Woman of the Century
Woman of the Century
Among all cyclopædias and books about famous women, this is intended to be unique and to supply a vacant niche in the reference library. The nineteenth century is woman's century. Since time began, no other era has witnessed so many and so great changes in the development of her character and gifts and in the multiplication of opportunities for their application. Even to those best informed on this subject, we believe that a glance at these pages will bring astonishment at the vast array of woman's achievements here chronicled, in hundreds of new vocations and avocations. Few eminent names and faces will here be missed, while many worthy names, which can not be found elsewhere, are strung upon this rosary of nineteenth-century achievement. Every department of life and work is here represented. One branch of philanthropic work, that of the missionary, is less numerously represented than its importance deserves, only because an adequate showing would require the addition of nearly every missionary society in our country since missionary societies began to be. This book is not alone a book of record of famous names, but one which aims to show what women have done in the humbler as in the higher walks of life. It is a record of American women offered, at the close of four centuries of life in the New World, to the consideration of those who would know what the nineteenth century of Christian civilization has here brought forth, and what are the vast outlook and the marvelous promise of the twentieth century.
Christmas, 1892.
Chapters (not listed in original)
- Agnes Dean Abbatt
- Elizabeth Robinson Abbott
- Emma Abbott
- Sarah C. Acheson
- Jessie A. Ackermann
- Abigail Adams
- Florence Adelaide F. Adams
- Hannah Adams
- Jane Kelley Adams
- Louise Catherine Adams
- Mary Mathews Adams
- Mary Osburn Adkinson
- Nancy H. Adsit
- Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz
- Mary A. Ahrens
- Amanda L. Aikens
- Emma Albani
- Eliza Downing Albright
- Louisa May Alcott
- May Alcott
- Emily Gillmore Alden
- Isabella Macdonald Alden
- Lucy Morris Chaffee Alden
- Anne Reeve Aldrich
- Flora L. Aldrich
- Josephine Cables Aldrich
- Julia Carter Aldrich
- Mary Jane Aldrich
- Susanna Valentine Aldrich
- Jane Grace Alexander
- Elizabeth Akers Allen
- Esther Lavilla Allen
- Esther Saville Allen
- Mary Wood Allen
- Ellen Palmer Allerton
- Eunice Eloisae Gibbs Allyn
- Emma B. Alrich
- Eleanor M. Ames
- Fanny B. Ames
- Julia A. Ames
- Lucia True Ames
- Mary Clemmer Ames
- Olive Pond Amies
- Estelle Mendell Amory
- Mary Anderson (Navarro)
- Alice A. Andrews
- Eliza Frances Andrews
- Judith Walker Andrews
- Marie Louise Andrews
- Mary Garard Andrews
- Arabella Angelini
- Susan B. Anthony
- Edith Jessie Archibald
- Harriett Ellen Grannis Arey
- Sara Dary Armbruster
- Birch Arnold
- Harriet Pritchard Arnold
- Ruth Alice Armstrong
- Sarah B. Armstrong
- Ethel Atwood
- Harriet Bunker Austin
- Helen Vickroy Austin
- Jane Goodwin Austin
- Ella H. Brockway Avann
- Catharine H. T. Avery
- Rachel Foster Avery
- Rosa Miller Avery
- Harriet Hubbard Aver
- Elnora Monroe Babcock
- Emma Whitcomb Babcock
- Helen Louise B. Babcock
- Libbie C. Baer
- Clara B. Bagg
- Alice Baggett
- Blanche Bagley
- Ann Bailey
- Anna Warner Bailey
- Ellene Alce Bailey
- Hannah J. Bailey
- Lepha Eliza Bailey
- Sarah Lord Bailey
- Charlotte Johnson Baker
- Harriette Newell W. Baker
- Ida Wikoff Baker
- Joanna Baker
- Julie Wetherill Baker
- Louise S. Baker
- Esther E. Baldwin
- Isabel Worrell Ball
- Martha Violet Ball
- Mary Canfield Ballard
- Ella Maria Ballou
- Mary E. C. Bancker
- Mary Ross Banks
- Melissa Elizabeth R. Banta
- Mary Augustine Barber
- Blanche Hermine Barbot
- Annie Maria Barnes
- Catharine Weed Barnes
- Frances Julia Barnes
- Mary Sheldon Barnes
- Susan Hammond Barney
- Amelia E. Barr
- Frances Elizabeth Barrow
- Flora Elizabeth Barry
- Susan E. Barry
- Alice Eloise Bartlett
- Caroline Julia Bartlett
- Maud Whitehead Bartlett
- Clara Barton
- Emma Curtiss Bascom
- Josephine P. C. Bateham
- Isabel Bateman
- Kate Bateman
- Charlotte Fiske Bates
- Clara Doty Bates
- Katharine Lee Bates
- Margaret Holmes Bates
- Emily Verdery Battey
- Annie White Baxter
- Marion Babcock Baxter
- Frances Courtenay Baylor
- Mrs. H. H. A. Beach
- Marie Wilson Beasley
- Mary Elizabeth Beauchamp
- Betty Bentley Beaumont
- Leonora Beck
- Emma Beckwith
- Lou Singletary Bedford
- Catherine Esther Beecher
- Bessie Behan
- Cynthia Holmes Belcher
- Caroline Horlon Bell
- Orelia Key Bell
- Emily Whitfield C Bellamy
- Emma Lee Benedict
- Ida Whipple Benham
- Anna Smeed Benjamin
- Adelaide George Bennett
- Alice Bennett
- Ella May Bennett
- Louisa Dow Benton
- Lillie Berg
- Cornelia M. Bergen
- Helen Corinne Bergen
- Adaline Hohf Berry
- Martia L. Davis Berry
- Mabel Bert
- Eva Best
- Louise Bethune
- Mary A. Bickerdyke
- Sarah Elizabeth Bierce
- Belle G. Bigelow
- Ella Augusta Bigelow
- Lettie S. Bigelow
- Mabelle Biggart
- Jennie M. Bingham
- Eugenie S. Birkholz
- Anna Bishop
- Emily Mulkin Bishop
- Mary Agnes D. Bishop
- Elizabeth Bisland
- Ada M. Bittenbender
- Fannie De Grasse Black
- Mary Fleming Black
- Sarah Hearst Black
- Emily Lucas Blackall
- Alice Stone Blackwell
- Antoinette Brown Blackwell
- Elizabeth Blackwell
- Emily Blackwell
- Sarah Ellen Blackwell
- Ellen A. Dayton Blair
- Alice R. Jordan Blake
- Euphenia Vale Blake
- Lillie Devereux Blake
- Mary Elizabeth Blake
- Helen Augusta Blanchard
- Helene Petrovna Blavatsky
- Gertrude Bloede
- Aline Reese Blondner
- Amelia Bloomer
- Birdie Blye
- Rachel L Bodley
- Elizabeth Baker Bohan
- Sarah Knowles Bolton
- Sarah T. Bolton
- Elizabeth P. Bonaparte
- Elizabeth Powell Bond
- Marietta M. Bones
- Mildred A. Bonham
- Agnes Booth
- Emma Scarr Booth
- Mary Louise Booth
- Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta
- Caroline G. Boughton
- Emma Bourne
- Emily St. John Bouton
- Mrs. D. P. Bowers
- Ada Chastina Bowles
- Kate Parker Boyd
- Louise Esther Vickroy Boyd
- Maria Porter Brace
- Anna Madge Braden
- Mary Carroll Craig Bradford
- Amy Morris Bradley
- Ann Weaver Bradley
- Myra Bradwell
- Sophia Braeunlich
- Kate J. Brainard
- Ella Frances Braman
- Luetta Elmina Braumuller
- Alice Ives Breed
- Cora Belle Brewster
- Flora A. Brewster
- Laura Dewey Bridgman
- Mary Blatchley Briggs
- Clara M. Brinkerhoft
- Mary A. Brinkman
- Emma Southwick Brinton
- Margaret Hunt Brisbane
- Augusta Cooper Bristol
- Ida Joe Brooks
- M. Sears Brooks
- Alice Williams Brotherton
- Charlotte Emerson Brown
- Corinne Stubbs Brown
- Emma Elizabeth Brown
- Harriet A. Brown
- Martha McClellan Brown
- M. Belle Brown
- Olympia Brown
- Mary Frank Browne
- Helen M. Davis Brownell
- Jennie Brownscombe
- Mary Edwards Bryan
- Henriette Buck
- Mary K. Buck
- Helen Lewis Bucknor
- Caroline Brown Buell
- Sarah C. Thorpe Bull
- Helen Louise Bullock
- Eudora Stone Bumstead
- Emeline S. Burlingame
- Cynthia S. Burnett
- Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Bertha H. Burnham
- Clara Louise Burnham
- Nellie Marie Burns
- Eliza B. Burnz
- Mary Towne Burt
- Jennie Burchfield Bush
- Kate Bushnell
- Mary Ryerson Butin
- Clementina Butler
- Mellona M. Butterfield
- Elia Goode Byington
- Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell
- Alice A. W. Cadwaliader
- Helena Maxwell Cady
- Elizabeth Cameron
- Eugenia Steele Campbell
- Evelyn Campbell
- Georgine Campbell
- Helen S. Campbell
- Corresta T. Canfield
- Luisa Cappiani
- Mary E. Cardwill
- Clara H. Sully Carhart
- Mary Jane Carlisle
- Alice Dimmick Carpenter
- Ellen M. Carpenter
- Anna Ella Carroll
- Abbie Carrington
- Matilda B. Carse
- Delia E. Carson
- Hannah Johnson Carter
- Mary Adaline E. Carter
- Florence Byrne Cartwright
- Alice Cary
- Annie Louise Cary
- Mary Stockly Cary
- Phoebe Cary
- Marietta Stanley Case
- Jennie Casseday
- Alice Barbee Castleman
- Mary Hartwell Catherwood
- Laura Wood Catlin
- Carrie Lane Chapman Catt
- Georgia Cayvan
- Elizabeth Buffum Chace
- Elizabeth W. Champney
- Lucinda Banister Chandler
- Mary Alderson Chandler
- Amelie Rives Chanler
- Augusta J. Chapin
- Clara Christiana Chapin
- Sallie F. Chapin
- Carrie Lane Chapman
- Millie Jane Chapman
- Emily Thornton Charles
- Louise L. Chase
- Kitty Smiley Cheatham
- Abbey Perkins Cheney
- Armilla Amanda Cheney
- Edna Dow Cheney
- Caroline Van D. Chenoweth
- Lydia Maria Child
- Caroline M. Churchill
- Lide A. Churchill
- Lady Randolph Churchill
- Adelaide Avery Clartin
- Frances P. Clark
- Helen Taggart Clark
- Lena Thompson Clarke
- Mary Bassett Clarke
- Mary H. Gray Clarke
- Rebecca Sophia Clarke
- Kate Claxton
- Mary Barr Clay
- Florence Andrews Clayton
- Kate McPhelim Cleary
- Margaret Abigail Cleaves
- Clara Erskine Clement
- Henrietta Fannie V. Clerc
- Frances Folsom Cleveland
- Rose Elizabeth Cleveland
- Ella Maria Dietz Clymer
- Florence Earle Coates
- Mary Emilie Cobb
- Sarah M. Maxson Cobb
- Elizabeth Cochrane
- Emily M. Coe
- Rose Coghlan
- Mary M. Cohen
- Elizabeth Coit
- Irene Williams Coit
- H. Maria George Colby
- Sarah A. Colby
- Cordelia Throop Cole
- Elizabeth Cole
- Ada Langworthy Collier
- Delia Collins
- Emily Parmely Collins
- Laura Sedgwick Collins
- Miriam O'Leary Collins
- Julia Colman
- Lucy Newhall Colman
- Anna Manning Comfort
- Frances Augusta Conant
- Harriet Beecher Conant
- Helen Gray Cone
- Jane Elizabeth D. Conklin
- Celia Logan Connelly
- Emma M. Connelly
- Eliza Archard Conner
- Elizabeth Marney Conner
- Harriet Maxwell Converse
- Clara Conway
- Katherine Eleanor Conway
- Amelia Josephine Cook
- May A. Cook
- Rose Terry Cooke
- Susan G. Cooke
- Ina Donna Coolbrith
- Emily M. J. Cooley
- Harriet Abbot L. Coolidge
- Susan Collidge
- Sarah Brown Cooper
- Helen Rankin Copp
- Mary A. Cornelius
- Ellen Frances Cornell
- Senora M. W. de Coronel
- Florence Elizabeth Cory
- Sara Jeannette Duncan Cotes
- Mary Emily Bennett Coues
- Phoebe Couzins
- E. Miriam Coyrière
- Lotta Crabtree
- Charity Rusk Craig
- Mary Helen Peck Crane
- Mrs. Ogden Crane
- Sibylla Bailey Crane
- Emma A. Cranmer
- Alice Arnold Crawford
- Mrs. John Crawford
- Mary J. Crawford
- Jennie Cunningham Croly
- Fanny J. Crosby
- Kate Smeed Cross
- Mary Cruger
- S. Van Rensselaer Cruger
- Louise Adele Cuinet
- Jessie F. Culton
- Elizabeth Cumings
- Alma Carrie Cummings
- Mary Stuart Cummins
- Annie Sinclair Cunningham
- Susan J. Cunningham
- Elizabeth L. Cunnyngham
- Ida M. Curran
- Martha E. Sewall Curtis
- Charlotte Saunders Cushman
- Elizabeth Bacon Custer
- Ellen Lawson Dabbs
- Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren
- Charlotte Field Dailey
- Caroline Wells Dall
- Olive Eliza Dana
- Cora Linn Daniels
- Elizabeth Otis Dannelly
- Ella Dare
- Alice O. Darling
- Flora Adams Darling
- Helen Dauvray
- Fanny Lily Gipsy Davenport
- Ida May Davis
- Jessie Bartlett Davis
- Minnie S. Davis
- Minta S. Davis
- Mollie Evelyn Moore Davis
- Rebecca Harding Davis
- Sarah Iliff Davis
- Varina Anne Davis
- Varina Howell Davis
- Virginia Meriwether Davis
- Anna Laurens Dawes
- Elizabeth Dayton
- Marie Decca
- A. Litsner De Fere
- Evelyn M. De Jarnette
- Margaret Deland
- Alice S. Deletombe
- Emma Smith Devoe
- Rev. Amanda Deyo
- Abby Morton Diaz
- Anna Elizabeth Dickinson
- Susan E. Dickinson
- Adelaide Lynn Dicklow
- Cora Victoria Diehl
- Florence C. Dieudonne
- Annie Le Porte Diggs
- A. G. Dight
- Blanche Dillaye
- Dorothea L. Dix
- Mary J. Scarlett Dixon
- Anna Bowman Dodd
- Susanna Way Dodds
- Grace Hoadley Dodge
- Hannah P. Dodge
- Mary Abigail Dodge
- Mary Mapes Dodge
- Caroline Matilda Dodson
- Mary L. Doe
- Phebe Cobb Larry Dole
- Alice Donlevy
- Eleanor Cecilia Donnelly
- Lucy Salisbury Doolittle
- Julia C. R. Dorr
- Anna Hanson Dorsey
- Ella Loraine Dorsey
- Ellen J. Dortch
- Eva Craig Graves Doughty
- Alice May Douglas
- Amanda Minnie Douglas
- Lavantia Densmore Douglas
- Cornelia M. Dow
- Mary E. H. G. Dow
- Mary Alice Dowd
- Sallie Ward Downs
- Mary Eveline Drake
- Priscilla Holmes Drake
- Christine Nielson Dreier
- Mrs. John Drew
- Miriam Howard Du Bose
- Sarah Marie Dudley
- Amanda Louise R. Dufour
- Emma Bedelia Dunham
- Marion Howard Dunham
- Abigail Scott Duniway
- Mary J. Dunlap
- Harriet Thayer Durgin
- Lyle Durgin
- Ella Hamilton Durley
- Irene Clark Durrell
- Eugenie Dussuchal
- Bessie Agnes Dwyer
- Mary Irene Clark Dye
- Clara L. Brown Dyer
- Julia Knowlton Dyer
- Mary Kavanaugh Eagle
- Emma Hayden Eames
- Mrs. Edward H. East
- Elaine Goodale Eastman
- Sara Hershey Eddy
- Sarah Stoddard Eddy
- Elizabeth Edgar
- Mary G. Charlton Edholm
- Anna Cheney Edwards
- Emma Atwood Edwards
- Allegra Eggleston
- Maud Howe Elliott
- Effie Ellsler
- Lucie Ann Morrison Elmore
- Ellen Russell Emerson
- Addie C. Strong Engle
- Rhoda Anna Esmond
- Alice May Esly
- Lizzie P. E. Evans
- Maria Louise Eve
- Caroline McCullough Everhard
- Catherine A. Fay Ewing
- Emma P. Ewing
- Nellie Blessing Eyster
- Constance Fairbanks
- Elizabeth B. Fairbanks
- Maria Augusta Fairchild
- Anna Christy Fall
- Lydia Hoyt Farmer
- Mary S. Fawcett
- Amy Fay
- Lillian Blanche Fearing
- Rebecca Latimer Felton
- Mary Galentine Fenner
- Susan Frances Nelson Ferree
- Bessie Alexander Ficklen
- Kate Field
- Martha R. Field
- Stella A. Gaines Fifield
- Mary A. Powers Filiey
- Abigail Powers Fillmore
- Martha Finley
- Anna A. Fisher
- Rebecca Jane G. Fisher
- Fidelia Fiske
- Alice Cunningham Fletcher
- Lisa Anne Fletcher
- Margaret E. Foley
- Clara Shortridge Foltz
- Mary Alice Fonda
- Mary Hallock Foote
- Miriam Chase Ford
- Tillie May Forney
- J. Ellen Horton Foster
- Susie E. Foster
- Alice S. Foxworthy
- Susan Stuart Frackleton
- Esther Gordon Frame
- Louise E. Francis
- Rachel Frank
- Gertrude Franklin
- Ellen Sulley Fray
- Martha M. Frazier
- Mattie A. Freeman
- Jessie Benton Fremont
- Alice French
- Almah J. Frisby
- Seraph Frissell
- Elizabeth Turner Fry
- Emma V. Sheridan Fry
- Laura Ann Fry
- Frances Elizabeth Fryatt
- Aurilla Furber
- Myrtle E. Furman
- Susan Fussell
- Frances Dana Gage
- Matilda Joslyn Gage
- Myra Clark Gaines
- Ada Iddings Gale
- Kate Tupper Galpin
- Abbie M. Gannett
- Anna Gardner
- Helen H. Gardener
- Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
- Eliza A. Garner
- Nora Trueblood Gause
- Elmina M. Roys Gavitt
- Lydia A. George
- Abby Hopper Gibbons
- Eleanor Churchill Gibbs
- Eva Katherine Clapp Gibson
- Linda Gilbert
- Ruby I. Gilbert
- Rosetta Luce Gilchrist
- Jeannette Leonard Gilder
- Anne H. Giles
- Ella A. Giles
- Eliza Maria Gillespie
- L. Fidelia Woolley Gillette
- Rachel Brooks Gleason
- Harriet Newell Kneeland Goft
- Lucy Virginia Goldthwaite
- Fanny Chambers Gooch
- Dora Read Goodale
- Mary Hopkins Goodrich
- Mrs. H. B. Goodwin
- Lavina Stella Goodwin
- Anna A. Gordon
- Elizabeth P. Gordon
- Laura De Force Gordon
- S. Anna Gordon
- Cynthia M. R. Gorton
- Helen M. Gougar
- Elizabeth Porter Gould
- Ellen M. Gould
- Lillian Norton Gower
- Anne Goza
- Virginia Granbery
- Lottie E. Granger
- Julia Dent Grant
- Hulda Regina Graser
- Adelia C Graves
- Mary H. Graves
- Jennie T. Gray
- Mary Tenney Gray
- Eliza Greatorex
- Anna Katharine Green
- Julia Boynton Green
- Mary E. Green
- Belle C Greene
- Frances Nimmo Greene
- Louisa Morton Greene
- Mary A. Greene
- Jean Brooks Greenleaf
- Elizabeth W. Greenwood
- Grace Greenwood
- Elizabeth Goadby Gregory
- Mary Rogers Gregory
- Mary Grew
- Eva Kinney Griffith
- Mary Lillian Griffith
- Sarah Moore Grimke
- Katherine Van A. Grinnell
- Sadie Park Grisham
- Frances Irene B. Griswold
- Hattie Tyng Griswold
- Sara Groenevelt
- Sophronia F. N. Grubb
- Louise Imogen Guiney
- Alice Gordon Gulick
- Zadel Barnes Gustafson
- Jean Harrower Gutelius
- Marie Ester Guzman
- Arminta Victoria S. Haensler
- Lucie Caroline Hager
- Emma Hahr
- Lucy M. Hall
- Margaret Thompson Hall
- Mary Hall
- Pauline Hall
- Sarah C. Hall
- Sarah Elizabeth Hall
- Anna J. Hamilton
- Margherita Arlina Hamm
- Anna Maria Nichols Hammer
- Loretta Mann Hammond
- Mary Virginia S. Hammond
- Phebe Anne Hanaford
- Sarah Jackson Hanna
- Isabel F. Hapgood
- Elizabeth Boynton Harbert
- Lee C. Hardy
- Ida A. Harper
- Sarah Carmichael Harrell
- Ethel Hillyer Harris
- Anna Symmes Harrison
- Caroline Lavinia S. Harrison
- Constance Cary Harrison
- Harriet Newell Haskell
- Frances R. Haswin
- Mary R. P. Hatch
- Minnie Hauk
- Mary Emerson Haven
- Charlotte W. Hawes
- Flora Harrod Hawes
- Franc P. Hawes
- Annie Sherwood Hawks
- Frances Mallette Hawley
- Lucy Ware Webb Hayes
- Lorenza Haynes
- Mary E. Smith Hayward
- Rebecca N. Hazard
- Clara H. Hazelrigg
- Ozella Shields Head
- Mercedes Leigh Hearne
- Eliza Putnam Heaton
- Dora Henninges Heinsohn
- Lucinda Barbour Helm
- Augusta A. Fox Henderson
- Frances Cox Henderson
- Eliza C. Morgan Hendricks
- Josephine Kirby W. Henry
- Sarepta M. I. Henry
- Lillian Bailey Henschel
- Christine Terhune Herrick
- Jane Lord Hersom
- Emma Churchman Hewitt
- Grace Hibbard
- Nellie Hibler
- Mary Catharine Hickman
- Mary Dana Hicks
- Ella Rhoads Higginson
- Osia Joslyn Hiles
- Agnes Leonard Hill
- Eliza Trask Hill
- Ida Hinman
- Alice Hirschberg
- Mary Antoinette Hitchcock
- Sarah Dyer Hobart
- Emily Caroline C Hodgin
- Louise Manning Hodgkins
- Libbie Beach Hoel
- Clara Cleghorn Hoffman
- Sophia Curtiss Hoffman
- Lydia Evans Hogue
- Elizabeth J. Holcombe
- Marietta Holley
- Lillan Hollister
- Georgiana Klingle Holmes
- Jennie Florella Holmes
- Mary Emilie Holmes
- Mary Emma Holmes
- Mary Jane Holmes
- Isabella Beecher Hooker
- Lucy Hamilton Hooper
- Harriet G. Hosmer
- Alice Houghton
- Mary Hayes Houghton
- Esther Housh
- Belle Howard
- Blanche Willis Howard
- Elmira Y. Howard
- Mary M. Howard
- Emeline Harriet Howe
- Julia Ward Howe
- Mary Seymour Howell
- Emily Howland
- Vinnie Ream Hoxie
- Mary Clemmer Hudson
- Caroline Hughes
- Kate Duval Hughes
- Marietta E. Hughes
- Nina Vera B. Hughes
- Caroline Augusta Huling
- Maud Humphrey
- Sarah Gibson Humphreys
- Augusta Merrill Hunt
- Mary H. Hunt
- Agnes Huntington
- Florence Huntley
- Mary Sutton Huntley
- Helen Marr Hurd
- Harriette Persis Hurlbut
- Cornelia Collins Hussey
- Henrica Iliohan
- Loraine Immen
- Eliza B. Ingalls
- Mary Bigelow Ingham
- Mary E. Ireland
- Hannah M. Underhill Isaac
- Alice Emma Ives
- Florence C Ives
- Annie L. Jack
- Helen Maria Fiske Jackson
- Katharine Johnson Jackson
- Lily Irene Jackson
- Mary Putnam Jacobi
- Annie Laurie Wilson James
- Martha Waldron Janes
- Evelyn Magruder Jarnette
- Marea Wood Jefferis
- Martha Wayles Jefferson
- Isadore Gilbert Jeffrey
- Rosa Vertner Jeffrey
- Frances C Jenkins
- Therese A. Jenkins
- Sarah Orne Jewett
- Laura M. Johns
- Carrie Ashton Johnson
- Electa Amanda Johnson
- Eliza McCardle Johnson
- E. Pauline Johnson
- Sallie M. Mills Johnson
- Adelia Antoinette F. Johnston
- Harriet Lane Johnston
- Maria I. Johnston
- Marie Decca Johnston
- Amanda T. Jones
- Harriet B. Jones
- Irma Theoda Jones
- Jennie E. Jones
- May C Jones
- Cornelia Jane M. Jordan
- Elizabeth Garver Jordan
- Emma Johanna Antonia Juch
- Jennie S. Judson
- Ruth Ward Kahn
- Josephine E. Keating
- Martha Moulton W. Keezer
- Lillie Resler Keister
- Eliza D. Keith
- Elizabeth Catharine Keller
- Ella Maynard Kelley
- Clara Louise Kellogg
- Agnes Nininger Kemp
- Ella Bagnell Kendrick
- Ada Miser Kepley
- Jennie Ellis Keysor
- Lucy Ann Kidd
- Corinne Kimball
- Harriet McEwen Kimball
- Jennie Kimball
- Maria Porter Kimball
- Julie Rive King
- Narcissa Edith White Kinney
- Josephine Kipp
- Ellen Olney Kirk
- Phœbe Palmer Knapp
- Ella L. Knowles
- Adeline Trafton Knox
- Janette Hill Knox
- Florence E. Kollock
- Mary H. Krout
- Katherine Kurt
- Sarah Doan La Fetra
- Belle Case La Follette
- Magdalene Isadora La Grange
- Martha Joanna Lamb
- Lucy Stedman Lamson
- Mary T. Lange
- Elizabeth Langworthy
- Freeda M. Lankton
- Marquise Clara Lanza
- Lucy Larcom
- Anna Matilda Larrabee
- Mary Torrans Lathrap
- Clarissa Caldwell Lathrop
- Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
- Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer
- Maria Elise Turner Lauder
- Margaret Wynne Lawless
- Louise Lawson
- Mary J. Lawson
- Henrietta Beebe Lawton
- Emma Lazarus
- Olive Moorman Leader
- Mary Clement Leavitt
- Mary Lydia Leggett
- Mercedes Leigh
- Caroline Weaver Leland
- Anna Byford Leonard
- Cynthia H. Van N. Leonard
- Alice D. Le Plongeon
- Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
- Mrs. Frank Leslie
- Laura A. Woodin Le Valley
- Adele Lewing
- Graceanna Lewis
- Ida Lewis
- Martha D. Lincoln
- Mary Todd Lincoln
- Edith Willis Linn
- Laura A. Linton
- Esther J. Trimble Lippincott
- Sara Jane Lippincott
- Grace Denio Litchfield
- Sarah F. Cowles Little
- Mary Ashton Rice Livermore
- Belva Ann Lockwood
- Celia Logan
- Mary Cunningham Logan
- Hannah E Longshore
- Jennette Shephard H. Loop
- Elizabeth W. Russell Lord
- Harriett M. Lothrop
- Hulda Barker Loud
- Flora Haines Longhead
- Martha Perry Lowe
- Mary D. Lowman
- Jennie de la Montagnie Lozier
- Anna Lukens
- Dorothea Lummis
- Adelia Armstrong Lutz
- Mary Elizabeth B. Lynde
- Anne Bozeman Lyon
- Mary Lyon
- Emma McAvoy
- Harriet Calista Clark McCabe
- Lida Rose McCabe
- Frances Laughton Mace
- Louise Bowman McClain
- Alice Moore McComas
- Annie Virginia McCracken
- Catharine Waugh McCulloch
- Mary Arthur McElroy
- Barbara MacGahan
- Alice G. McGee
- Mary Sears McHenry
- Ida Saxton McKinley
- Jane Amy McKinney
- Kate Slaughter McKinney
- Emily Julian McManus
- Katharine Albert McMurdo
- Lydia Starr McPherson
- Dorothy Payne Madison
- Lucy A. Mallory
- Jessie Wilson Manning
- Helen Adelia Manville
- Callie Bonney Marble
- Ella M. S. Marble
- Nellie V. Mark
- Louise Markschefiel
- Julia Marlowe
- Alice Esty Marsh
- Joanna Marshall
- Margaret Mather
- Sarah Ann Mather
- Cassie Ward Mee
- Jeannette Du Bois Meech
- Velma Caldwell Melville
- Lide Meriwether
- Caroline Elizabeth Merrick
- Sarah Newcomb Merrick
- Helen Maud Merrill
- Margaret Manton Merrill
- Lillian Rozell Messenger
- Annie Nathan Meyer
- Nettie Leila Michel
- Clara Smart Millar
- Addie Dickman Miller
- Annie Jennesa Miller
- Dora Richards Miller
- Elizabeth Miller
- Emily Huntington Miller
- Mary A. Miller
- Minnie Willis Baines Miller
- Olive Thome Miller
- Frances M. Milne
- Sue Harper Mims
- Jean Pond Miner
- Maria Mitchell
- Marion Juliet Mitchell
- Martha Reed Mitchell
- Helena Modjeska
- Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
- Harriet Earhart Monroe
- Carrie F. J. Montgomery
- Helen Watterson Moody
- Mary Blair Moody
- Aubertine Woodward Moore
- Clara Jessup Moore
- Henrietta G. Moore
- Marguerite Moore
- Sarah Wool Moore
- Susanne Vandegrift Moore
- Cornelia Moore C Moots
- Mary L. Moreland
- Anne Eugenia Felicia Morgan
- Maria Morgan
- Maud Morgan
- Clara Morris
- Ellen Douglas Morris
- Esther Morris
- Alice Cordelia Morse
- Rebecca A. Morse
- Mary Mortimer
- Anna Livingston S. Morton
- Eliza Happy Morton
- Martha Morton
- Lucretia Mott
- Louise Chandler Moulton
- Clara H. Mountcastle
- Martha H. Mowry
- Frances Miller Mumaugh
- Marion Murdoch
- Mary Noailles Murfree
- Claudia Quigley Murphy
- Clara Holmes Hapgood Nash
- Mary Louise Nash
- Emma Huntington Nason
- Mme. Antonio Navarro
- Ann Viola Neblett
- Emma Wixon Nevada
- Harriet Atwood Newell
- Laura Emeline Newell
- Angelia F. Newman
- Elfreda Louise Newport
- Rhoda Holmes Nicholls
- Josephine Ralston Nichols
- Minerva Parker Nichols
- Eliza J. Nicholson
- May Alcott Nieriker
- Jennie Caldwell Nixon
- Edna Chaffee Noble
- Catharine Nobles
- Countess Ella Norraikow
- Celestia Joslin Northrop
- Delia Whitney Norton
- Minerva Brace Norton
- Morilla M. Norton
- Laura A. Sunderlin Nourse
- Mildred E. Nowell
- S. L. Vickers Oberholtzer
- Jessie Fremont O'Donnell
- Martha B. O'Donnell
- Nellie O'Donnell
- Maude Andrews Ohl
- Katharine A. O'Keeffe
- Marie Augusta Oldham
- Grace Atkinson Oliver
- Martha Capps Oliver
- Elizabeth Martha Olmsted
- Annie L. Y. Orff
- Mary Frost Ormsby
- Julia Anna Orum
- Marion Osgood
- Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli
- Eliza A. Otis
- Philippine E. Von Overstolz
- Ella Seaver Owen
- Mary Alicia Owen
- Martha Tracy Owler
- Alice Freeman Palmer
- Anna Campbell Palmer
- Bertha Honore Palmer
- Fanny Purdy Palmer
- Hannah Borden Palmer
- Eugenie Pappenheim
- Alice Parker
- Helen Almena Parker
- Emelie T. Y. Swett Parkhurst
- Sara Payson Willis Parton
- Minnie Ward Patterson
- Virginia Sharpe Patterson
- Adelina Patti
- Abby Hutchinson Patton
- Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
- Elia Wilkinson Peattie
- Annie Smith Peck
- Lucy Creemer Peckham
- Margaret Bloodgood Peeke
- Frances Elizabeth Peirce
- Sarah Maria Clinton Perkins
- Mary Elizabeth Perley
- Carlotta Perry
- Nora Perry
- Alice E. H. Peters
- Isabella M. Pettet
- L. Vance Phillips
- Maude Gillette Phillips
- Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
- Lillian Hoxie Picken
- Lasell Carbell Pickett
- Caroline Hamilton Pier
- Harriet Hamilton Pier
- Kate Pier
- Kate Hamilton Pier
- Elizabeth Cumings Pierce
- Jane Means Appleton Pierce
- Euphemia Wilson Pitblado
- Eliza A. Pittsinger
- Hannah R. Cope Plimpton
- Idora M. Plowman
- Mrs. L. H. Plumb
- Harriette M. Plunket
- Sarah Childress Polk
- Josephine Pollard
- Louise Pollock
- Genie Clark Pomeroy
- Nella Brown Pond
- Hester Martha Poole
- Cora Scott Pond Pope
- Marion Manville Pope
- Alice Hobbins Porter
- Florence Collins Porter
- Rose Porter
- Amalia Barney Simons Post
- Caroline Lathrop Post
- Sarah E. Post
- Cora Urquhart Potter
- Jennie O'Neil Potter
- Anna M. Longshore Potts
- Maud Powell
- Hannah T. Pratt
- Ann Preston
- Margaret Junkin Preston
- Esther Tuttle Pritchard
- Mary Virginia Proctor
- Anna Weed Prosser
- Willie Franklin Pruit
- Esther Pugh
- Sue Vesta Pullen
- Sarah A. Brock Putnam
- Amelia Stone Quinton
- Lulah Ragsdale
- Harriet Newell Ralston
- Mary L. Bonney Rambaut
- Lulu A. Ramsey
- Nettie Ransford
- Harriet M. Rathbun
- Rachel Beasley Ray
- Annie Louise Cary Raymond
- Carrie Isabelle Rice Raymond
- Emma Marcy Raymond
- Emily C Rayner
- Elizabeth C. Bunnell Read
- Jane Maria Read
- Caroline Keating Reed
- Florence Campbell Reed
- Lizette Woodworth Reese
- Mary Bynon Reese
- Ada C Rehan
- E. M. Alexander Reinertsen
- Carrie Renfrew
- Itti Kinney Reno
- Laura Andrews Rhodes
- Alice May Bates Rice
- Helen Hinsdale Rich
- Ellen Henrietta Richards
- Hester Dorsey Richardson
- Euphemia Johnson Richmond
- Lizzie R. Richmond
- Marrilla M Ricker
- Anna Rankin Riggs
- Martha George Ripley
- Mary A. Ripley
- Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie
- Laura Jacinta Rittenhouse
- Aurelia Roach
- Ada Palmer Roberts
- Georgia T. Robertson
- Abbie C. B. Robinson
- Fannie Ruth Robinson
- Harriet Hanson Robinson
- Jane Bancroft Robinson
- Leora Bettison Robinson
- Ida Hall Roby
- Lelia P. Roby
- Charlotte Fiske Bates Roge
- Effie Louise Hoffman Rogers
- Emma Winner Rogers
- Mary Fletcher Rogers
- Anna Katharine Green Rohlfs
- Alice Wellington Rollins
- Adelaide Day Rollston
- Ellen Alida Rose
- Martha Parmalee Rose
- Julie Rosewald
- Virginia Evelyn Ross
- Annie Rothwell
- Eliza Franklin Routt
- Ellen Sergeant Rude
- Theo Alice Ruggles
- C. Faunt Le Roy Runcie
- Jenny Terrill Ruprecht
- Elizabeth Augusta S. Russell
- Lillian Russell
- Mildred Rutherford
- Marah Ellis Ryan
- Ella Clara Sabin
- Mary Jane Safford
- Florence Eleanor Sage
- Cynthia Morgan St. John
- Sue A. Pike Sanders
- Sybil Sanderson
- Margaret Isabelle Sandes
- Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
- Emily Sartain
- Mary A. Saunders
- Minnie Stebbins Savage
- Lucy Sargent Sawyer
- Elizabeth Lyle Saxon
- Margaret Eliza Schaffer
- Ernestine Schaffner
- Emily Maria Scott
- Mary Scott
- Mary Sophia Scott
- Lida Scranton
- Florence E. Searing
- Laura C. Redden Searing
- Molly Elliott Seawell
- Catherine Maria Sedgwick
- Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye
- Rosa L. Segur
- Emily H. McGary Selinger
- Emelia Benic Serrano
- Caroline Maria S. Severance
- Juliet H. Severance
- May Wright Sewall
- Mary F. Seymour
- Helen Almira Shafer
- Emma Augusta Sharkey
- Harriette Robinson Shattuck
- Lydia White Shattuck
- Annie C Shaw
- Anna H. Shaw
- Cornelia Dean Shaw
- Emma Shaw
- Annie Fillmore Sheardown
- Mary French Sheldon
- Mary Jane Shelley
- Emma V. Sheridan
- Eleanor Boyle E. Sherman
- Marrietta R. Sherman
- Emily Lee Sherwood
- Kate Brownlee Sherwood
- Mary Elizabeth Sherwood
- Rosina Emmet Sherwood
- Carrie M. Shoaff
- Rachel H. Shoemaker
- Jennie E. Sibley
- Mary Frances Scott Siddons
- Lydia Huntley Sigourney
- Hilda Siller
- Corelli C. W. Simpson
- Henneriette Skelton
- Jane Mariah Slocum
- Susan Dabney Smedes
- Charlotte Louise Smith
- Elizabeth J. Smith
- Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith
- Emily L. Goodrich Smith
- Emma Pow Smith
- Pistelle Turrell Smith
- Eva Munson Smith
- Fannie Douglass Smith
- Frances M. Owston Smith
- Genie M. Smith
- Helen Morton Smith
- Isabel Elizabeth Smith
- Jeanie Oliver Smith
- Julia Holmes Smith
- Luella Dowd Smith
- Lura Eugenie Brown Smith
- Martha Pearson Smith
- Mary Belle Smith
- Mary Louise Riley Smith
- Mary Stewart Smith
- Olive White Smith
- Mary M. Solari
- Emma D. E. N. Southworth
- Harriet Mabel Spalding
- Susan Marr Spalding
- Frances Campbell Sparhawk
- Catherine Swan Brown Spear
- Josephine Spencer
- Harriet Prescott Spofford
- Louise Parker Spratt
- Rebecca Ruter Springer
- Isabella S. Davis Spurlock
- Maria B. Brooks Stafford
- Jane Lathrop Stanford
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Jennie O. Starkey
- Amelia M. Starkweather
- Eliza Ellen Starr
- Betsey Ann Stearns
- Nellie George Stearns
- Sarah Burger Stearns
- Catharine A. F. Stebbins
- Esther B. Steele
- Rowena Granice Steele
- Evaleen Stein
- Emma R. Steiner
- Elizabeth Willison Stephen
- Antoinette Sterling
- Alzina Parsons Stevens
- Mrs. E. H. Stevens
- Emily Pitt Stevens
- Lillian M. N. Stevens
- Eliza Daniel Stewart
- Mary Ingram Stille
- Emma Maitland Stirling
- Corinne Stocker
- Alice Bunker Stockham
- Anna Elizabeth Stoddard
- Elizabeth Barstow Stoddard
- Missouri H. Stokes
- Lucinda H. Stone
- Lucy Stone
- Martha Elvira Stone
- Mary Perry Stott
- Emily H.Jennings Stowe
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Louise Reed Stowell
- Clara Harrison Stranahan
- Maria Straub
- Martha Strickland
- Gertrude Strohm
- Eliza Read Sunderland
- Martina Swafford
- Adeline Morrison Swain
- Mrs. M. French Swarthout
- Ada Celeste Sweet
- Amanda Carlson Swenson
- France Laura Swift
- Lucy Robbins Messer Switzer
- Esther W. Taylor
- Hannah E. Taylor
- Margaret Taylor
- Martha Smith Taylor
- Sarah Katherine Paine Taylor
- Mary Jewett Telford
- Mary Virginia Terhune
- Celia Laighton Thaxter
- Emma Human Thayer
- Lizzie E. D. Thayer
- Edith Matilda Thomas
- Fannie Edgar Thomas
- Mary Ann Thomas
- Adaline Emerson Thompson
- Elizabeth Rowell Thompson
- Eliza J. Thompson
- Eva Griffith Thompson
- Mary Sophia Thompson
- Mandana Coleman Thorp
- Rose Hartwick Thorpe
- Emma Cecilia Thursby
- Martha L. Poland Thurston
- Lydia H. Tilton
- Adah J. Todd
- Lelitia Willey Todd
- Mabel Loomis Todd
- Marion Todd
- Minnie J. Terrell Todd
- Lillian Adele Tourtillotte
- Emma Toussaint
- Belle Kellogg Towne
- Mary A. Van V. Townsend
- Frances Eleanor Townsley
- Florence Trail
- Anna Elizabeth Treat
- Lois E. Trott
- Novella Jewell Trott
- Anna Augusta Truitt
- Kate Tryon
- Mary Frances Tucker
- Rosa Lee Tucker
- Ellen Smith Tupper
- Mila Frances Tupper
- Alice Bellvadore Sams Turner
- Emma Rood Tuttle
- Julia Strudwick Tutwiler
- Sarah L. Twiggs
- Julia Gardiner Tyler
- Geraldine Ulmar
- Eva McDonald Valesh
- Mary C Van Benschoten
- Angelica Singleton Van Buren
- Mary Westbrook Van Deusen
- Ellen Oliver Van Fleet
- Loretta C Van Hook
- Marie Van Zandt
- Emily Elizabeth Veeder
- Lydia Louisa Anna Very
- Frances Fuller Victor
- Metta Victoria Fuller Victor
- Blanche Willis H. Von Teuffel
- Anna C Wait
- Phoebe Jane Babcock Wait
- Catherine Van V. Waite
- Emily Watkins Wakefield
- Antoinette Wakeman
- Harriet G Walker
- Mary E. Walker
- Minerva Walker
- Rose Kershaw Walker
- Annie Wall
- Mrs. M. R. M. Wallace
- Susan Arnold Elston Wallace
- Zerelda Gray Wallace
- Mary Cole Walling
- Minnie Gow Walsworth
- Carrie Stevens Walter
- Electa Noble Lincoln Walton
- Sarah Stokes Walton
- Ellen Hardin Walworth
- Jeannette R. H. Walworth
- Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward
- Genevieve Ward
- Mary E. Ward
- May Alden Ward
- Mary Ware
- Marion E. Knowlton Warner
- Mary Evalin Warren
- Lucy H. Washington
- Martha Washington
- Mrs. Mary Washington
- Clara Erskine Clement Waters
- Annah Robinson Watson
- Ellen Maria Watson
- Elizabeth Lowe Watson
- Margaret Anderson Watts
- Delia L. Weatherby
- Bertha Webb
- Ella Sturtevant Webb
- Helen L. Webster
- Susan Archer Weiss
- May Eddins Welborn
- Amelia B. Coppuck Welby
- Jane Meade Welch
- Charlotte Fowler Wells
- Mary Fletcher Wells
- Sarah Killgore Wertman
- Julia E. Houston West
- Mary Allen West
- Kate Eva Westlake
- Cynthia M. Westover
- Agnes Lithelwyn Wetherald
- Emily Greene Wetherbee
- Elizabeth Bisland Wetmore
- Cora Stuart Wheeler
- Dora Wheeler
- Mary Sparkes Wheeler
- Mrs. Dora V. Wheelock
- Lucy Wheelock
- M. Ella Whipple
- Laura Rosamond White
- Nettie L. White
- Lilian Whiting
- Mary Collins Whiting
- Sarah Helen Whitman
- Adeline D. Train Whitney
- Anne Whitney
- Mary Traffarn Whitney
- Martha E. Hotch Whitten
- Margaret R. Wickens
- Kate Douglas Wiggin
- Emma Howard Wight
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Hannah Tyler Wilcox
- S. Fannie Gerry Wilder
- Mary Holloway Wilhite
- Eliza Tupper Wilkes
- Mary E. Wilkins
- Allie C Willard
- Cordelia Young Willard
- Emma Willard
- Frances Elizabeth Willard
- Katherine Willard
- Mary Bannister Willard
- Mary Thompson Hill Willard
- Adele Williams
- Alice Williams
- Florence B. Williams
- Louisa Brewster Williams
- Jennie Fowler Willing
- Louise Hammond Willis
- Mary Elizabeth Willson
- Augusta C. Evans Wilson
- Mrs. Augustus Wilson
- Jane Delaplaine Wilson
- Martha Eleanor Loftin Wilson
- Zara A. Wilson
- Mrs. Amelia Kempshall Wing
- Mrs. Angelina Virginia Winkler
- Caroline B. Winslow
- Celeste M. A. Winslow
- Helen M. Winslow
- Martha Wintermute
- Jenevehah Maria Winton
- Annie Wittenmyer
- Susan Helen Wixon
- Catherine Lorillard Wolfe
- Frances Fisher Wood
- Julia A. A. Wood
- Mary C. F. Wood
- Rosa Louise Woodberry
- Mary A. Brayton Woodbridge
- Libbie L. Woodruff
- Kate Tannatt Woods
- Caroline M. Woodward
- Caroline M. Clark Woodward
- Mary Williams C Woody
- Celia Parker Woolley
- Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
- Abba Louise Goold Woolson
- Constance Fenimore Woolson
- Sarah A. Worden
- Laura Davis Worley
- Katharine Prescott Wormeley
- Augusta Harvey Worthen
- Mary A. Wray
- Hannah Amelia Wright
- Julia McNair Wright
- Laura M. Wright
- Marie Robinson Wright
- Lollie Belle Wylie
- Lillie B. Chace Wyman
- Elizabeth U. Yates
- Letitia Creighton Youmans
- Theodora Winton Youmans
- Jennie B. Young
- Julia Evelyn Ditto Young
- Martha Young
- Sarah Graham Young
- Maria Elizabeth Zakrzewska
- Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler
- Aldrich, Julia Carter
- Barton, Clara
- Bates, Margaret Holmes
- Blackwell, Alice Stone
- Briggs, Alice E.
- Campbell, Hellen
- Clark, James G.
- Colquitt, Mel. R.
- Converse, Harriet Maxwell
- Conway, Katherine E.
- Darling, Flora Adams
- Deletombe, Alice S.
- Donlevy, Alice
- Dow, Hon. Neal
- Durgin, Elizabeth C.
- Dye, Mary
- Eyster, Nellie Blessing
- Eytinge, Rose
- Field, Mary H.
- Folsom, Montgomery M.
- Foster, Rev. Elon
- Foster, J. Pollen
- Giles, Ella A.
- Gilmore, James R.
- Glazier, Jessie A.
- Greenwood, Grace
- Guiney, Louise Imogen
- Hanaford, Rev. Phebe A.
- Hatch, Mary R. P.
- Hazelrigg, Clara H.
- Hobart, Sarah D.
- Howe, E. Harriet
- Ives, Florence C.
- Keating, Josephine E.
- Larcom, Lucy
- Lease, Mary E.
- Lincoln, Martha D.
- Livermore, Mary A.
- Lockwood, Belva A.
- Mace, Frances L.
- Meredith, Virginia C.
- Meriwether, Lide
- Michel, Nettie Leila
- Morton, Eliza H.
- Moulton, Charles Wells
- Nixon, Jennie C.
- O'Hagan, Thomas
- Parker, Benjamin F.
- Parkhurst, Emelie T. Y.
- Pratt, John James
- Pillsbury, Parker
- Poole, Hester M.
- Renfrew, Carrie
- Ridpath, John Clark
- Robinson, Jane Bancroft
- Sherwood, Emily L.
- Sherwood, Kate Brownlee
- Shinn, Charles Howard
- Stanford, Prof. Maria L.
- Starr, Eliza Allen
- Van Fredenberg, Henry A.
- Wheeler, Cora Stuart
- Whiting, Lilian
- Willard, Frances E.
- Wylie, Lollie Belle
- Young, Martha