti
- Sargon
- Sariputta
- Sāsana Vamsa
- Serapis
- Shamanism
- Shamash
- Sikhism
- Sin (moon-god)
- Siva
- Soma
- Sphinx
- Suttee
- Taurobolium
- Thoth
- Usas
- Varuna
- Vishnu
- Yama
- Yezidis
- Yogi
- Zalmoxis
- Zend-Avesta
- Zoroaster
European and American
[edit]- Avalon
- Balder
- Banshee
- Barghest
- Befana
- Belit
- Beltane
- Berchta
- Berserker
- Bifrost
- Bragi
- Builders' Rites
- Buri
- Druidism
- Eden Hall, Luck of
- Elf
- Erlkönig
- Fafnir
- Fairy
- Fenrir
- Flying Dutchman
- Frey
- Freyia
- Frigg
- Gabriel Hounds
- Ghost Dance
- Gimli
- Gjallar
- Gladsheim
- Gnomes
- Hallowe’en
- Heimdal
- Hel, or Hela
- Herne the Hunter
- Hertha or Herthus
- Hiawatha
- Huitzilopochtli
- Hulda
- Idun or Iduna
- Irmin
- Kraken
- Lorelei
- Need-Fire
- Nixie
- Norns
- Oberon
- Odin
- Ogre
- Smohalla
- Thor
- Tyr
- Valhalla
- Valkyries
- Warlock
- Wayland the Smith
- Woden
- Yggdrasil
Sports and Pastimes
[edit]- Ace
- Acrobat
- Acrostic
- All Fours
- All-Round Athletics
- Amateur
- Ambigu
- Anagram
- Angling
- Apperley, Charles James
- Archery
- Athlete
- Auction Pitch
- Aunt Sally
- Automatism
- Baccarat
- Backgammon
- Badminton
- Bagatelle
- Ball
- Bank
- Barley-Break
- Barnum, Phineas Taylor
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Basset or Bassette
- Battledore and Shuttlecock
- Battue
- Bear-Baiting and Bull-Baiting
- Beggar-my-Neighbour
- Bet and Betting
- Bézique
- Billiards
- Birdsnesting
- Biribi
- Bisque
- Blind Hookey
- Blindman’s-buff
- Blondin
- Blow-gun
- Bolas
- Boston
- Botori
- Bouillotte
- Bowling
- Bowls
- Boxing
- Brag
- Bridge
- Bull-fighting
- Caber Tossing
- Caestus
- Calabresella
- Camping Out
- Cane-fencing
- Canoe
- Cards, Playing
- Casino
- Catch the Ten
- Charade
- Checkers
- Chess
- Children’s Games
- Circus
- Coasting
- Cock-fighting
- Commerce
- Conjuring
- Consolation
- Conundrum
- Cottabus
- Coursing
- Crambo
- Cribbage
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Curling
- Cycling
- Decoy
- Deuce
- Diabolo
- Dice
- Discus
- Doll
- Dominoes
- Dover, Robert
- Draughts
- Driving
- Écarté
- Epée-de-combat
- Euchre
- Falconry
- Fantan
- Faro
- Fast and Loose
- Fencing
- Fives
- Foil-Fencing
- Football
- Game
- Game Laws
- Games, Classical
- Gaming and wagering
- Gladiators
- Go or Go-bang
- Golf
- Goose, Game of
- Gordon-Cumming, R. G.
- Grace, William Gilbert
- Guide
- Gully, John
- Gymkhana
- Gymnastics and Gymnasium
- Halma
- Hammer Throwing
- Handicap
- Hazard
- Hearts
- Hockey
- Hop-scotch
- Horsemanship
- Horse-Racing
- Hoyle, Edmund or Edmond
- Hunting
- Hurdle Racing
- Ice-yachting
- Jockey
- Jones, Henry (“Cavendish”)
- Jugler
- Ju-jutsu or Jiu-jitsu
- Jumping
- Katterfelto
- Keddah
- Kite-flying
- Knucklebones
- Lacrosse
- La Grâce
- Lansquenet
- Lasso
- Lawn-Tennis
- Legerdemain
- Long Fives
- Loo
- Lotto
- Marbles
- Matador
- Matrimony
- Milo
- Model-Yachting
- Mora or Morra.
- Morphy, Paul Charles
- Mountaineering
- Mummers
- Napoleon
- Naumachia
- Nine Men’s Morris
- Old Maid
- Ombre
- Pachisi
- Palaestra
- Pall-Mall
- Pallone
- Patience
- Petola
- Petits-Chavaux
- Philately
- Philidor, François André Danican
- Pigeon-Flying
- Pigeon-shooting
- Pig-Sticking or Hog-Hunting
- Ping-Pong or Table Tennis
- Pinochle or Penuchle
- Piquet
- Poker
- Pole-Vaulting
- Polo
- Ponte
- Pope-Joan
- Popinjay
- Post and Pair
- Potato-Race
- Prestidigitation
- Primero
- Prisoners’ Base
- Pugilism
- Pushball
- Putting the Shot (or Weight)
- Puzzle
- Quarter-staff
- Quintain
- Quoits
- Racquets
- Raffle
- Rebus
- Riddles
- Riding
- Ringgoal
- Roller-skating
- Rope-Walking
- Roulette
- Rounders
- Rowing
- Running
- Sabre-Fencing
- St John, Charles William George
- Salta
- Sanger, John
- Sayers, Tom
- Scull
- Shikar
- Shio-ghi
- Shooting
- Shuffle-board
- Single-stick
- Skat
- Skating
- Ski
- Skittles
- Snip Snap Snorum
- Solotaire
- Solo or Solo whist
- Speculation
- Spelling Bee
- Spillikins
- Spoil-Five
- Sport
- Sports, The Book of
- Squails
- Stadium
- Steeple-Chase
- Stické
- Stilts
- Stool-Ball
- Swimming
- Switchback
- Tamburello
- Tarok
- Teetotum
- Tennis
- Tip-cat
- Tobogganing
- Top
- Toreador
- Tournament
- Toy
- Trap
- Trap-Ball or Knur and Spell
- Trapeze or Trapese
- Trente et Quarante
- Tug-of-War
- Tussaud, Marie
- Ventriloquism
- Vingt-et-Un
- Vint
- Walking-races
- Walsh, John Henry
- Wapenshaw
- Water Polo
- Webb, Matthew
- Weight-Throwing
- Whist
- Wrestling
- Yachting
[edit]- Ab
- Aeon
- Almanac
- April
- August
- Bissext
- Calendar
- Centenary
- Century
- Day
- Decade
- December
- Dial and Dialling
- Fasti
- February
- Friday
- Hejira or Hegira
- Hindu Chronology
- Hour
- Intercalary
- January
- July
- June
- Lady Day
- Leap Year
- March
- May
- Monday
- Month
- Morning
- Night
- Noon
- November
- October
- Olympiad
- Saros
- Season
- September
- Scothic Period
- Sunday or the Lord’s Day
- Time, Measurement of
- Week
- Yule
Costume and Toilet
[edit]- Aigrette
- Aiguillette
- Apron
- Backscratcher
- Baldric
- Bandana, or Bandanna
- Beard
- Beaver
- Blouse
- Bonnet
- Braid
- Brummell, G. B. (Beau)
- Burnous
- Buskin
- Caftan
- Chape
- Chatelaine
- Cravat
- Crinoline
- Cuff
- Cummerbund
- Depilatory
- Dolman
- D’Orsay, Count
- Doublet
- Dress
- Farthingale
- Frock
- Gaberdine or Gabardine
- Girdle
- Glove
- Golosh or Gaslosh
- Gown
- Haik
- Hat
- Hood
- Hose
- Jerkin
- Kaross
- Kilt
- Kohl
- Mantle
- Mitten
- Mocassin
- Moustache
- Muff
- Nash, R. (Beau)
- Parasol
- Patten
- Pelisse
- Peruke
- Petticoat
- Plaid
- Pomade
- Pomander
- Poncho
- Puttee or Puttie
- Queue
- Robes
- Sandal
- Scarf
- Shampoo
- Shirt
- Sleeve
- Snow-Shoes
- Sombrero
- Sporran
- Stocking
- Tabard
- Tarbrush
- Towel
- Trousers
- Tunic
- Turban
- Veil
- Whisker
- Wig
Manners and Customs
[edit]- Abraham-men
- Alme, or Almai
- Applause
- April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day
- Arvals, Arvels or Arthels
- Ass, Feast of the
- Banners, Feast of
- Bartholomew Fair
- Bauble
- Bazaar
- Beacon
- Bean-feast
- Bear-leader
- Bedesman or Beadsman
- Betrothal
- Blackball
- Blood-money
- Bluestocking
- Bonfire
- Booth
- Bounds, Beating the
- Boy-Bishop
- Bravo
- Bride
- Cadger
- Calumet
- Cannibalism
- Catafalque
- Cateran
- Cenotaph
- Champion
- Chapelle Ardente
- Chaperon
- Charivari
- Cheering
- Chibouque or Chibouk
- Chopsticks
- Cicisbeo
- Coffin
- Cogers Hall
- Commemoration
- Commers
- Coronach
- Cramp-rings
- Cross-Roads, Burial at
- Curfew
- Dandy
- Dinner
- Dole
- Ducking and Cucking Stools
- Duenna
- Embalming
- First-foot
- Fools, Feast of
- Geisha
- Handfasting
- Handsel
- Hari-Kiri
- Harvest
- Health
- Hearse
- Heart-burial
- Henchman
- Hock-tide
- Hodening
- Hogmanay
- Honeymoon
- Hookah
- Horn Dance
- Jester
- Kief, Kef or Keif
- Kiss
- Kowtow or Koton
- Lammas
- Levee
- Lich-Gate
- Lord Mayor’s Day
- Luncheon
- Mascot
- Matachines
- Misrule, Lord of
- Month’s Mind
- Motley
- Morning
- Mummy
- Nargile or Nargilch
- Nautch
- Odalisque
- Pall
- Picnic
- Posey
- Potlatch
- Pujah or Pooja
- Purdah
- Retinue
- Salaam
- Salutations
- Scalping
- Slogan
- Snuff
- Symposium
- Tarring and Feathering
- Tent
- Tomahawk
- Vendetta
- Visiting Cards
- Waits
- Wake
- Wampum
- Wassail
- Wayzgoose
- Wedding
- Wigwam
- Wreath