User:Richard Arthur Norton (1958- )
[edit]These still need Wikidata links. See for example: Category:Kingsmore (surname)
[edit]- User:Bio2935c
[edit]- Dash - Dash
- Dash – Dash
- Dash — Dash
Box around text
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Events portals
[edit]Add to Wikiquote
Group portals
[edit]- James Patterson (1794-1877) letter of December 13, 1854
- Eloise Lindauer (1860-1935) letter concerning Louis Julius Freudenberg
- Mabel A. Cain (1875-1955) letter of May 27, 1943
- War Department letter to Eloise Lindauer II (1856-1935) concerning the reburial of Louis Julius Freudenberg I (1894-1918)
- Thomas Patrick Norton I (1891-1968) letter from December 7, 1917
- Gretchen Hahnen (1902-1986) letter to Bertrand Acosta (1895-1954) on June 30, 1953
[edit]- Julia Ann Lattin (1880-1960) memoir
- Thomas Patrick Norton II (1921-2011) memoir
- Eloise Ensko II (1925-1993) memoir
- William Francis Norton (1857-1939) memoir
Odds and ends
[edit]- Matter of Treadwell
- Mrs. Zora Hahnen v. Gretchen Hahnen
- Lindauer - Ensko bible
- Presidential Pardon of Charles Frederick Lindauer by Ulysses S. Grant on 21 March 1873
- Presidential Pardon of Louis Julius Lindauer by Ulysses S. Grant on 20 June 1870
- Biography of Eddie August Schneider (1911-1940)
A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Nicholas Bennett
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Rem Cashow
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/John Cashow
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/William Adriense Bennet
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Frederick Cashow
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Johannes Cashow
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Jan Bennet
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/James Voorhest Duryea
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Frederick Symonsen Nostrand
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Augustus Lancaster Bogart
- A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Peter Cashow
[edit]- Urd/1907/Pianist Sigvart Høgh-Nilsen (translation)
Individual entries in books
[edit]- Van Deursen Family/Abraham Pietersen (Van Deursen)
- Past and Present of Calhoun County, Iowa/William Mahon
- Prominent Families of New York/Hiram Duryea
- The Bogart Family/George Isaac Bogart
- History of Chicago/Benjamin Lindauer
Unusual formatting
[edit]Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne
- Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Israel Næslund (translation)
- Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Carl Gustaf Næslund (translation)
- Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Johan Christopher Ruuth (1768-1822) (translation)
- Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Johan Christopher Ruuth (1823-1899) (translation)
- Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Johan Israel Næslund (translation)
The Bronx and Its People
[edit]History of Coshocton County
[edit]News articles that need Wikidata entries
News articles
[edit]- Oakland Enquirer/1912/In the East on Honeymoon
- The New York Sun/1859/12/19/Lindauer
- Newsday/1948/David A. Duryea, 84
- Fort Covington Sun/1889/Death and Funeral of Giant Goshen
- New York Herald/1865/A Saloon Keeper Charged With Theft
- Jersey Journal/1989/04/27/Brindley
- Jersey Journal/1971/Mrs. Peter Rice
- Jersey Journal/1962/03/07/Rice
- Jersey Journal/1912/Held On Charge Of Striking Woman
- Jersey Journal/1962/Peter Rice, 53, Model Builder
- Jersey Journal/1957/Mrs. Ada Kohlman
- Jersey Journal/1901/Bestel - Hollenbach
- Jersey Journal/1986/Leah M. Winblad
- Jersey Journal/1952/12/30/Hudson County Brides
- Jersey Journal/1960/Valentine Outwater
- Jersey Journal/1920/Four Are Held As Holiday "Drunks"
- Jersey Journal/1908/Think Assailant May Be Suicide
- Jersey Journal/1908/Nab Barber Who Shot Man at Last
- Jersey Journal/1918/Long Local List of Wounded With Only A Few Dead
- Jersey Journal/1959/Charles G. Kahrar
- Jersey Journal/1955/03/07/Skinner
- Jersey Journal/1957/12/04/Clemens
- Jersey Journal/1962/Joseph Cancalosi; Film Operator
- Jersey Journal/1955/Nora Belle Skinner, 81; Rites Tomorrow
- Jersey Journal/1895/05/08/Schoenfeld
- Jersey Journal/1942/11/12/Langan
- Jersey Journal/1950/01/31/Norton
- The Boston Globe/1898/07/29/Norton
- The Boston Globe/1937/06/23/Norton
- The Boston Globe/1913/03/21/Murphy
- Middletown Times Herald/1939/David A. Piatt
- Middletown Times Herald/1934/Mrs. Chalania McDowell
- Jersey Journal/1962/10/23/Cancalosi
- Jersey Journal/1986/02/10/Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1945/Bodies of 12 Hudson Men Are Returned
- Jersey Journal/1986/Louis M. Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1944/Charging Beatings, Seeks Divorce
- The Democrat and Standard/1902/08/29/Wedding Announcement
- The Democrat and Standard/1902/Miller - Borland Nuptials
- Akron Beacon Journal/1931/Charles Borland Dies
- Akron Beacon Journal/1930/10/31/Divorces Granted
- Altoona Mirror/1930/08/15/Eddie Schneider On His Way West
- Appeal-Democrat/1930/Woman Jumps 8 Floors and Lives
- Argus Leader/1930/Woman Tries Suicide
- Argus Leader/1945/T-Sgt. Ray C. Gill Back From Overseas
- Arizona Republic/1947/Roy Hahnenkratts, Arizona Pioneers, Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary
- Arizona Republic/1949/Polio Fails To Stop Snuffy's Owners
- Arizona Republic/1954/John Lindauer
- Arizona Republic/1960/Thayer C. Lindauer Weds Miss Cleo L. Robertson
- Arizona Silver Belt/1880/We Call Attention To The Ad
- Arizona Silver Belt/1896/A Hot Fire
- Asbury Park Press/1977/Otto P. Winblad
- Asbury Park Press/1930/Funeral of Mrs. Rappleyea
- Bayonne Times/1938/Round-Up Nets 8 Drivers Here
- Bayonne Times/1940/12/16/Sheriff's Sale In Chancery Of New Jersey
- Bayonne Evening News/1925/Touring Car On Boulevard Strikes Bus
- Brooklyn Citizen/1898/Lattin's Defense
- Brooklyn Citizen/1890/Betts
- Brooklyn Citizen/1898/Lattin's Work Censured
- Brooklyn Citizen/1908/Richard Barnsley Patterson
- Brooklyn Eagle/1878/Uncle Lattin
- Brooklyn Eagle/1884/Alleged Grand Larceny
- Brooklyn Eagle/1896/Charles A. Webber
- Brooklyn Eagle/1903/Angelina A. Wilcox
- Brooklyn Eagle/1904/Miss Elizabeth Betts
- Brooklyn Eagle/1908/Richard B. Patterson
- Brooklyn Eagle/1909/Henderson
- Brooklyn Eagle/1918/Famous Faster Dr. Tanner Dies
- Brooklyn Eagle/1919/George W. Kinner
- Brooklyn Eagle/1920/Mrs. Hannah Duryea
- Brooklyn Eagle/1926/Edward F. Kershaw Dies
- Brooklyn Eagle/1932/Static Electricity Caused Plane Fire
- Brooklyn Eagle/1940/Mrs. E. J. O'Malley, Wife of Hylan Aide
- Brooklyn Eagle/1940/Webb - Cornelia
- Brooklyn Evening Star/1853/09/05/Died
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1910/Two Jailed Breakers Confess At Bellport
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1887/Lodged in Riverhead Jail
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1888/All Witnesses Notified
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1894/Henry Lattin
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1901/Bellport's Colored Settlement
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1907/Death of Bessie Rhodes
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1907/In Italian Homes
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1916/Charles Pilkington a Suicide
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1919/George Washington Kinner
- Brooklyn Times-Union/1929/Woman Is Victim Of Drunken Brawl
- Buffalo Labor Journal/1922/Celebrities in Town
- Chicago Tribune/1990/12/03/Borland
- Chicago Tribune/1900/Louis Boisot
- Chicago Tribune/1930/06/01/Jensen
- Chicago Tribune/1930/Andrew Jensen Funeral Rites to Be Held Tuesday
- Chicago Tribune/1936/04/26/Olson
- Chicago Tribune/1938/01/25/Jensen
- Coshocton Tribune/1912/Samuel Miller, Dies At Home In West Bedford
- Daily Freeman/1941/Philip Elting, 77, Dies Sunday Night at Home After Protracted Illness
- Daily News-Post and Monrovia News-Post/1954/Winblad Operating Lawnmower Service
- Daily News-Post and Monrovia News-Post/1957/Shop Owner Fishes, Thief Makes Catch
- Delaware County Daily Times/1950/Hammelbacher - Baird
- Delaware County Daily Times/1950/Norton-Burke
- Democrat and Chronicle/1906/Al. Adams A Suicide, Jury Holds
- Democrat and Chronicle/1927/Hold 3D Annual Lattin Reunion
- Desert Sentinel/1972/Marguerite Winblad Services Thursday
- Desert Sentinel/1961/Celebrates 75 Years
- Desert Sentinel/1969/Winblads Better After Accidents
- Desert Sentinel/1975/Anton Julius Winblad
- Detroit Free Press/1914/Naess's Real Ice Made By Very Secret Process
- Detroit Free Press/1975/Joseph N. French Fairlane Architect
- Elizabeth Daily Journal/1896/Williamson - George
- Elmira Star-Gazette/1915/Printers Plan Their Meeting For Next Month
- Elmira Star-Gazette/1921/Lattin Family Reunion
- Gettysburg Times/1968/Custodian On Way To College Degree
- Holyoke Transcript-Telegram/1908/West Springfield's First Postmaster Dead
- Hudson Observer/1921/Moynahan Tells Of Attack Made On Him By Gang
- Hudson Observer/1921/03/21/Freudenberg
- Hudson Observer/1905/Beef Company Sued
- Hudson Observer/1920/Charges Fraud By Prospective Partners
- Hudson Observer/1905/Powder Exploded When He Moved It
- Hudson Observer/1916/Langan To Be Named As Sewer Inspector
- Hudson Observer/1917/Langan Gets Job As Sewer Inspector
- Hudson Observer/1918/Closing Days Of Conflict Took A Big Toll Locally
- Hudson Observer/1921/07/19/Freudenberg
- Hudson Observer/1921/Max Freudenberg
- Hudson Observer/1921/Will Bury Heights War Hero Sunday
- Jersey Journal/1883/Foiled by the Lack of a Few Cents
- Jersey Journal/1887/11/15/Finn
- Jersey Journal/1905/02/24/Kahrar
- Jersey Journal/1905/06/08/Norton
- Jersey Journal/1905/10/10/Norton
- Jersey Journal/1905/Patrolman Conrad Kahrar Very Ill
- Jersey Journal/1905/Patrolman Kahrar's Funeral To-Day
- Jersey Journal/1908/Langan Showed Fast Pair Of Heels
- Jersey Journal/1908/McCabe - Langan
- Jersey Journal/1914/01/01/Finn
- Jersey Journal/1918/07/23/Finn
- Jersey Journal/1922/Mrs. Delia Norton
- Jersey Journal/1931/Irish Fiddlers Play at Golden Wedding of James Langan
- Jersey Journal/1932/Charles Kahrar
- Jersey Journal/1939/John J. Burke, Sr.
- Jersey Journal/1941/James Langan, Contractor, Dies
- Jersey Journal/1943/Draft Board 20 Men Inducted
- Jersey Journal/1946/Former Captain Makes Army His Career, Reenlists for ETO
- Jersey Journal/1948/Jailed as Deserter
- Jersey Journal/1952/Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1954/Karen Freudenberg, Year Old, of Virus
- Jersey Journal/1956/Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1957/11/16/Patterson
- Jersey Journal/1959/Miss C. Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1962/Jersey City Man For Tipsy Driving
- Jersey Journal/1963/09/03/Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1963/Mrs. Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1963/Mrs. Rose's Forecast
- Jersey Journal/1963/Two Given Suspended Sentences
- Jersey Journal/1968/Thomas Norton, 76
- Jersey Journal/1974/Mrs. Helen Norton
- Jersey Journal/1977/Otto P. Winblad, 75, Retired Stereotyper
- Jersey Journal/1979/Anna Cancalosi
- Jersey Journal/1980/Ralph Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1986/Louis M. Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1987/03/09/Freudenberg
- Jersey Journal/1988/09/29/Freudenberg
- Middletown Daily Herald/1925/Burns Fatal To Aged Man
- Middletown Daily Herald/1925/McDowell Has Chance
- Middletown Daily Herald/1925/McLean - McDowell Wedding
- Middletown Daily Herald/1925/Westbrookville Man May Die From Burns
- Middletown Times Press/1918/William L. Piatt
- Middletown Times Press/1919/Woman Picking Berries Finds Big Rattlesnake
- Middletown Transcript/1898/An Old Family Bible
- Moberly Weekly Monitor/1908/As Old As Missouri
- Napa Valley Register/1930/Eddie Schneider Sets Three Air Records
- New England Shoe and Leather Industry/1908/Richard Barnesly Patterson Dead
- New Philadelphia Daily Times/1940/Mrs. Frank M. Forbes Dies
- New York Daily News/1928/03/09/Freeport Legion Lists War Heroes
- New York Daily News/1940/12/24/Cheated Death In Air Battles, Dies In Crash
- New York Herald/1853/The Missing Pilotboat Commerce
- New York Herald/1858/Oldrin
- New York Herald/1863/The Wounded
- New York Herald/1866/The Nine Thousand Dollar Jewelry Robbery At Newark, N.J.
- New York Herald/1867/A Horse Dealer In Trouble
- New York Herald/1868/Wills Admitted and Letters of Administration Granted
- New York Herald/1869/4 - 11 - 44
- New York Herald/1869/Betts
- New York Herald/1878/The Preaching Ploughman
- New York Herald/1890/Half A Century of Piloting
- New York Herald/1921/A. Oldrin Salter
- New York Post/1849/09/17/Died
- New York Tribune/1866/The $9,000 Jewelry Robbery
- New York Tribune/1894/Salter
- New York Tribune/1902/Salter
- New York Tribune/1920/Food Is Cheaper And Going Lower, O'Malley Asserts
- Newark Daily Advertiser/1866/01/23/The Baldwin Robbery
- Newark Daily Advertiser/1866/01/24/The Baldwin Jewelry Robbery
- News-Journal/1968/Lake Helen Man Works, Studies So He Can Teach Slow Learners
- News-Journal/1985/Lattin, Dewey Ernest
- Oakland Tribune/1918/Camp Fund Campaign Launched
- Oakland Tribune/1944/Donald M'Clure Wins Advance
- Oakland Tribune/1972/Perry M. Olsen connect to Q105836123
- Oakland Young Men/1913/Membership Secretary
- Ocala Banner/1941/McPheeters' Home Is Scene Of Golden Wedding Reception
- Ocean Grove Times/1930/Mrs. Amy O. Rappleyea
- Olean Times Herald/1928/Viola Gentry Stays Up For New Record
- Orlando Evening Star/1941/Mr. Jarvis A. Lattin
- Parsippany Daily Record/1993/11/02/Van Deusen
- Pittsburgh Post/1914/Icy-Looking Mystery Of Ice Skating
- Port Chester Daily Item/1920/Celebrated Sixty-third Anniversary
- Port Chester Daily Item/1922/Mrs. Minnie Bonn
- Port Chester Daily Item/1923/Harry Lindauer
- Port Chester Daily Item/1923/Woman Claims To Be Max Friese's Wife and Shows Documents In Proof
- Port Chester Daily Item/1927/Edward Bonn
- Port Chester Daily Item/1931/Mrs. A. Lindauer Dies In Rye At 91
- Port Chester Daily Item/1933/J. Wahl Of Rye Chosen By New County Group
- Port Chester Daily Item/1937/Mrs. Grace Massey
- Port Chester Daily Item/1941/Death Calls W. A. Lindauer
- Port Chester Daily Item/1942/John Wahl, 45, Tree Expert, Dies Suddenly
- Port Chester Daily Item/1944/Arthur S. Lindauer
- Port Chester Daily Item/1944/Lindauer Family Has Gathering In Region
- Port Chester Daily Item/1945/LeBaron Lindauer
- Port Chester Daily Item/1945/Lindauer Funeral
- Port Chester Daily Item/1945/Lindauer Left $5,000
- Port Chester Daily Item/1945/Mrs. Sophie Davis
- Port Chester Daily Item/1956/Mrs. Ira Lowe
- Port Chester Daily Item/1979/Joseph Lowe
- Portrait and Biographical Record of Suffolk County (Long Island) New York/Capt. Charles F. Kinner
- Redwood City Tribune/1936/S. M. Youth Hurled Through Windshield
- Reno Gazette-Journal/1930/Chicago Suicide Victim Resided Here
- Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit/Volume 7/In re Louis Lindauer
- Salinas Californian/1964/Suit Filed as Result of Plane Crash Last Year
- San Francisco Examiner/1920/Byington Ford To Wed Girl Of Chicago
- Springfield Republican/1900/The Merrick Postmastership
- Springfield Republican/1903/Postmaster Kinner 80 Years Old
- Springfield Republican/1937/Mrs. Agnes D. Lattin
- Springfield Republican/1937/Mrs. Agnes Lattin Dies In Florida
- Springfield Republican/1937/Mrs. Agnes Lattin
- Tampa Bay Times/1965/05/14/Gallaudet
- The Bayonne Times/1926/Winblads on Motor Trip
- The Bayonne Times/1928/Aged Woman Dies, Grief Hastens End
- The Bayonne Times/1928/Mrs. H. Winblad Died Yesterday
- The Bayonne Times/1928/Winblad
- The Bayonne Times/1931/Rent Collector Held For Fraud
- The Bergen Record/1965/09/09/Sanford
- The Bergen Record/1929/Both Drivers Are Given Tickets
- The Bergen Record/1931/Politics In School Board Election Hit
- The Bergen Record/1937/Six Are Fined At Allendale
- The Bergen Record/1945/Norma Hilgerman Wed To G. Lindauer
- The Bergen Record/1961/Mothers To Press Board On Shelters
- The Bergen Record/1961/Women Prepare In Civil Defense
- The Bergen Record/1962/Fallout, Shock Will Be Topics
- The Bergen Record/1966/Charge Of Entry Is Sent To Jury
- The Bergen Record/1967/Teacher Awaits Hearing On Assault
- The Bergen Record/1968/Grover Lindauer
- The Bergen Record/1968/Norton Case Referred To State
- The Bergen Record/1981/05/08/Sanford
- The Bergen Record/1984/Paper Protection
- The Boston Globe/1957/Youth, Girl Die
- The Brooklyn Daily Times/1887/Will The Woman Die?
- The Brooklyn Daily Times/1878/07/27/Long Island Brevities
- The Brooklyn Daily Times/1917/07/07/Farmingdale
- The Buffalo Times/1914/Is Champion Of The Ice Skaters
- The Central New Jersey Home News/1920/Special Meeting of Bound Brook Council
- The Central New Jersey Home News/1930/Former Local Residents
- The Chatham Record/1890/A Pilot's Perils
- The Cincinnati Enquirer/1923/Van Deusen Family
- The Courier-News/1913/Conflagration In Bound Brook
- The Courier-News/1926/Four Funerals Here In Past Three Days
- The Courier-News/1926/George Lindauer Dead
- The Courier-News/1929/Joshua Doughty, Long An Engineer, 85, Passes Away
- The Courier-News/1931/A. D. Bruss, Dead At 83
- The Courier-News/1955/Mrs. M. Van Nostrand
- The Courier-News/1958/Charles H. Fetterly, Bound Brook Ex-Mayor
- The Daily Argus/1940/Wartburg Head Succumbs To Heart Attack
- The Daily Register (Red Bank, New Jersey)/1963/Mrs. Jean Lindauer
- The Des Moines Register/1911/Herme F. Hahnen Dies in Hospital
- The Des Moines Register/1916/Hahnens Celebrate Golden Wedding
- The Des Moines Register/1916/Mr. And Mrs. Henry Hahnen To Celebrate Anniversary
- The Des Moines Register/1917/Hahnen - Shepard Wedding At Hanger Home
- The Des Moines Register/1917/Hahnen Funeral Thurs.
- The Des Moines Register/1917/Hahnen, Des Moines Shoe Pioneer, Dies
- The Des Moines Register/1934/Cards Announcing Eastern Wedding
- The Des Moines Register/1962/Zora Hahnen Rites Tuesday
- The Desert Sun/1965/Winblad Fete
- The Desert Sun/1972/Winblad
- The Desert Sun/1975/Winblad
- The Evening Independent/1930/Sailed Today for Buenos Aires
- The Evening Independent/1940/Edwin B. Lord
- The Farmingdale Post/1924/Isle Of Pines Letter Here. Jarvis Lattin Sent June 14
- The Farmingdale Post/1924/Lattin's 50 Yrs. Wed Celebrated At Home
- The Farmingdale Post/1925/Mr. And Mrs. Jarvis Lattin Move To Florida
- The Farmingdale Post/1929/Attend Reunion of Lattin Family At Niagara Falls
- The Farmingdale Post/1929/Lattin - Nelson
- The Farmingdale Post/1940/Jarvis Lattin In Farmingdale
- The Farmingdale Post/1941/J. A. Lattin Passes Away
- The Farmingdale Post/1959/Alfred W. Poole
- The Herald-News/1949/22 Preakness Lots Sold for $49,000
- The Herald-News/1957/3 Charity Funds, Friends Share in Kohlman Estate
- The Herald-News/1942/Charles F. Freudenberg
- The Herald-News/1954/John H. Lindauer
- The Herald-News/1957/Mrs. Ralph Kohlman
- The Herald-News/1957/Ralph Kohlman, 73, Electrotyper Dies
- The Herald-News/1966/Judge Grants Divorces To Two Bergen Women
- The History of Polk County, Iowa/Hahnen, J. F. Q113370772
- The Indianapolis Star/1976/Carl Schneider Dies
- The Long-Island Star/1838/Married
- The Los Angeles Times/1941/Retired Bank President Dies
- The Miami Herald/1924/10/08/New York
- The Morning Call/1933/Miss Lindauer Bride Of Rudolph Hecht
- The Morning Call/1940/Slain Flier Was Airport Manager
- The Morning Call/1947/Courter Rites Tomorrow
- The Morning Call/1955/Lindauer Is Suspended By Highway Authority
- The Morning Call/1957/Social Club Sets Fashion Show Tonight At 8:30
- The New Philadelphia Daily Times/1943/Bowerston Man Stroke Victim
- The New York Sun/1889/Ensko
- The New York Sun/1897/Lost Husband And Houses
- The New York Times/1867/05/14/Court of General Sessions
- The New York Times/1868/08/30/Inquest over the Remains of Susannah Lattin
- The New York Times/1869/10/26/Local
- The New York Times/1881/01/13/Arrests For Burglary
- The New York Times/1881/06/03/Hudson County Burglars On Trial
- The New York Times/1882/09/08/Raiding The Policy Men
- The New York Times/1886/02/16/The Nirvana's Trip To Nassau
- The New York Times/1891/04/03/Hendrick Vanderbilt Duryea
- The New York Times/1894/10/12/Paid $500 To Schmittberger
- The New York Times/1903/04/11/Capt. Kinner's Wound Fatal
- The New York Times/1909/12/09/Mrs. Snead's Family Full Of Fatalities
- The New York Times/1911/01/22/Poison Mother Gave Killed Ocey Snead
- The New York Times/1915/05/06/Dwight C. Harris To Wed
- The New York Times/1915/07/02/Dwight C. Harris Weds
- The New York Times/1915/09/18/James W. Boyle
- The New York Times/1921/08/25/Doctored Records In Graft Case Bare Mysterious $3,500
- The New York Times/1929/02/12/Attacks Marriage Of Her Ex-Husband
- The New York Times/1934/05/15/Ensko
- The Newtown Register/1897/Col. George Duryea
- The Passaic Daily News/1931/Tired of Life, Girl Dies
- The Patriot Ledger/1943/Howard C. Platts
- The Philadelphia Inquirer/1870/A Lottery Dealer Pardoned
- The Philadelphia Inquirer/1907/Trying to Find Mother
- The Press of Atlantic City/1947/John Hammelbacher
- The Press of Atlantic City/1963/Mrs. Hammelbacher
- The Southwest Wave/1939/Winblad Rites
- The Standard Union/1917/Cornelia A. Patterson
- The Standard Union/1931/Christmas Tree Airman's Beacon
- The Star-Ledger/1984/Owen Burke
- The Sydney Morning Herald/1854/Disaster To The Barque Harvest And Loss Of Thirteen Passengers
- The Times of San Mateo/1938/Mrs. Whitfield Dies in San Jose
- The Times of San Mateo/1940/Peter Whitfield Claims Bride
- The Times of San Mateo/1945/Miss Whitfield and Ensign Burke Wedded on Sunday
- The Times of San Mateo/1953/Remorseful Dad In 30-mile Hike To Jail
- The Times of San Mateo/1955/Driver Chooses Jail to Fine
- The Washington Times/1897/Hypnotism And Marriage
- The Wilkes-Barre Record/1902/Prominent Jerseyman Dead
- Tucson Daily Citizen/1949/Three More Polio Cases At Phoenix
- Washington Citizen/1936/Max Lindauer
- Washington Missourian/1946/More Than A Thousand REA Meeting Friday
- Washington Missourian/1950/Killed In Auto Accident
- Washington Missourian/1952/Marianne Lindauer
- Washington Missourian/1960/Max Lindauer To Sell Boars At State Sale
- Washington Times-Herald/1944/Betrothal Announced
- Waverly Democrat/1927/Mrs. J. List
[edit]- Portal:Eva Douse
- Portal:Peter Edward Rice
- Portal:Valentine Charles Outwater
- Portal:Israel Näslund (1823-1894)
- Portal:Marion Webb
- Portal:Geraldine Marie Winblad
- Portal:Andrew Havig Jensen
- Portal:Middlebush Giant
- Portal:Wesley Howard Sanford
- Portal:James Couthren Borland
- Portal:Stephen William Ensko
- Portal:Peter Robert Whitfield Sr.
- Portal:Israel Israelsson Näslund (English and Swedish)
- Portal:Anton Julius Winblad I (English and Swedish)
- Portal:Sarah Melissa Hoagland
- Portal:Mary Elizabeth Kershaw
- Portal:Anders Örbom (English and Swedish)
- Portal:Alice Elizabeth Ensko
- Portal:Julia Ann Puckett
- Portal:Lynette Mae Curlhair
- Portal:Benjamin S. Van Deusen I
- Portal:Benjamin S. Van Deusen II
- Portal:Janet Powell
- Portal:George Duryea
- Portal:Caroline Augusta Hahnen
- Portal:Ralph Grimaldi
- Portal:Thayer Crane Lindauer
- Portal:Albert J. Adams
- Portal:Eloise Ensko
- Portal:Burnett Peter Van Deusen
- Portal:Markay Harotoune Malootian
- Portal:Gregory H. Malootian
- Portal:Anna Maria Arcudi
[edit]- Portal:Dwight Carlton Harris
- Portal:Mary Ann Hunter
- Portal:Carl Tanzler
- Portal:Abraham Kershaw
- Portal:Abraham Oldrin Salter
- Portal:Adelheid Oppenheimer
- Portal:Alfred Ingvald Naess
- Portal:Almy Kinner
- Portal:Anna Augusta Kershaw
- Portal:Anna Lillian Lindauer
- Portal:Anton Julius Winblad
- Portal:Arthur Oscar Freudenberg II
- Portal:Arthur Oscar Freudenberg
- Portal:Arthur Oscar Lindauer
- Portal:Augustus Lancaster Bogart
- Portal:Caleb D. Kinner
- Portal:Caleb Kinner
- Portal:Carl Henry Schneider
- Portal:Charles Albert Webber, Sr.
- Portal:Charles Edward Ensko
- Portal:Charles F. Kinner
- Portal:Charles Frederick Freudenberg
- Portal:Charles Frederick Lindauer II
- Portal:Charles Frederick Lindauer
- Portal:Charles Frederick Webber
- Portal:Conrad Kahrar
- Portal:Daniel Finn
- Portal:Edward Oldrin
- Portal:Edwin Joseph O'Malley
- Portal:Elizabeth Oldrin
- Portal:Eloise Lindauer
- Portal:Emil August Schneider
- Portal:Eugene Freudenberg
- Portal:Eva Ariel Lattin
- Portal:Eva Augusta Briggs
- Portal:Felix Szczesny
- Portal:Frederick Cashow
- Portal:George Brinton McClellan Lindauer
- Portal:George Washington Kinner
- Portal:Gretchen Frances Hahnen
- Portal:Grover Cleveland Lindauer
- Portal:Harold Lawrence McPheeters
- Portal:Harry Chauncey Lindauer
- Portal:Helen Louise Hollenbach
- Portal:Henry Hahnen
- Portal:Henry K. Lattin
- Portal:Herme Francis Hahnen
- Portal:Jacob Harrison Ford
- Portal:James Joseph Norton II
- Portal:James Langan
- Portal:Jarvis Andrew Lattin
- Portal:Jennie Louise Courter
- Portal:John Howard Lindauer
- Portal:John Jacob Lindauer
- Portal:John Merwin Oldrin
- Portal:John Norton
- Portal:Julia Ann Lattin
- Portal:LeBaron Hart Lindauer
- Portal:Louis Julius Freudenberg
- Portal:Louis Julius Lindauer
- Portal:Loveman Noa
- Portal:Marguerite Van Rensselaer Schuyler
- Portal:Maria Elizabeth Winblad
- Portal:Martin Hubbe Robbery
- Portal:Matthew M. Betts
- Portal:Max Julius Lindauer
- Portal:Max N. Lindauer
- Portal:Max S. Freudenberg
- Portal:Ocey Snead
- Portal:Oscar Arthur Lindauer
- Portal:Oscar Arthur Moritz Lindauer
- Portal:Otto Perry Winblad
- Portal:Owen Francis Langan
- Portal:Owen J. Burke
- Portal:Owen McLaughlin II
- Portal:Patrick J. Norton
- Portal:Perry Arthur Olsen
- Portal:Perry Maranius Olsen
- Portal:Perry Maranius Olsen
- Portal:Peter Robert Whitfield Jr.
- Portal:Robert Ensko
- Portal:Samuel Hoobler Miller
- Portal:Sarah Jane Carr
- Portal:Sarah Oldrin
- Portal:Selma Louise Freudenberg
- Portal:Susannah Lattin
- Portal:Theodore Roosevelt Lattin
- Portal:Thomas Patrick Norton III
- Portal:Thomas Patrick Norton II
- Portal:Thomas Patrick Norton I
- Portal:Thorvald Martin Tandberg
- Portal:Vincent Gerard Norton
- Portal:Weldon Earl Borland
- Portal:William Edward Ensko
- Portal:William Henry Duryea
- Portal:William Oldrin
[edit]- The Newtown Register, needs Wikidata entry
- Middletown Times Press
- The Jersey Journal
- The New York Times calendar index
- Bayonne Evening News
- The Bayonne Times
- The New York Tribune
- The Central New Jersey Home News
- The Star-Ledger
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post (newspaper)
- Democrat and Chronicle
- Chicago Tribune months spelled out in url
[edit]Portal disambiguation
[edit]- Portal:John Smith
- Portal:John Smith (1900-1960)
- Portal:John Smith (ship's captain)
[edit]- {{drop initial}}C
- {{initial}} C
- {{dropcap}} C
[edit]- Eloise Lindauer (1860-1935) letter concerning Louis Julius Freudenberg I (1894-1918) (deleted by Billinghurst)
- Wikisource:Proposed deletions/Archives/2020 (argument for deletion by Billinghurst)
New York Times index
[edit]I see the amazing work you are doing to harmonize all the NYT articles. Is the plan to eventually speedy delete all the italicized redirects from the index? It would clean up the index. Are we going to migrate lower case headlines from "Twain and yacht disappear" at sea to "Twain and Yacht Disappear at Sea" as part of the harmonization effort? RAN (talk) 13:26, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
- I think the appropriate next steps are
- leave the redirects to avoid linkrot if external sources link there
- migrate lowercase headlines
- migrate articles from Portal:The New York Times and replace the table of articles with a prominent link to The New York Times; the portal can continue to index related works and so forth
- ensure all articles are in the appropriate year/month/day subpages
- ensure all issues with article subpages have a page which indexes the articles
- ensure all issues are linked on the base page
- replace the {{header periodical}} with a normal header (which means redirects won't be included in the index)
- I don't have immediate plans to work on this, but I'll probably get around to it at some point—or you could, if you're interested! —CalendulaAsteraceae (talk • contribs) 19:15, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
Automated-index versus manual-indexing for example for Brooklyn Eagle
[edit]Are we going to have both, one at Portal:Brooklyn Eagle and one at Brooklyn Eagle. You switched Brooklyn Eagle to manual-indexing from the automated-index. Whenever I encounter a manual-index and automated-index, the article count if off because not everyone adds to the manual index. RAN (talk) 23:05, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
- We don't need to create portals for every newspaper. Portal:The New York Times exists because it's mentioned in other works and is a very well-known paper.
- While manual indexes are less complete, they're also better-organized and easier to use. FWIW, this PetScan should get you most of the Brooklyn Eagle pages that aren't linked from the main page. —CalendulaAsteraceae (talk • contribs) 23:37, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
Is there a standardized way newspaper articles are named and aggregated?
[edit]We have automated aggregation, we have manual aggregation into both a list and as a table that can be sorted, we have a calendar matrix. For naming articles, we have the bare name of the article title vs. the year and the article title vs. the full date and the article title. We have full pages and we have clipped articles.
- New York Times (had automated aggregation, now a redirect) vs The New York Times (now an index showing only years) vs Portal:The New York Times (manual aggregation in a table)
- The Washington Post (newspaper) same with The New York Tribune as a sortable table
- The San Francisco Call as a manually created bulleted list. Now a manually created list with unique format by CalendulaAsteraceae
- The Indianapolis News and the New York Post as a calendar index.
- Brooklyn Eagle sorted by year, changed by User:CalendulaAsteraceae from the automated style to the manual style of year aggregation. See: automated aggregation of the Brooklyn Eagle
- Jersey Journal sorted by year, changed by User:CalendulaAsteraceae from the automated style to the manual style of year aggregation. See: automated aggregation of the Jersey Journal
- The North Star (Rochester) as a manually created list with year headers (CalendulaAsteraceae style).
- The Argus a manually created list with unique format by CalendulaAsteraceae
There a half dozen different ways that newspapers are aggregated. If you go to Category:Newspapers published in the United States and click on a few, you can see six different ways that articles are aggregated, there are manual bulleted lists, automated aggregated lists, manual sortable tables, there are empty calendar indexes like New York Post, and a few other one-off experiments. There are lists and charts with annotations and summaries of the articles, and ones with just titles. Some article titles have no dates, some have years, some have full dates. Articles themselves are a mixture of djvu files, jpg index pages, raw unformatted ASCII text, and formatted Unicode/HTML text.
[edit]This is Black Letter text
This is Fraktur text
File vs. page vs. index vs. display
[edit]File:War Department letter to Eloise Lindauer II (1856-1935) concerning the reburial of Louis Julius Freudenberg I (1894-1918).png >>>> Page:War Department letter to Eloise Lindauer II (1856-1935) concerning the reburial of Louis Julius Freudenberg I (1894-1918).png >>>> Index:War Department letter to Eloise Lindauer II (1856-1935) concerning the reburial of Louis Julius Freudenberg I (1894-1918).png >>>> War Department letter to Eloise Lindauer II
Index page
[edit]If you want to have an autogenerated list then I would suggest that you poke into the header notes [[Special:PrefixIndex/{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]
or [[Special:PrefixIndex/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|some text]]
. That formula will show all subpages in whichever page in whichever namespace that page is are sitting. —
Author link
[edit]- See Author:Jacob Turcott for novel template
[edit]What is our rule for lacuna in scans? Another editor told me we cannot have entries with lacuna, they become excerpts, which are banned. I see lacuna differently, transcribe as much as you can, display the scan. Maybe someone in the future will have access to a different edition of the newspaper. Maybe the source material will be rescanned. If it is an important document, we should preserve what we can.
Odd entries
[edit]- Author:Stephen King an empty entry
People who support Wikilinks
[edit]- User:John Vandenberg
Annotating the index with a salient quote or a short description
[edit]Mismatched names aggregated by insource
[edit]This is caused by people being misidentified early in a news cycle, and corrected in later publications:
- (George Houghton)
- (Ralph Grimaldi)
Well formatted entries
[edit]- The Shadow Christmas
- The Viper and the File (various translations of the same source material)
Current year
[edit]- {{#expr:{{CURRENTYEAR}}-95}}
Scans transcribed
[edit]- jpg/png/gif (side by side text and graphic) See: New York Times/1868/Inquest over the Remains of Susannah Lattin and Act Awarding Leo Ryan Congressional Gold Medal
- djvu See: The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2 (elaborate formatting) and Page:History of the Municipalities of Hudson County (1924), Vol. 3.djvu/461 (a single page of a djvu publication)
- ASCII text (plain text and no graphic) See: The New York Times/Sporting Intelligence and Remarks at the Peace Banquet (no formatting and no scan)
[edit]- Biography of Eddie August Schneider by Gertrude Hahnen
Items moved to user space
[edit]Wikilinks controversy
[edit]Repeated removal of Wikilinks by a determined editor:
- Jersey Journal/1935/Death Claims Heights Gold Star Mother
- Brooklyn Eagle/1868/Arrest of a Butcher on Suspicion of Murder
Side by side images
[edit]{{Infobox person | name = The Wright brothers | image = {{multiple image | align = center | image1 = Orville Wright 1905-crop.jpg | width1 = 150 | alt1 = | caption1 = | image2 = Wilbur Wright-crop.jpg | width2 = 150 | alt2 = | caption2 = | footer_align = center | footer = Orville (left) and Wilbur Wright in 1905 }}
[edit]- Author:Eddie August Schneider
- Author:Naida Muriel Freudenberg
- Author:Henry Dyer Grindle
- Author:Eloise Lindauer (deleted by Bilinghurst, he believes she is not eligible for Author space) See: Portal:Eloise Lindauer
- Author:Cindy Griffiths
[edit]- [[Category:Newspapers of the United States by state]]
- [[Category:Newspapers of New Jersey|Newspaper]]
| title = Article Title
| author =
| section =
| previous =
| next =
| portal =
| related_author =
| year = Year
| notes =[[Person]] (?-?) in ''[[Newspaper]]'' on Date.
[[File:Article Title.png|thumb|100px]]
{{Larger|'''Article Title.'''}}
{{PD-US-not renewed}}
| firstname = William Henry
| lastname = Duryea
| last_initial = Du
| description =[[wikidata:Q61750248|William Henry Duryea]] (1827-1903) was a merchant. He was born in He participated in the [[wikidata:Q17550|California Gold Rush]] and he migrated to [[w:Globe, Arizona|Globe, Arizona]] in 1878 and died there in 1903.
| image = William Henry Duryea (1827-1903) tombstone.jpg
==Works about William Henry Duryea==
{{header periodical
| title = ''The Jersey Journal''
| author =
| section =
| previous =
| next =
| portal =
| notes = '''''[[w:The Jersey Journal|The Jersey Journal]]''''' is a daily newspaper based in [[w:Jersey City|Jersey City, New Jersey]]. The Jersey Journal did not renew copyrights for issues and issues are in the public domain that were published before January 1, 1963.
|wikipedia= The Jersey Journal
|commonscat = Jersey Journal articles
[edit]Text size
[edit]Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
Richard Arthur Norton
How do I make corrections to the djvu file?
[edit]See for example History_of_the_Municipalities_of_Hudson_County,_New_Jersey,_1630-1923/Volume_3/Freudenberg,_Arthur_Oscar, how would I fix errors in the text? Is the text housed at Commons? I have only dealt with the text that is right on the page here. --RAN (talk) 18:28, 9 January 2021 (UTC)
- @Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ):There are page numbers in square brackets to the left of the text. When you click one of them, you get to the page, e. g. when you click on [729] in the above mentioned article on A. S. Freudenberg, you get to Page:History of the Municipalities of Hudson County (1924), Vol. 3.djvu/461. On the right there is the scanned page and on the left there is the editable text. Then you simply click the edit button and the rest is easy. --Jan Kameníček (talk) 18:39, 9 January 2021 (UTC)
Notes, annotations, and corrections
[edit]These articles have explanatory notes to give context to the articles:.
- Jersey Journal/1942/Mrs. Linette M. C. Van Dusen
- Jersey Journal/1931/Owen McLoughlin
- The New York Times/1930/08/16/Schneider Flies to Wichita
- Jersey Journal/1938/Wesley Sanford
- The New York Times/1930/08/15/Schneider Halted by Fog
- Jersey Journal/1930/Jersey City Boy Pilot A Veteran
- Associated Press/1930/Boy Flier Plans Flight Around World Next June
- Jersey Journal/1963/Owen F. Langan Was Speedy in Life and Death
- Jersey Journal/1914/R. V. Schuyler
- The Farmingdale Post/1941/J. A. Lattin Passes Away
- Flying magazine/1931/Look Out, Lindbergh - Here I Come
- The New York Times/1866/01/23/The $9,000 Jewelry Robbery
- Daily News Leader/1940/Schneider Killed During a Routine Training Flight
- Brooklyn Eagle/1889/News from Jersey City
- Brooklyn Eagle/1896/05/10/An Ancient Masonic Body
[edit]These are the automatic aggregation pages:
- New York Tribune, as an example of a redirect. The page should not automatically redirect, or we will not realize it is populated.
- Associated Press versus Category:Associated Press
- Brooklyn Eagle
- Ocean Grove Times
- Des Moines Tribune
- The Bergen Record versus The Record (newspaper) (now a redirect)
- The Courier-News
- The Des Moines Register versus Des Moines Register (now a redirect)
- The Herald-News
- The Jersey Journal and Jersey Journal (now a redirect)
- The New York Times versus New York Times (now a redirect)
- The Rye Chronicle versus Rye Chronicle (now a redirect)
- Springfield Republican
- San Francisco Call decision made to keep "volume #" as redirects cluttering the index. Switched to manual aggregation by Peteforsyth
[edit]Various entries
[edit]- John Morrissey
- Frank Stephen Baldwin
- Risks of Photographing Battle-Ships in Action
- The Commemorative Biographical Record of Ulster/1896/Spencer Lyman Dawes
- Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni of Rutgers College/Scott, Austin
- History of the Municipalities of Hudson County, New Jersey, 1630-1923/Freudenberg, Arthur Oscar
Protected in namespace
[edit]User:Richard Arthur Norton (1958- )/Wikisource:FAQ
[edit]- Billinghurst removes links to Wikipedia and Wikidata and deletes Portals for people he feels are not notable enough for Wikisource. He also deletes news articles that are not fully transcribed despite Wikisource having categories for items that are 25% transcribed and 50% transcribed. See: Wikisource:Scriptorium/Archives/2021-03 for the arguments.
Copyright tags
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
{{PD-US-not renewed}}
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.
- For Class A renewal records (books only) published between 1923 and 1963, check the Stanford University Copyright Renewal Database.
- For other renewal records of publications between 1922–1950, see the University of Pennsylvania copyright records.
- For all records since 1978, search the U.S. Copyright Office records.
Works could have had their copyright renewed between January 1st of the 27th year after publication or registration and December 31st of the 28th year. As this work's copyright was not renewed, it entered the public domain on January 1st of the 29th year.
This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work was published in 1923 and is anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. It is in the public domain in the United States as well as countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 101 years or less since publication.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work is anonymous or pseudonymous, and is in the public domain in the United States because it was first published outside the United States (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days), and it was first published before 1989 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities (renewal and/or copyright notice) and it was in the public domain in its home country on the URAA date (January 1, 1996 for most countries). It is also in the public domain in other countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 60 years or less since publication.
This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Here are various ways to annotate errors in the original source material
[edit]The New York Times/1930/08/16/Schneider Flies to Wichita
Error corrected
[edit]- Schneider Flies to Wichita. Wichita, Kansas; August 16, 1930 (Associated Press) Eddie Schneider, 18-year-old Jersey City, New Jersey youth, attempting to establish a new junior transcontinental flight record, arrived here tonight at 7:45. He had left St. Louis at 1:25 p.m. [1]
Error in place
[edit]- Schneider Flies to Wichita. Wichita, Kansas; August 16, 1930 (Associated Press) Eddie Schneider, 18-year-old Westfield, New Jersey [sic] youth, attempting to establish a new junior transcontinental flight record, arrived here tonight at 7:45. He had left St. Louis at 1:25 p.m. [1]
New York Times style correction
[edit]- Schneider Flies to Wichita. Wichita, Kansas; August 16, 1930 (Associated Press) Eddie Schneider, 18-year-old Jersey City, New Jersey youth, attempting to establish a new junior transcontinental flight record, arrived here tonight at 7:45. He had left St. Louis at 1:25 p.m.
- Correction: June 26, 2015
- The original version of the story written by the Associated Press and published by the New York Times incorrectly identified Eddie Schneider as from Westfield, New Jersey. His plane departed from Westfield, New Jersey but he was a resident of Jersey City, New Jersey.
- Correction: June 26, 2015
Alien333 tools
[edit]- It's probably much less automated then you think, and it's nearly all available. Details of my workflow, if you'll bear with me (I'm afraid most of it won't interest you):
- I consider OCR quality to be key. Bad OCR is a lot of time lost. Therefore I always strive to get as good OCR as I can. My current mix for that is:
- Getting the JP2s from IA (I nearly only work with IA). I keep them around till I'm done, for illustrations. When I need some of those, I get JPGs from the JP2s, do whatever file manipulation I want to do with the JPGs, and then upload to commons (I chose a fixed format to save time:
[Index name without extension] p[pagenum].jpg
). - Converting them to PDF with img2pdf. This intermediate PDF conversion between JP2 and DJVU is probably the weakest link right now, as it entails a slight loss in quality, but it is needed for the next step.
- Which is OCR itself, using ocrmypdf (using tesseract). After a lot of testing, I found that this gave much better result than other methods. It has an issue tesseract always has of often badly misunderstanding quotes, but for letters and other punctuation, it's top notch, as far as I've seen. I would like to get a same-quality equivalent for djvu, but haven't found yet ): (never managed to get ocrodjvu up and running). A property I like a lot with ocrmypdf, is that when it fails (which is rarely, apart from quotes), it either fails loudly (quotes also fail loudly, I'm merely saying that outside of them there are few errors), or fail in way that are made loud by some of the below tools. When it doesn't understand a word, it often spits out gibberish, instead of an easily-confusable incorrect version of that word.
- Conversion to DJVU using pdf2djvu.
- At this step, there might be misaligned OCR. I do
djvused [filename].djvu -e "output-all" > test.dsed
(djvused is from djvulibre), and watch if a text hierarchy error comes up. If it does, it means that some page returned invalid OCR, and PRP is going to have trouble with that, and the OCR will be shifted, which is huge pain. To solve this, go to test.dsed, look what's the last pagenum. If it's after the work's end (in the no text pages at the end), as it often happens, you can ignore it. Else, do, withdjvused [filename.djvu] -e "select [last pagenum in the djvused+1];remove-txt;save"
, and then rinse and repeat till it's fine. - Finally, then upload to the relevant place often with the filename
[mainspace work name].djvu
(sometimes remove the parentheses in the name, because I did a lot of works calledPoems (author name)
, and so there were always parentheses. In the past, my code assumed the title was always a form of that. most of this, but not all, has been cleared.)
- Getting the JP2s from IA (I nearly only work with IA). I keep them around till I'm done, for illustrations. When I need some of those, I get JPGs from the JP2s, do whatever file manipulation I want to do with the JPGs, and then upload to commons (I chose a fixed format to save time:
- For proofreading itself: I have made plenty of scripts (all here online on WS) to assist with various steps. I have tried to provide doc so that others can use, feel free to ask if it's unclear. They are:
- User:Alien333/common.js: not much, and this one can't really be used by everyone, it's mostly temporary stuff. The one important thing (maybe should be moved out?) is near the end, it prevents saving a page where there are invalid italic/bold (a bit simplistic, might have false positives.)
- User:Alien333/cuts.js: provides access to various functions of the below, as well as navigation (shifting Page:s, shifting sibling through the {{header}}s, and so on, with for each the option to open in this tab or a new one) through key combinations (mostly ctrl-meta-something, with a bit of ctrl-something). see User:Alien333/cuts
- User:Alien333/clean.js: applies some regexes to clean OCR and do some basic formatting. This is invoked by many of my scripts; you may want to provide a dummy clean() function (that returns its output) in your user JS if you don't like it.
- User:Alien333/poemise.js: as the name says, to ease formatting poetry, being able to do the formatting with 3-4 characters and a keypress on most pages so far. It also brings an imperfect way to fix the di-ppoem interaction (premature wrapping), and functions to change ppoem ends and starts fluidly. see User:Alien333/poemise
- User:Alien333/nobr.js: I rarely use it (as I mostly do poetry), but it's the manyth version of a simple unwrapping script.
- User:Alien333/rhalt.js: A fork of the rh gadget, specialized for poetry. It does not replace it; it is complementary. I like having the two at hand. see User:Alien333/rhalt
- User:Alien333/addtpp.js: a simple script to correct typos in the name of {{tpp}}, and replaces {{ppoem}} by {{tpp}} when tpp features are used.
- User:Alien333/pagenum.js: very simplistic script that adds, in the page header for Page:s, their pagenum as defined in the pagelist
- User:Alien333/cmbb.js: a WIP wikicode editor, somehow similar to CodeMirror, for thorougher highlighting that includes the headers/footers and other features I wanted. Notably, this allows CSS styling of common scannos to identify them easier. see User:Alien333/cmbb
- I also use Firefox's spell checker (with an extendable dictionary, which now comprises about 9000 items for old words that are valid) to find scannos (it takes no action).
- I at this point probably should talk about {{tpp}}. It's a thing I made, which uses ppoem, to do some stuff I ended up doing often. This template could be debated. The reason I have not tried to add these features to ppoem is that ppoem has the characteristic of being clean; these are not, and in some cases cannot be, clean. Features (see the doc for details):
- Adding a title as first parameter, centered and targetable with CSS; that allows marvels, and permits the elimination of a great lot of repetitive formatting
- Wrapping in most cases the first words with a classed span (for small-caps first words); this has saved me a great lot of time
- Relative indent; essentially the same as typing
{{phantom|previous line}} this line
, but shorter - Reverse indent; does exactly what it says on the tin; to be rewritten to be cleaner
- Separating of different parts of a poem not aligned together (in effect making multiple ppoems); it has the advantage of 1) being shorter and 2) taking better care of the height of the break between the poems, being the same as that of a regular stanza break
- That's about as far as it goes for transcription. I have optimised as much as I could so that I could easily find most scannos, and that hard-to-find scannos are very rare. That is probably one of the things that speed the most up. (I stay on the lookout for the scannos I have trouble finding, and when I find one once in a book I wait until I'm finished and then I reread everything, checking specifically for that, as if there's one of these I may have missed more.) I have given a lot of though on that, and I believe that I do not go too fast for it to diminish the quality of my works; if that is not the case, please point me to where I messed up, and I will gladly reread and correct that or these books, and adapt my method.
- For transclusion, I use User:Alien333/transclude.js, which indeed has allowed me to speed the process up tremendously. I intend to give this a proper (OOUI) interface one of these days, to make it more usable. see User:Alien333/transclude
- For disambiguation, I maintain a local list of most of the poems I have transcribed, a piece of OCaml code takes care of finding matches and adding to the list. User:Alien333/dab.js does the actual on-wiki work (it is one of the things which rely on the title being Poems, which is why I do not disambiguate the other works I do).
Works about Charles Frederick Lindauer
[edit]This is an experiment to display annotations to the index of articles about a person. An article may only have a single sentence that concerns the targeted person, but if someone were to write a biography of that person, that sentence would provide a key fact.
- Charles F. Lindauer obituary (1921 March 3)
- Obituary downplaying his role in organized crime. Lindauer was "head of a flourishing business in New York."
- Lexow Committee (1895)
- Lindauer named during testimony as a "small fry" in the numbers game racket.
- News from Jersey City (1889 June 2)
- Lindauer & Co. used as a front for collecting money from the numbers game.
- A Theatre Closed (1881 December 6)
- Article struggling to describe his role in the forced takeover of the Theatre Comique in Jersey City, New Jersey, the article describes him as "a partner or something".
- Admission that the family operates a house of prostitution in West Hoboken, New Jersey. "The defense then called to the stand Jacob Lindauer, who testified: At the time of my arrest at 141 Mott street; I worked for my brother Fred, at West Hoboken. 'What sort of a place was it?' asked Mr. McGrath. 'Well, some call it a hotel, and some call it a house of prostitution. I call it a house of prostitution.'"
- Trial Of The Men Who Worked Bayonne (1881 June 2)
- The arrest of his brother John Jacob Lindauer. "Frederick Lindauer, the brother of Jacob, went to the house with us, but did not go in."
- Lottery Agents Arrested (1879 November 12)
- The "... arrest of C. F. Lindauer".
- State Notes (1873 April 12)
- "Charles Lindauer, who has been confined in the Essex County Jail for nearly two years, sentenced for passing counterfeit money, was on Tuesday the 1st, pardoned by the President on account of his turning State's evidence. Lindauer was bequeathed $15,000 last month by a deceased uncle." He had no uncle that died and left him money, this is an example of money laundering.
Works about Charles Frederick Lindauer
[edit]This is an experiment to display annotations to the index of articles about a person. An article may only have a single sentence that concerns the targeted person, but if someone were to write a biography of that person, that sentence would provide a key fact.
- Charles F. Lindauer obituary (1921 March 3) Obituary downplaying his role in organized crime. Lindauer was "head of a flourishing business in New York."
- Lexow Committee (1895) Lindauer named during testimony as "small fry" in the numbers game racket.
- News from Jersey City (1889 June 2) Lindauer & Co. used as a front for collecting money from the numbers game.
- A Theatre Closed (1881 December 6) Article struggling to describe his role in the forced takeover of the Theatre Comique in Jersey City, New Jersey, the article describes him as "a partner or something".
- The Four Burglars (1881 June 3) Admission that the family operates a house of prostitution in West Hoboken, New Jersey. "The defense then called to the stand Jacob Lindauer, who testified: At the time of my arrest at 141 Mott street; I worked for my brother Fred, at West Hoboken. 'What sort of a place was it?' asked Mr. McGrath. 'Well, some call it a hotel, and some call it a house of prostitution. I call it a house of prostitution.'"
- Four Burglars. Trial Of The Men Who Worked Bayonne (1881 June 2) The arrest of his brother John Jacob Lindauer. "Frederick Lindauer, the brother of Jacob, went to the house with us, but did not go in."
- Lottery Agents Arrested (1879 November 12) The "... arrest of C. F. Lindauer".
- State Notes (1873 April 12) "Charles Lindauer, who has been confined in the Essex County Jail for nearly two years, sentenced for passing counterfeit money, was on Tuesday the 1st, pardoned by the President on account of his turning State's evidence. Lindauer was bequeathed $15,000 last month by a deceased uncle." He had no uncle that died and left him money, this is an example of money laundering.
[edit]The following four candidates were the most voted: